As amended by:

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.11) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.5) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.1) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.2) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.4) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.6) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.7) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.9) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.10) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.8) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.13) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.14) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.19) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.12) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.3) Order 1993

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.17) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.16) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.23) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.15) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.22) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.21) Order 1994

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.25) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.A) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.29) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.26) Order 1995

The County of Cambridgeshire (Fitzroy Street and Burleigh Street, Cambridge) (Prohibition of Cycling) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.A) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.28) Order 1995

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.30) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.33) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.32) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.35) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.36) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.37) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.38) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.31) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.43) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.39) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.41) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.42) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.44) Order 1996

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.46) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.49) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.50) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.53) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.51) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.54) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.55) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.57) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.52) Order 1997

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.56) Order 1998

Cambridgeshire County Council (Bridge Street Area, Cambridge) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.58) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.59) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.61) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.63) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.65) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.66) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.62) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.64) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.69) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.60) Order 1998

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.68) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.72) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.70) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.74) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.76) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.78) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.79) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.80) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.81) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 83) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.82) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.84) Order

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.71) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.88) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.90) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 85A) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.73) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.89) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.91) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.93) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.91) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.96) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 95) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 99) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.77) Order 1999

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 98) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.97) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.94) Order 2000

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 100) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 104) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 109) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 102) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 112) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.115) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 106) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.113) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 108) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 110) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 103) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 105) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 111) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 107) Order 2001

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.121) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 122) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 117) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 116) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 120) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 126) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 124) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 126) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 128) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.) Order 2002

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.127A) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.127) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.130) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.131) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 133) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.135) Order 2003

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 139) Order 2004

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.140) Order 2004

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 141) Order 2004

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 142) Order 2004

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 143) Order 2004

The City of Cambridge (Permitted Parking and Special Parking Area)(Waiting Restrictions and Street Parking Places)(Consolidation) Order 2004

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 145) Order 2006

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.149) Order 2006

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.152) Order 2007

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.154) Order 2007

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.153) Order 2007

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 147) Order 2006

The City of Cambridge Area (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.) Order 2006

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 155) Order 2010

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 156) Order 2010

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 157) Order 2011

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No. 158) Order 2011

Cambridgeshire County Council (Various Streets, Cambridge) (Bus Lanes) Order 2014

The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993 (Amendment No.161) Order 2016

Cambridgeshire County Council City of Cambridge (Bus Gate) Order 2016

Cambridge City Council ("the Council") in pursuance of arrangements made under Section 101 of the Local Government Act 1972 with Cambridgeshire County Council in exercise of the powers of the said County Council under Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 19, 32, 35, 45, 46, 63, 64 and Part IV of Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 ("the Act of 1984") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Part III of Schedule 9 to the Act of 1984 hereby make the following Order:



1 This Order shall come into operation for all purposes on the 17th day of January 1994 and may be cited as The City of Cambridge Area A (Consolidation) Order 1993.


2(1) In this Order, except where the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meaning as hereby respectively assigned to them:

“authorised user” means those bodies, parties, organisations or individuals granted authorised user status under the criteria approved by the Director of Environment and Transport of Cambridgeshire County Council

"boxed area" means any area of the carriageways of the roads specified in Schedule 20 to this Order being areas at or near the junctions specified in the said Schedule 20 and marked by the appropriate traffic sign;

"bus/cycle lane" means an area of a carriageway which is bounded by the kerbline thereof and a longitudinal white line placed on the carriageway 3 metres from the said kerbline in compliance with diagram 1049 of the Traffic Sign Regulations and General Directions 1981;.

“bus/cycle lane” means an area of carriageway which is bounded by the kerbline thereof and a longitudinal white line placed on the carriageway not less than 3 metres and not greater than 4 metres from the said kerbline in compliance with diagram 1049 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994

“bus layover permit” means a permit issued by Cambridgeshire County Council to any local bus operator operating local scheduled services for the purposes of waiting in the public service vehicle parking places specified in Part 2 of Schedule 15

"bus stop" means an area on a highway which is bounded by a marking shown in diagram 1025 in Schedule 2 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1981;

"business proprietor" means:

(i) the proprietor of a business, school or shop, or an employee nominated by the proprietor without any off-street parking places attached thereto the postal address of which is in the streets or parts of streets described in Parts 5,6,7,8,9 and 10(4) of Schedule 12 to this Order; or

(ii) the proprietor of a school or an employee nominated by the proprietor' without any off-street parking places attached thereto the postal address of which is in the streets or parts of streets described in Part 1 of Schedule 11 to this Order;

except for those streets or parts of streets described in Part 11 of Schedule 12 to this Order

"conference" means a meeting of persons of one day or longer in duration taking place within premises owned or occupied by a college;

"conference permit" means a permit issued under the provisions of Article 164 of this Order;

"conference permit holder" means a person to whom a conference permit has been issued;

"college" means an educational establishment as specified in Part 1 of Schedule 26 to this Order;

"cycle lane" means the area of carriageway bounded by the kerb line of a road and by a longitudinal white line 150mm wide in compliance with diagram 1049 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1981 and placed on the said carriageway 1.5 metres from the said kerb line;

“cycle lane” means the area of carriageway bounded by the kerb line of a road and by a longitudinal white line 150 mm wide in compliance with Diagram 1049 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1984 and placed on the said carriageway not less than 1.0 metres and not greater than 1.5 metres from the said kerbline

"disabled person's badge" and "disabled person's vehicle" have the same meanings as stated in Section 2 of The Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England & Wales) Regulations 1986;

"disabled person's parking place" means an area of a highway designated as a parking place for disabled person's vehicles by Article 106 of this Order;

"doctor parking place" means an area of a highway designated as a parking place by Article 57 of this Order for the leaving of a vehicle by a legally qualified medical practitioner;

"driver" means, in relation to a vehicle waiting in a parking place, the person driving the vehicle at the time it was left in the parking place;

"goods" includes postal packets of any description; and "delivering" and "collecting" in relation to any goods includes checking the goods for the purpose of their delivery or collection;

"goods vehicle" means a motor vehicle which is constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of goods or burden of any description, and is not drawing a trailer;

"hackney carriage" means a vehicle as defined in Section 38 of the Vehicles (Excise) Act 1971 and duly licensed by the Council pursuant to its powers under Section 37 of the Town Police Clauses Act 1857 as amended by Section 16 of the Transport Act 1985;

"invalid carriage" has the same meaning as defined in Section 136(5) of the Act of 1984;

"legally qualified medical practitioner" has the same meaning as in Schedule 6 paragraph 11 of the Medical Act 1983

"loading bay" means a parking place designated as a loading bay by Article 113 of this Order;

“medical practitioner” means a person who provides medically associated services at the surgeries listed in Schedule 9 Part 2(2) to this Order

