As amended by:

The City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 (Amendment No.22) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 (Amendment No.24) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge (Permitted Parking and Special Parking Area)(Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places)(Consolidation) Order 2004

Cambridgeshire County Council in exercise of the powers under Sections 1(1), 2(1) and (2), 3(2) and 4(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the Act") and all other enabling powers after consultation with the chief officer of police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act hereby make the following Order:

1. This Order shall come into operation on 22nd day of July 1998 and may be cited as the "Cambridgeshire County Council (Bridge Street Area, Cambridge) Order 1998".

2. (i) In this Order -

"Authorised user" means an individual, party or organisation granted authorised user status under the provisions of Article 6 of this Order

"Council" means the Cambridgeshire County Council;

"duly authorized officer" means the Director of Environment and Transport of the Cambridgeshire County Council or his nominee;

"motor vehicle" has the same meaning as stated in Sections 136(1) and 140 of the Act;

"pedal cycle" means a cycle not being a mechanically propelled vehicle;

(ii) Except where otherwise stated, any reference in this Order to a numbered Article or Schedule is a reference to the Article or Schedule bearing that number in this Order.

(iii) The Interpretation Act 1978 shall govern the interpretation of this Order unless the contrary is indicated.

(iv) The restrictions imposed by this Order shall be in addition to and not in derogation from any restriction or requirement imposed by any regulations made or having effect as if made under the Act or by or under any other enactment.

(v) In the case of conflict between the provisions of different Articles in this Order the more restrictive provision shall prevail.

3. Save as provided in Articles 4 and 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a police officer in uniform or a traffic warden, cause or permit any vehicle to proceed in the parts of the road referred to in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 1.

3. Save as provided in Article 5 no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a police officer in unifirm or a traffic warden, cause or permit any vehicle to proceed in the parts of the road referred to in Part 2 of Schedule 1

4. Nothing in Article 3 shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any motor vehicle being used by or on behalf of an authorised user to proceed on or in the part of the road referred to in Part 1 of Schedule 1.

5. Nothing in Article 3 shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to proceed on or in the part of the road referred to in Part 2 of Schedule 1 if the vehicle is

(i) a pedal cycle; or

(ii) a motor vehicle so permitted by a police officer in uniform or a traffic warden or a duly authorised officer.

6. The Director of Environment and Transport of the Council or his nominee may at his absolute discretion grant authorised user status in compliance with criteria approved by the Council to exempt a motor vehicle being used by or on behalf of an authorised user from the restrictions imposed by Article 3 insofar as it applies to the part of road referred to in Part 1 of Schedule 1.

7. Schedule 1 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby revoked insofar as it applies to Parking Place numbers 1-3 inclusive.

8. Part 2 of Schedule 2 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though for the words:

"Bridge Street On its south west side from its junction with Magdalene Street southeastwards for a distance of 17.5 metres"

and the words:

"Bridge Street On its southwest side from its junction with St. John's Street northwards for a distance of 31.4 metres"

were substituted the following words:

"Bridge Street On its south west side between its junctions with Magdalene Street and St. John's Street
Quayside Access Road adjacent to 32 Bridge Street Both sides from its junction with the north east kerb line of Bridge Street to its junction with the archway access to the Quayside Development".

9. Part 1 of Schedule 3 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

"Bridge Street On the north east side between points 30 metres and 53 metres south east of its junction with Thompson's Lane
Quayside Access Road adjacent to 32 Bridge Street Both sides from its junction with the north east kerb line of Bridge Street to its junction with the archway access to the Quayside Development".

10. Schedule 9 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

"5 All that part of the south west side of Bridge Street which is bounded on the south west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 35 metres south east of its junction with St. John's Street south eastwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres " . 1

11. Schedule 13 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

No. of parking place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of the specified highway is designated as a disabled parking place
Column 1Column 2
"4 All that part of the north side of ROUND CHURCH STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 77.5 metres east of its junction with Bridge Street eastwards for a distance of 18 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres" .

12. Part 1 of Schedule 14 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

No. of loading bay Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of the specified highway is designated as a loading bay in which waiting is restricted 24 hours a day
Column 1Column 2
" 9 All that part of the northeast side of BRIDGE STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21.5 metres northwest of the northwest kerbline of Round Church Street for a distance of 24.5 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.5 metres " .

13. Part 1 of Schedule 16 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby revoked insofar as it applies to Thompson's Lane.

14. Part 1 of Schedule 17 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

Column 1Column 2
"PARK STREETFrom Round Church Street" .

15. Part 3 of Schedule 17 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby revoked insofar as it applies to Round Church Street.

16. Part 6 of Schedule 17 to the City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1991 (Amendment No. 7) Order 1993 is hereby revoked insofar as it refers to the words "Chesterton Lane From Magdalene Street".

17. Part 2 of Schedule 23 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

"BRIDGE STREET On its south west side between points 17 metres and 36 metres south east of its junction with Thompson's Lane
BRIDGE STREET On its north east side between points 12 metres and 30 metres south east of its junction with Thompson's Lane " .

18. Article 21 of the County of Cambridgeshire (Northern Historic City Centre, Cambridge) (Pedestrian Zone and Peripheral Streets) Order 1993 is hereby revoked.

19. Article 23 of the County of Cambridgeshire (Northern Historic City Centre, Cambridge) (Pedestrian Zone and Peripheral Streets) Order 1993 is hereby varied and shall have effect as though for the words:

"Bridge Street the south west side from its junction with St. John's Street in a north westerly direction for a distance of 90 metres"

were substituted the following words:

"Bridge Street the south west side from its junction with St. John's Street in a north westerly direction to a point 48 metres southeast of the centreline of Magdalene Bridge" .

20. Article 32 of the County of Cambridgeshire (Northern Historic City Centre, Cambridge) (Pedestrian Zone and Peripheral Streets) Order 1993 is hereby revoked insofar at it applies to Bridge Street.

21. Article 33 of the County of Cambridgeshire (Northern Historic City Centre, Cambridge) (Pedestrian Zone and Peripheral Streets) Order 1993 is hereby varied and shall have effect as though in Schedule 14 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 loading bay No. 3 was deleted.

22. Schedule 27 to the City of Cambridge Area Z (Consolidation) Order 1991 as amended is hereby varied and shall have effect as though the following words were added:

"2 All that part of the southwest side of BRIDGE STREET which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 101 metres northwest of the centreline of Portugal Place for a distance of 6 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres ".

The COMMON SEAL of CAMBRIDGESHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL was hereunto affixed this 8th day of July 1998 in the presence of:



Part of road on or in which no vehicles except for motor vehicles used by or on behalf of authorised users are permitted to proceed

Bridge Street That part which lies between points 23 metres and 25 metres south east of its junction with Thompson's Lane and which is bounded on the north east side and south west side by traffic islands


Part of road on or in which no vehicles except pedal cycles are permitted to proceed

Park Street That part which lies between points 5 metres and 7 metres south of its junction with New Park Street