"motor cycle" means a bicycle propelled by mechanical power with or without a sidecar attached thereto;

"motor cycle parking place" means a part of a road designated for use by Article 45 of this Order as a parking place for bicycles propelled by mechanical power and not having a sidecar attached thereto;

"motor vehicle" has the same meaning as stated in Sections 136(1) and 140 of the Act of 1984;

“offset cycle lane” means any area of carriageway which is comprised within and bounded on either side by a road marking complying with Diagram 1049 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1994 placed on the said carriageway

"one way street" means a highway in which vehicles are prohibited at all times from proceeding in any other than one direction;

"owner" means, in relation to the vehicle, the person by whom the vehicle is kept and used;

"parking bay" means a space in a parking place which is provided for the leaving of a vehicle as indicated by the use of appropriate traffic signs;

"parking meter" means an apparatus of a type and design approved by the Secretary of State for the purpose of this Order being apparatus designed to indicate:

(a) whether the initial charge referred to in Article 7 of this Order has been paid and whether the period for which it has been paid has elapsed, or

(b) whether the period referred to in Article 9 of this Order has elapsed

"parking place" means an area on a highway designated as a parking place by Article 3 of this Order;

"parking place without charge" means an area on a highway designated as a parking place by Article 155 of this Order;

"parking space" means a space in a parking place which is provided for the leaving of a vehicle;

"passenger vehicle" means any motor vehicle adapted for the carrying of passengers not being a public service vehicle;

"pedal cycle" means a bicycle not being a mechanically propelled vehicle and excludes a pedal tricycle;

"pedal cycle parking place" means a part of a road designated by Article 74 of this Order;

"permit" means a permit issued under the provisions of Articles 70(3)(a), 88(4)(a), 88(5), 142(e) of this Order;

"permit holders" means a person to whom a permit has been issued under the provisions of Articles 70(3)(a), 88(4)(a), 88(5), 142(e) of this Order ;

"permitted hours" means the period between 9.00am and 5.00pm on Monday to Saturday inclusive, any such day not being Christmas Day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday being a public holiday;

"private hire car" means a vehicle being a motor vehicle constructed or adapted to carry fewer than 8 passengers other than a hackney carriage and duly licensed pursuant to Section 48 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976;

"prohibited hours" means in relation to any prohibited road specified in all Parts of Schedule 3 to this Order, the periods which are specified in the said schedules;

"prohibited road" means any road or part of a road specified in all Parts of Schedule 3 to this Order provided that the expression "prohibited road" shall not for the purposes of Article 28, 29 or 30 of this Order include any parking place;

"public service vehicle" means a vehicle adapted to carry 8 or more passengers used in the provision of a public service not being a hackney carriage or a private hire car;

"public service vehicle parking place" means a parking place designated for public service vehicles by Article 119 of this Order;

"relevant position" means

(i) in the case of a vehicle fitted with a front windscreen, the permit is exhibited thereon either on the near side of and immediately behind the windscreen and with its front facing forward so as to be legible from the outside of the vehicle, or on the dashboard or fascia panel so that the permit is legible from outside the vehicle:

(ii) in the case of a vehicle not fitted with a front windscreen, dashboard or fascia panel, the permit is exhibited in a conspicuous position on the vehicle so that the permit is legible from outside the vehicle

"resident" means

(i) a person whose usual place of abode is at premises the postal address of which is in the streets or part of streets described in all Parts of Schedule 12 to this Order;

(ii) a person who is not an undergraduate of the University of Cambridge and whose usual place of abode is at premises without any off-street parking places attached thereto, the postal address of which is in the streets or parts of streets described in Part 10(3) of Schedule 12 to this Order;

"resident parking place" means an area of a highway designated as a parking place for residents by Article 85 of this Order;

"restricted hours" means in relation to any restricted road specified in all Parts of Schedule 2 to this Order, the periods which are specified in the said schedules;

"restricted road" means any road or part of a road specified in all Parts of Schedule 2 to his Order provided that the expression "restricted road" shall not for the purposes of Article 28, 29 or 30 of this Order include any parking place;

"Samaritan parking place" means an area of an highway designated by Article 58 of this Order for the leaving of a vehicle by an employee of the Samaritans;

"scheduled service" means a service operated to a schedule drawn up from time to time by the County of Cambridgeshire in consultation with the operators of Public Service Vehicles for the operation of local services as defined in Section 2 of the Transport Act 1985;

"school bus" means a vehicle which is constructed or adapted to carry 8 or more passengers and is being used to carry persons to and from school as defined by Section 114(1) of the Education Act 1944;

"telegraphic line" has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications Act 1984;

"ticket machine" means an apparatus of a type and design approved by the Secretary of State for the purpose of this Order being apparatus designed to indicate the time by a clock and to issue numbered tickets indicating payment of a charge, the period in respect of which it has been paid, the day of issue and the time of departure at which the vehicle must leave the parking place;

"traffic sign" means a sign or marking of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under, or having effect as though prescribed or authorised under, the Traffic Sign Regulation and General Directions 1981 and all amendments thereto;

"traffic warden" means a traffic warden employed by a police authority in pursuance of Section 95 of the Act of 1984;

"works bus" means a vehicle which is constructed or adapted to carry 8 or more passengers and which has been provided by an employer for the purpose of carrying persons to and from their place of employment and is being used for such a purpose;

2(2) For the purposes of this Order a vehicle shall be deemed to wait for a period of more than thirty minutes in the same place in any restricted road if any point in that road is below the vehicle or its load (if any) throughout a period exceeding thirty minutes, whether or not the vehicle is moved during that period.

2(3) Any reference in this Order to any enactment shall be construed as a reference to that enactment as amended by any subsequent enactment.

2(4) The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament, and as if for the purposes of Section 17 of that Act this Order were an Act of Parliament and the Orders revoked by Article 56 of this Order were Acts of Parliament thereby repealed.

2(5) The restrictions, prohibitions and requirements imposed by this Order are in addition to and not in derogation of any restriction, prohibition or requirement imposed by any other enactment and any exception or exemption to the provisions of this Order is without prejudice to the provisions of any other enactment.



3 Each area on a highway in the City of Cambridge which is described as a designated parking place in Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order is designated as a parking place with ticket machines.


4 The limits of each parking place and the limits of any parking bay shall be indicated by the Council on the carriageway by appropriate traffic signs. Provided that where a figure is specified in column 3 of Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order in relation to the parking place described in column 2 of the said Parts of the said Schedule there shall at all times be a part or parts of the said area of a total length in metres not less than that figure and of a width equal to the width of the said area in which there shall be no parking bay or place or part of a parking bay or place.


5 Each parking place may be used, subject to the provisions of this Order, for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are passenger vehicles, goods vehicles, motorcycles or disabled person's vehicles.


6 The initial charge for a vehicle left in a parking place during the permitted hours shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be:

6(a) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 2 of Schedule 1 to this Order twenty pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus twenty pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of one hour

6(a) not used

6(b) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 3 and 5 of Schedule 1 to this Order twenty pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus twenty pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of two hours.

6(b) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 3 and 4 of Schedule 1 to this Order twenty pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus twenty pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(c) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 7, 6, 9 and 11 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of two hours.

6(c) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 7 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(d) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 13 and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of one hour.

6(e) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 8 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of four hours.

6(f) specified in Part 12 of Schedule 1 to this Order twenty pence for an initial period of 30 minutes plus twenty pence for a subsequent period of 30 minutes up to a maximum of one hour.

6(g) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 15 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of eight hours.

6. The initial charge for a vehicle left in a parking place during the permitted hours shall, subject as hereinafter provided, be:

6(a) not used

6(b) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 3 and 4 of Schedule 1 to this Order twenty-five pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus twenty-five pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(b) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 3 and 4 of Schedule 1 to this Order thirty pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus thirty pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(b) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 3 and 4 of Schedule 1 to this Order fifty pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus fifty pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(b) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 3, 4 and 5 of Schedule 1 to this Order fifty pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus fifty pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(c) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 7 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(c) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 7 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 10 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 10 minutes up to a maximum of two hours

6(d) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 13 and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of one hour

6(d) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 13 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 10 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 10 minutes up to a maximum of one hour

6(e) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 8 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of four hours

6(e) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 8 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 10 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 10 minutes up to a maximum of four hours

6(f) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 12 of Schedule 1 to this Order twenty pence for an initial period of 30 minutes plus twenty pence for each subsequent period of 30 minutes up to a maximum of one hour

6(f) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 12 of Schedule 1 to this Order thirty pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus thirty pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of one hour

6(f) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 12 of Schedule 1 to this Order fifty pence for an initial period of 20 minutes plus fifty pence for each subsequent period of 20 minutes up to a maximum of one hour

6(g) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 15 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 15 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 15 minutes up to a maximum of eight hours

6(g) for those parking places with ticket machines specified in Part 15 of Schedule 1 to this Order ten pence for an initial period of 10 minutes plus ten pence for each subsequent period of 10 minutes up to a maximum of eight hours


7(1) Upon payment of the charge for a vehicle the driver thereof shall exhibit on the vehicle, in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs (2) and (3) of this Article, a ticket issued by the ticket machine relating to the parking place in which the vehicle is left.

7(2) The ticket referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be exhibited on the vehicle:

7(2)(a) in the case of a two-wheeled motor cycle having a side car attached thereto in a conspicuous position on the near side of the vehicle in front of the driving seat; and

7(2)(b) in the case of any other vehicle:

7(2)(c)(i) where the vehicle is fitted with a front glass windscreen extending across the vehicle to the near side, facing forwards on the near side of the glass of such windscreen behind the glass;

7(2)(c)(ii) where the vehicle is not fitted with a front glass windscreen as specified in (i) above, on the near side of the vehicle facing towards the near side of the road and not less than 0.75 metres and not more than 2 metres above the surface of the carriageway in the immediate vicinity

7(3) The ticket referred to in paragraph (1) of this Article shall be so exhibited on the vehicle that the time of departure shown on the front of the said ticket is clearly visible to a person standing at the near side of the vehicle.


8(1) If a vehicle is left in a parking place specified in all Parts of Schedule 1 to this Order during the permitted hours for longer than the initial period for which payment was made by the initial charge, the initial charge together with an additional amount of twenty pounds (which additional amount is hereinafter referred to as the "excess charge") shall be payable.

8(2) In the case of vehicle in respect of which an excess charge may have been incurred, it shall be the duty of a traffic warden to attach to the vehicle in a conspicuous position a notice which shall include the following particulars:-

8(2)(a) the registration mark of the vehicle or, where the vehicle is being used under a trade licence, the number of the trade plate carried by the vehicle;

8(2)(b) the time at which he or she first noticed that the numbered ticket indicated in the manner specified in Article 13 of this Order that the initial period, for which payment was made by the initial charge, had expired;

8(2)(c) a statement showing the amount of excess charge required to be paid;

8(2)(d) the manner in which, and the time within which, the excess charge should be paid; and

8(2)(e) a statement that it is an offence under Section 47 of the Act of 1984 for the driver of a vehicle who has left the vehicle in a parking place to fail duly to pay the excess charge.


9 The period for which a vehicle may be left in a parking place during the permitted hours after the excess charge has been incurred shall not exceed two hours.


10 Where a notice has been attached to a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Article 8(2) of this Order, no person, not being the driver of the vehicle, a police constable in uniform, or a traffic warden, shall remove the notice from the vehicle unless authorised to do so by the driver.


11 The excess charge shall be paid to the Council either by cheque, bankers' draft, money order or postal order which shall be delivered or sent by post so as to reach the City Treasurer's Department of the Council at the Guildhall, Cambridge, CB2 3QJ not later than 4.30pm on the seventh day following the day on which the excess charge was incurred or in cash in person at the said Department not later than as aforesaid, provided that, if the said seventh day falls upon a day on which the said Department is closed, the period with in which payment of the said charge shall be made to the Council shall be extended until 4.30pm on the next full day on which the said Department is open.


12 There shall be a ticket machine on or in the vicinity of each parking place specified in Part 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order.


13 For those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order:

13(a) the payment of the initial charge for a vehicle left in a parking place shall be indicated by the issue by the ticket machine relating to the parking place in which the vehicle is left of a numbered ticket indicating that the charge has been paid and the day of issue and time of departure being the time at which the vehicle must leave the parking place and by exhibition of that ticket on the vehicle in the manner specified in Article 7

13(b) the expiry of the initial period for which the charge has been paid shall be indicated when there is exhibited on the vehicle a ticket issued by the ticket machine relating to the parking place in which the vehicle is left showing the day of issue, payment of the charge and time of departure, and the time shown on the clock on the said ticket machine is later than the time of departure shown on the said exhibited ticket.


14 For those parking places with ticket machines specified in Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order:

14(a) if at any time while a vehicle is left in a parking place during the permitted hours no ticket is exhibited on that vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Article 13(a), unless the provisions of Article 25 apply, it shall be presumed unless the contrary is proved that the charge has not been duly paid and the initial charge together with the excess charge shall be payable;

14(b) if at any time while a vehicle is left in a parking place during the permitted hours the clock on the ticket machine relating to the parking place in which the vehicle is left and the ticket exhibited on the vehicle gives the indication mentioned in Article 13(b) it shall be presumed unless the contrary is proved that the charge has been duly paid and that the period for which payment was made by the charge has already expired and that indication shall:

14(b)(i) in any proceedings for an offence of Section 47 of the Act of 1984 of leaving a vehicle in the parking place for longer after the excess charge has been incurred than the time authorised by Article 9 of this Order be evidence that it was so left;

14(b)(ii) in any proceedings for an offence under Section 47 of the Act of 1984 of failing duly to pay the excess charge be evidence that the charge was incurred


15 No person shall insert in the ticket machine relating to the parking place in which a vehicle is left any coins additional to the coin or coins inserted by way of payment of the initial charge in respect of vehicle.


16 No vehicle which has been taken away from a parking place, after the initial charge has been incurred, shall until the expiration of one hour from the time it was taken away again be left in that parking place during the permitted hours.


17 Every vehicle left in a parking place in respect of which a charge has been incurred shall so stand that:

17(a) in the case of a parking place in relation to which special provisions as to the manner of standing of vehicles in that place are specified in column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Order, as to be in accordance with those provisions; or

17(b) in the case of any other parking place:

17(b)(i) if the parking place is not in a one-way street, so that the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway; or

17(b)(ii) if the parking place is in a one-way street, so that the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway or the right or off side of the vehicle is adjacent to the right-hand edge of the carriageway; and

17(b)(iii) so that the distance between the edge of the carriageway and the nearest wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches; and

17(c) in the case of each parking place with ticket machines every part of the vehicle is within the limits of the said parking place being the appropriate parking place to the ticket machine in which has been or should have been inserted any coin or coins for the purpose of payment of the initial charge.


18 Where any vehicle is standing in a parking place in contravention of the provisions of the last preceding Article or of the provisions of Article 25(3) of this Order a traffic warden or a police constable in uniform may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order its position shall comply with those provisions.


19 Where a traffic warden or a police constable in uniform is of the opinion that any of the provisions contained in Article 4, 9, 15, 16 or 23(2) of this Order have been contravened or not complied with in respect of a vehicle left in a parking place, he or she may remove or cause to be removed the vehicle from the parking place, and where it is so removed, shall provide for the safe custody of the vehicle.


20 A police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may move or cause to be moved, in case of emergency, to any place he or she thinks fit, any vehicle left in a parking place.


21(1) Any person duly authorised by the Council or Chief Officer of Police may suspend the use of a parking place or any part thereof whenever it is considered such suspension is reasonably necessary:

21(1)(a) for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety;

21(1)(b) for the purpose of any building operation, demolition or excavation in or adjacent to the parking place or the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of the parking place or the laying, erection, alteration, removal or repair in or adjacent to the parking place of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telegraphic line, traffic sign, parking meter or ticket machine.

21(1)(c) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place on any occasion of the removal of furniture from one office or dwelling house to another or the removal of furniture from such premises to a depository or to such premises from a depository;

21(1)(d) on any occasion on which it is likely by reason of some special attraction that any street will be thronged or obstructed; or

21(1)(e) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place at times of weddings or funerals, or on other special occasions.

21(2) A police constable in uniform may suspend for not longer than twenty-four hours the use of a parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety.

21(3) Any person suspending the use of a parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of this Article shall thereupon:

21(3)(i) where the use of all parking spaces within a parking place relating to a ticket machine have been suspended, place or cause to be placed over the ticket machine relating to those parking spaces a hood or other cover indicating that the use of the parking place is suspended and that waiting by vehicles is prohibited; and

21(3)(ii) when the use of any part or parts of a parking place has been suspended, place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to that part or those parts a traffic sign or traffic signs indicating that waiting is prohibited.

21(4) On suspension of the use of a parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article any person duly authorised by the Council may temporarily remove any ticket machine relating to the said parking place or, as the case may be, that part thereof and any post, bracket or other support on which such ticket machine is fitted and shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to that parking bay a traffic sign giving the indication referred to in paragraph (3) of this Article.

21(5) No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to be left:

21(5)(a) in a parking place during such period as there is over the ticket machine relating to that parking place a hood or other cover indicating that the use of the bay is suspended or during such period as there is in or adjacent to that bay a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (4) of this Article;

21(5)(b) in any part of a parking place not being a parking bay during such period as there is in or adjacent to that part of the parking place a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (3)(i) and (3)(ii) of this Article, or in any part of the parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to that part of the parking place a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (3)(i) and (3)(ii) or (4) of this Article. Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or any vehicle being used for any purpose specified in Article 23(1)(b), (d) or (e) of this Order to be left in the parking bay, parking place, or part thereof during such periods referred to in this paragraph, or to any other vehicle so left if that vehicle is left with the permission:

21(5)(b)(i) of the person suspending the use of the parking place or the part thereof in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article; or

21(5)(b)(ii) of a police constable in uniform; or

21(5)(b)(iii) of a traffic warden.


22 No person shall use any vehicle, while it is in a parking place in connection with the sale of any article to any person in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for sale of his or her skill in handicraft or his or her services in any other capacity. Provided that nothing in this Article shall prevent the sale of goods from a vehicle:

22(a) if the vehicle is one which may be left in a parking place in accordance with Article 3 of this Order and the goods are immediately delivered at or taken into premises adjacent to the parking place in which the vehicle is left and from which the sale is affected; or

22(b) if the vehicle is one to which the provisions of Article 23(1)(h) or (j) of this Order apply.


23(1) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Order with respect to vehicles left in a parking place in accordance with those provisions, any vehicle may wait during the permitted hours anywhere on the carriageway in a parking place, other than a parking place or part of a parking place the use of which has been suspended, if:

23(1)(a) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as is necessary to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle;

23(1)(b) the vehicle is waiting owing to the driver being prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or such waiting being necessary in order to avoid accident;

23(1)(c) the vehicle is a vehicle used for fire brigade purposes or an ambulance, or a vehicle (other than a passenger vehicle) in the service of a local authority or a vehicle in the service of a police force in either case being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties;

23(1)(d) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as maybe necessary to enable it to be used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

23(1)(e) the vehicle is in the service of or employed by the Post Office and is waiting while postal packets addressed to premises adjacent to the parking place in which the vehicle is waiting are being unloaded from the vehicle, or, having been unloaded therefrom, are being delivered or while postal packets are being collected from premises or posting boxes adjacent to the parking place in which the vehicle is waiting, or is in use in connection with the servicing of telephone kiosks adjacent to the parking place;

23(1)(f) the vehicle not being a passenger vehicle is waiting only for so long as may be reasonably necessary to enable it to be used for any purpose specified in Article 21(1)(b) of this Order;

23(1)(g) the vehicle not being a passenger vehicle is in actual use in connection with the removal of furniture from one office or dwellinghouse to another or the removal of furniture from such premises to a depository or to such premises from a depository;

23(1)(h) the vehicle is waiting other than in a parking space within a parking place with ticket machines if goods are being sold or offered for sale from the vehicle by a person who is licensed by the Council to sell goods from a stationary pitch situated in the parking place;

23(1)(i) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as is necessary to enable it to be used in connection with posting or removing advertising material in the form of posters on or from, or cleaning windows or chimneys in, premises adjacent to the parking place in which the vehicle is waiting; or

23(1)(j) in any other case the vehicle is waiting for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or merchandise, including, so far as a Bank is concerned, cash or other valuables or valuable securities, or loading or unloading the vehicle at premises adjacent to the parking place in which the vehicle is waiting and the vehicle not being a goods vehicle does not wait for such purpose for more than thirty minutes or for such longer period as a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may authorise, or, being a goods vehicle does not so wait for more than thirty minutes or such longer periods as aforesaid if it is in any part of a parking place.

23(2) No charge specified in the foregoing provisions of this Order shall be payable in respect of any vehicle waiting in a parking place in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article.

23(3) Except as provided in the foregoing provisions of this Article, the driver of a vehicle shall not cause or permit the vehicle to wait in a parking place during the permitted hours.

23(4) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Article shall be taken as authorising anything which would be a contravention of any regulations made or having effect as if made under Section 25 of the Act of 1984.


24 A person causing or permitting a vehicle to wait in a parking place by virtue of the provisions of sub-paragraph (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) or (j) in paragraph (1) of the last preceding Article shall take all such steps as are necessary to ensure:

24(a)(i) in the case of a parking place in relation to which special provisions as to the manner of standing of vehicles in place are specified in column 2 of Schedule 1 to this Order the vehicle shall so stand:

24(a)(ii) that every part of the vehicle is within the limits of the parking place; or

24(a)(iii) that the longitudinal axis of the vehicle is parallel to the edge of the carriageway nearest to the vehicle and the distance between the said edges and the nearest wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches; and

24(b) in the case of any other parking place, that the longitudinal axis of the vehicle is parallel to the edge of the carriageway nearest to the vehicle and the distance between the said edge and the nearest wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches.


25(1) If at the time when a vehicle is left during the permitted hours in a parking place with ticket machines, there is on all the ticket machines relating to that parking place a notice placed by any person duly authorised by the Council, or a traffic warden, indicating the ticket machine is out of order, that vehicle shall be exempt from the initial charge provided it is removed:

25(1)(a) in the case of a parking place specified in Part 2, 12, 13 and 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order within one hour after the said meter or ticket machine is rectified;

25(1)(b) in the case of a parking place specified in Parts 3, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 of Schedule 1 to this Order within two hours after the said meter or ticket machine is rectified;

25(1)(c) in the case of a parking place specified in Part 8 of Schedule 1 to this Order within four hours after the said meter or ticket machine is rectified;

25(1)(d) in the case of a parking place specified in Part 15 of Schedule 1 to this Order within eight hours after the said meter or ticket machine is rectified;

If the vehicle is not removed within such period the initial charge payable in respect of such period shall be treated as having been incurred and paid at the time when the vehicle was left in the parking place and all the provisions of this Section of this Order shall apply accordingly.

25(2) A disabled person's vehicle left in parking places during the permitted hours shall be exempt from the payment of any charge or compliance with any limitation of time during which a vehicle may be left in a parking place specified in the foregoing provisions of this Order.

25(3) Without prejudice to the generality of this Article, a vehicle to which this Article applies shall stand in the parking bay in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of this Order.


26 The Council may:

26(a) install in such position in or in the vicinity of a parking place as they may think fit such ticket machines as are required by this Section of this Order for the purposes of the parking place; and

26(b) carry out such other work as is authorised by this Section of this Order or is reasonably required for the purposes of the satisfactory operation of a parking place.


27(1) The parking places specified in Parts 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 13 and 15 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.00am to 5.00pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.

27(1) The parking places specified in Parts 3, 7, 8, 12, 13 and 15 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.00am to 5.00pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.

27(2) The parking places specified in Parts 5 and 6 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the dates of operation are from 1st October of one year until 31st March of the following year.

27(2) The parking places specified in Part 4 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.30am to 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays inclusive and from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays.

27(2)(a) The parking places specified in Part 4 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.30 am to 5.00 pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive

27(2)(b) The parking places specified in Part 5 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the dates of operation are from 1st October of one year until 31st March of the following year

27(3) The parking places specified in Part 9 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.30am to 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays inclusive and from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays.

27(3) The parking places specified in Part 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.30am to 4.00pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.

27(4) The parking places specified in Part 11 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.00am to 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays inclusive.

27(5) The parking places specified in Part 16 of Schedule 1 to this Order operate under the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order in all respects except that the hours of operation are from 9.30am to 4.00pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.

27(6) Parking places numbers 12A and 12B specified in Part 3 of Schedule 1 to this Order shall be suspended on Easter Saturday and the Saturday following and on all Saturdays in July and on the first three Saturdays in August during the period Part 7 of Schedule 16 to this Order remains in force



28 Save as provided in Articles 29 and 30 of this Order, no person shall, except upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform, cause or permit any vehicle other than a pedal cycle to wait in any restricted road during the restricted hours.


29(1) Nothing in Article 28 of this Order shall prevent any person from causing or permitting a vehicle to wait in any restricted road:

29(1)(a) for so long as may be necessary to enable a person to board or alight from a vehicle;

29(1)(b) for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road, to be used in connection with any funeral, building operation, demolition or excavation in or adjacent to any restricted road, the removal of any obstruction to traffic in any restricted road, the maintenance, improvement or reconstruction of any restricted road, or the laying, erection, alteration, removal or repair in or adjacent to any restricted road, of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity, or of any telegraphic line, traffic sign or parking meter;

29(1)(c) if the vehicle is a vehicle used for fire brigade purposes or an ambulance, or any vehicle in the service of a local authority or police force in either case being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties;

29(1)(d) if the vehicle is a hackney carriage waiting upon any duly authorised taxi rank;

29(1)(e) if the vehicle is waiting owing to the driver being prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or to such waiting being necessary in order to avoid accident;

29(1)(f) if the vehicle is in the service of or employed by the Post Office and is waiting while postal packets addressed to premises adjacent to that road are being unloaded from the vehicle, or, having been unloaded therefrom, are being delivered or while postal packets are being collected from premises or posting boxes adjacent to that road, or is in use in connection with the servicing of telephone kiosks adjacent to that road;

29(1)(g) for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle to take on petrol, oil, water or air from any garage situated on or adjacent to any restricted road;

29(1)(h) for so long as may be necessary to enable the vehicle, if it cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road, to be used in connection with posting or removing advertising material in the form of poster on or from, or cleaning windows or chimneys in, premises adjacent to that road; or

29(1)(i) for the purpose of loading or unloading the vehicle while the vehicle is in actual use in connection with the removal of furniture from one office or dwelling-house to another or the removal of furniture from such premises to a depository or to such premises from a depository, except that no vehicle shall wait for any such purpose during the period between 8.30am and 6.30pm on any day insofar as any such period falls within the restricted hours in any part of a restricted road specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 2 to this Order unless notice is given twenty-four hours in advance to the police and their consent is obtained

29(1)(j) for a maximum period of three hours (not being a period separated by an interval of less than one hour from a previous period of waiting by the same vehicle in the same road or part of road on the same day) if the vehicle is a disabled person's vehicle.


30(1) Nothing in Article 28 of this Order shall prevent any person from causing or permitting a vehicle to wait in any restricted road for so long as may be necessary for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or merchandise or loading and unloading a vehicle at premises adjoining that road; provided that:

30(1)(a) no vehicle (other than a goods vehicle) engaged in delivering or collecting goods or merchandise, or being loaded or unloaded shall wait during the restricted hours in the same place in any restricted road for a period of more than ten minutes or such longer period as a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may authorise;

30(1)(b) no vehicle shall wait during the prohibited hours in any part of a prohibited road specified in all Parts of Schedule 3 to this Order for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or merchandise or loading or unloading the vehicle; and

30(1)(c) nothing in either of the preceding provisos shall apply so as to restrict the loading or unloading of any vehicle while the vehicle is in actual use in connection with the collection or delivery of goods which cannot reasonably be loaded or unloaded outside the restricted or prohibited hours provided notice is given twenty-four hours in advance to the police and their consent is obtained.

30(1)(c) nothing in either of the preceding provisos shall apply so as to restrict the loading or unloading of any vehicle while the vehicle is in actual use in connection with the collection or delivery of goods which cannot reasonably be loaded or unloaded outside the restricted or prohibited hours provided notice is given twenty-four hours in advance to the police and their consent is obtained or if the vehicle is in the service of or employed by the Post Office and is waiting while postal packets are being collected from or delivered to the Post Office at no. 33 Regent Street.

30(2) Notwithstanding anything in paragraph (1) of this Article, the driver of a vehicle waiting for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or merchandise or loading or unloading the vehicle shall move the vehicle on the instruction of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden whenever such moving may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of preventing obstruction.



31 Save as provided in Articles 32, 33 and 34 no person shall except upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden cause or permit any vehicle to wait for the periods specified in all Parts of Schedule 4 to this Order in the lengths of roads specified in the said Schedule 4 to this Order.

32 Nothing in Article 31 shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to wait in the lengths of roads specified in the said Schedule 4 for so long as may be necessary:

32(a) to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle;

32(b) to enable a person to load on or unload personal luggage from the vehicle;

32(c) to enable the closing of any gate or other barrier at the entrance of premises to which the vehicle requires access or from which it has emerged if it is not reasonably practicable for the vehicle to wait otherwise than in the specified length of road while such gate or barrier is opened or closed.

33 Nothing in Article 31 shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing or permitting any vehicle to wait during the periods specified in all Parts of Schedule 4 to this Order in the lengths of roads specified in the said Schedule 4 if the vehicle is being used:

33(a) in connection with any building operation or demolition in or adjacent to the specified lengths of roads, the removal of any obstruction to traffic, the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the specified lengths of roads, or the laying erection alteration or repair in, or adjacent to the specified lengths of roads of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water, or electricity or of any telegraphic line;

33(b) for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes;

33(c) in the service of a local authority or Water Authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties in or adjacent to the specified lengths of roads;

33(d) for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Section 87 of the Post Office Act 1953.

34 Nothing in Article 31 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a vehicle to wait in any case where the person in control of it:

34(a) is required by law to stop;

34(b) is obliged to stop in order to prevent an accident; or

34(c) is prevented from proceeding by circumstances outside that person's control.

34(d) has stopped within a layby constructed between the edge of the carriageway of the specified road and the highway boundary.

35 In any case of conflict between the provisions of this Section of this Order and the provisions of any other Sections of this Order and in particular where the exemptions granted by this Section are more restrictive than any other exemptions granted by any other Section the provisions of this Section shall prevail; provided that the provisions of Section 5 of this Order shall prevail insofar as those provisions relate to bus stops in the lengths of roads specified in all Parts of Schedule 4 to this Order.



36 Save as provided in Article 37 of this Order, no person shall except upon the direction of, or with the permission of, a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden, cause or permit any vehicle, other than a public service vehicle to wait during the hours between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. on any day in any bus stop in any of the lengths of, or on either of the sides of, the roads or parts of roads specified in Schedule 5 to this Order.

36(1) Save as provided in Article 37 of this Order, no person shall except upon the direction of, or with the permission of, a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden, cause or permit any vehicle, other than a public service vehicle to wait during the hours between 7am and 7pm on any day in any bus stop in any of the lengths of, or on either of the sides of, the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 5 to this Order.

36(2) Save as provided in Article 37 of this Order, no person shall except upon the direction of, or with the permission of, a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden, cause or permit any vehicle, other than a public service vehicle to wait at any time on any day in any bus stop in any of the lengths of, or on either of the sides of, the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 2 of Schedule 5 to this Order.

37 Nothing in Article 36 of this Order shall render it unlawful for a person to cause or permit a vehicle to wait in a bus stop:

37(a) if the vehicle is being used for the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

37(b) if the vehicle is being used in the service of a local authority or with the permission of a local authority in exercise of statutory powers or duties and whilst so being used in such service it is necessary for the vehicle to wait in that bus stop;

37(c) in any case where the person in control of the vehicle is required by law to stop or is obliged to do so in order to avoid an accident, or is prevented from proceeding by circumstances outside his control; or

37(d) if the vehicle is being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes.

38 In any case of conflict between the provisions of this Section of this Order and the provisions of any other Sections of this Order and in particular where the exemptions granted by this Section are more restrictive than any other exemptions granted by any other Section the provisions of this Section shall prevail.



39 Save as provided in Article 40 and 41 of this Order no person shall cause any vehicle to proceed in any road or part of road specified in column 1 of Schedule 6 to this Order in a direction other than specified, in relation to that road or part of road, in column 2 of the said Schedule 6.


40 Nothing in Article 39 of this Order shall apply to the driving of any mechanical road cleansing vehicle being used in pursuance of statutory powers or to anything done with the permission of a police constable in uniform.

41 Nothing in Article 39 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any pedal cycle to travel in a one way street in the opposite direction to that specified in column 2 of Schedule 6 to this Order in any cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 23 to this Order.



42 No person shall cause any motor vehicle travelling in any direction in the road specified in column 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed beyond the point specified in relation to that road in column 2 of Part 1 of the said Schedule 7.

43(1) No person shall cause any vehicle other than a pedal cycle wheeled by a pedestrian to proceed from the roads specified in column 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 7 to this Order into the roads specified in column 2 of Part 2 of the said Schedule 7.

43(2) No person shall cause any vehicle other than a pedal cycle being ridden or wheeled by a pedestrian to proceed from the roads specified in column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 7 to this Order into the roads specified in column 2 of Part 3 of the said Schedule 7.

43(1) No person shall cause any vehicle other than a pedal cycle wheeled by a pedestrian to proceed from the roads specified in Column 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 7 to this Order into the roads specified in Column 2 of Part 2 of the said Schedule 7.

43(2) No person shall cause any vehicle other than a pedal cycle being ridden or wheeled by a pedestrian to proceed from the roads specified in Column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 7 to this Order into the roads specified in Column 2 of Part 3 of the said Schedule 7.

43(3) No person shall cause any vehicle having a width greater than two metres inclusive of any load on the vehicle travelling in any direction in the road specified in Column 1 of Part 4 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed beyond the point specified in relation to that road in Column 2 of Part 4 of the said Schedule 7.

43(4) No person shall cause any motor vehicle travelling in any direction in the road specified in Column 1 of Part 5 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed beyond the point specified in relation to that road in Column 2 of Part 5 of the said Schedule 7.

43(5) No person shall cause any vehicle having a width greater than two metres inclusive of any load on the vehicle travelling in any direction in the road specified in Column 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed beyond the point specified in relation to that road in Column 2 of Part 6 of the said Schedule 7.

43(6) No person shall cause any motor vehicle travelling in any direction in the road specified in Column 1 of Part 7 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed in road or part of road specified in relation to that road in Column 2 of Part 7 of the said Schedule 7.

43(6) No person shall cause cause any vehicle or pedal cycle travelling in any direction in the road specified in Column 1 of Part 7 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed in the roads or parts of roads specified in relation to that road in Column 2 of Part 7 of the said Schedule 7.

43(7) No person shall cause any vehicle travelling in any direction in the road specified in Column 1 of Part 8 of Schedule 7 to this Order to proceed in the roads or parts of roads specihed in relation to that road in Column 2 of Part 8 of the said Schedule 7.


44 Nothing in Articles 42 and 43 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a vehicle to proceed beyond the points and along the roads specified in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of Schedule 7 to this Order if the vehicle is being used for police, fire, or ambulance purposes.

44(1) Nothing in Articles 42 and 43 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a vehicle to proceed beyond the points and along the roads specified in Parts 1,2,3 and 6 of Schedule 7 to this Order if the vehicle is being used for police, fire or ambulance purposes.

44(2) Nothing in Articles 42 and 43 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a motor vehicle to proceed in the roads and parts of the roads specified in Part 7 of Schedule 7 to this Order if the vehicle is being used by or on behalf of an authorised user

44(2) Nothing in Articles 42 and 43 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to proceed in the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 7 of Schedule 7 to this Order if the vehicle is:

(I) a vehicle being used by or on behalf of an authorised user or

(ii) a pedal cycle proceeding in a mandatory cycle lane

44(2) Nothing in Articles 42 and 43 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to proceed in the roads or parts of roads specified in Parts 7, 8 and of Schedule 7 to this Order if the vehicle is:

(i) a vehicle being used by or on behalf of an authorised user or

(ii) a pedal cycle proceeding in a mandatory cycle lane

44(3) Nothing in Articles 42 and 43 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to proceed in the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 8 of Schedule 7 to this Order if the vehicle is:

(i) a vehicle being used by or on behalf of an Authorised User or

(ii) a pedal cycle



45 Each area of the highway specified in Schedule 8 to this Order is designated as a parking place for motor cycles.


46 Every motor cycle left in a motor cycle parking place shall stand at an angle of 90 degrees to the nearest edge of the carriageway.


47(1) Any person duly authorised by the Council or Chief Officer of Police may suspend the use of a motor cycle parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for any of the purposes or in any of the circumstances specified in Article 21(1) of this Order.

47(2) A police constable in uniform may suspend for not longer than twenty-four hours the use of a motor cycle parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety.

47(3) Any person suspending the use of a motor cycle parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to the parking place or part thereof the use of which is suspended a traffic sign indicating waiting by vehicles is prohibited.

47(4) No person shall cause or permit a motor cycle to be left in any part of a motor cycle parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to part of the parking place a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (3) of this Article, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes to be left in any part of the parking place during such period as is referred to therein, or to any other vehicle so left if that vehicle is left with the permission:

47(4)(i) of the person suspending the use of the parking place or the part thereof in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article;

47(4)(ii) of a police constable in uniform;

47(4)(iii) of a traffic warden.


47(a)(1) Any person duly authorised by the Council or Chief Officer of Police may suspend the use of a motor cycle parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for any of the purposes or in any of the circumstances specified in Article 21(1) of this Order.

47(a)(2) A police constable in uniform may suspend for not longer than twenty-four hours the use of a motor cycle parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety.

47(a)(3) Any person suspending the use of a motor cycle parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to the parking place or part thereof the use of which is suspended a traffic sign indicating waiting by vehicles is prohibited.

47(a)(4) No person shall cause or permit a motor cycle to be left in any part of a motor cycle parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to part of the parking place a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (3) of this Article, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes to be left in any part of the parking place during such period as is referred to therein, or to any other vehicle so left if that vehicle is left with the permission:

47(a)(4)(i) of the person suspending the use of the parking place or the part thereof in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article;

47(a)(4)(ii) of a police constable in uniform;

47(a)(4)(iii) of a traffic warden.


47(b) Parking place number 4 specified in Schedule 8 to this Order shall be suspended on Easter Saturday and the Saturday following and on all Saturdays in July and on the first three Saturdays in August during the period Part 7 of Schedule 16 to this Order remains in force


48 No person shall leave a vehicle in a motor cycle parking place unless it is a motor cycle.


49 The driver of a motor cycle using a motor cycle parking place shall not permit the carrying out of any work of construction or repair except such as may be necessary to enable the motor cycle to be removed from the parking place.


50 The driver of a motor cycle using a motor cycle parking place shall stop the engine as soon as the motor cycle is in position in the parking place and shall not start the engine except when about to change the position of the motor cycle in or about to depart from their parking place.


51 No persons shall use a motor cycle while it is in a motor cycle parking place in connection with the sale of any vehicle or of any other article to persons in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his skill or service.


52 When a motor cycle is left in a motor cycle parking place in contravention of any of the provisions contained in Articles 47(4) or 49 of this Order, or when a vehicle other than a motor cycle is left in a motor cycle parking place in contravention of the provisions of Article 48 of this Order, a police constable or a traffic warden may remove or arrange for the removal of the motor cycle or the vehicle, as the case may be, from the parking place.


53 A police constable or a traffic warden removing a motor cycle or a vehicle other than a motor cycle by virtue of the last preceding Article of this Order may do so by towing or driving the motor cycle or the vehicle, or in such other manner as he or she may think necessary and may take such measures in relation to the motor cycle or the vehicle as he or she may think necessary to enable its removal as aforesaid.


54 When a police constable or a traffic warden removes or make arrangements for the removal of a motor cycle or a vehicle from a motor cycle parking place by virtue of the last preceding Article of this Order,he or she shall make such arrangements as may be reasonably necessary for the safe custody of the motor cycle or vehicle.


55 A police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may move or cause to be moved, in case of emergency, to any place he or she thinks fit, motor cycles left in a parking place.



56 The Orders specified in Schedule 25 to this Order as having effect by virtue of Section 144 and paragraph 1 of Schedule 10 to the Act of 1984, in so far as they affect Area A, are hereby revoked.



57 Each area on a highway described in Schedule 9 to this Order is designated as a doctor parking place.

58 Each area on a highway described in Schedule 10 to this Order is designated as a Samaritan parking place.


59 The number of doctor and Samaritan parking spaces in each parking place shall be the number specified in relation thereto in column 3 of Schedules 9 and 10 to this Order, the situations of such parking spaces in each parking place shall be as may be determined by the Council.


60 Each parking place referred to in Schedules 9 and 10 to this Order may be used, subject to the provisions of this Order, for the leaving at any time of such vehicles as display in the manner specified in Article 61 of this Order a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and relating to that parking place.


61 At all times during which a vehicle is left in a parking place referred to in Schedules 9 and 10 during the permitted hours the driver thereof shall cause to be displayed on the front or near side of the vehicle a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and relating to that parking place so all the particulars referred to in Article 73 of this Order are readily visible from the front or near side of the vehicle.


62 Where any vehicle is standing in a parking place in contravention of the provisions of Article 66 of this Order, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with those provisions.


63 Where a traffic warden or a police constable in uniform is of the opinion that the provisions contained in Article 68(2) of this Order have been contravened he or she may remove or cause to be removed the vehicle from the parking place and, where it is so removed, shall provide for the safe custody of that vehicle.


64 A police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may move or cause to be moved, in case of emergency, to any place he or she thinks fit any vehicle left in a parking place.


65 Where a permit has been displayed on a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of this Section of this Order, no person, not being the driver of the vehicle, shall remove the permit from the vehicle unless authorised to do so by the driver of the vehicle.


66 Every vehicle left in a parking place in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order shall so stand:

66(a) in the case of a parking place in relation to which special provisions as to the manner of standing of a vehicle in that parking place are specified in column 2 of Schedules 9 and 10 as to be in accordance with those provisions;

66(b) in the case of any other parking place:

66(b)(i) if the parking place is not in a one- way street, the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway;

66(b)(ii) if the parking place is in a one-way street, the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway or the right or off side of the vehicle is adjacent to the right-hand edge of the carriageway; and

66(b)(iii) the distance between the edge of the carriageway and the side wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches; and

66(c) every part of the vehicle is within the limits of a parking space.


67(1) Any person duly authorised by the Council may suspend the use of a doctor or Samaritan parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary:

67(1)(a) for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety;

67(1)(b) for the purpose of any building operation, demolition or excavation adjacent to the parking place, the maintenance, improvement, or reconstruction of the highway, or cleansing of gullies in or adjacent to the parking place, the laying, erection, alteration or repair in or adjacent to the parking place of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telegraphic line or the placing, maintenance or removal of any traffic sign;

67(1)(c) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place on any occasion of the removal of furniture to or from one office or dwelling-house adjacent to the parking place from or to a depository, another office or dwelling-house;

67(1)(d) on any occasion on which it is likely by reason of some special attraction any street will be thronged or obstructed; or

67(1)(e) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place at times of weddings or funerals or on other special occasions.

67(2) A police constable in uniform may suspend for not longer than twenty-four hours the use of a parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety.

67(3) Any person or a police constable in uniform suspending the use of a parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) or as the case may be paragraph (2) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to that parking place or as the case may be that part thereof and the use of which is suspended a traffic sign of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984 indicating waiting by vehicles is prohibited.

67(4) No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to wait in any part of a parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to that part of the parking place a traffic sign in pursuance of paragraph (3) of this Article.
Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall apply:

67(4)(i) in respect of any vehicle being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or any vehicle which is waiting for any reason specified in paragraphs (1)(a) or (1)(c) of Article 68 of this Order; or

67(4)(ii) to anything done with the permission of the person suspending the use of the parking place or part thereof in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article.


68(1) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order any vehicle may wait during the permitted hours in any part of a doctor or Samaritan parking place if the use of that part has not been suspended and if:

68(1)(a) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as is necessary to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle;

68(1)(b) the vehicle is waiting owing to the driver being prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or to such waiting being necessary in order to avoid an accident;

68(1)(c) the vehicle is a vehicle used for fire brigade purposes or an ambulance, or a vehicle (other than a passenger vehicle) in the service of a local authority or a vehicle in the service of a police force in either case being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties; or

68(1)(d) the vehicle is waiting for only so long as may be necessary to enable it to be used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic.

68(2) Except as provided by this Section of this Order the driver or person in charge of a vehicle shall not cause or permit a vehicle to wait in a parking place during the permitted hours.


69 The Council shall:

69(a) cause the limits of each parking place and of each parking space to be indicated on the carriageway by placing and maintaining thereon appropriate traffic signs of a size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984; and

69(b) place and maintain in or in the vicinity of each parking place traffic signs of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984 indicating the number of such parking places and that such parking place may be used during the permitted hours for the leaving only of the vehicles specified in Article 60 of this Order; and

69(c) carry out such other work as is reasonably required for the purposes of the satisfactory operation of a parking place.


70(1) Any legally qualified medical practitioner or employee of the Samaritans may apply to the Council for the issue of a permit in respect of each vehicle which shall be specified in the application and any such application shall be made on a form issued by and obtainable from the Council and shall include the particular information and authentication required by such form to be supplied.

70(2) The Council may at any time require an applicant for a permit holder to produce to an officer of the Council such evidence in respect of an application for a permit made to them as they may reasonably call for to verify any particulars or information given to them or in respect of any permit issued by them as they may reasonably call for to verify the permit is valid.

70(3) Upon receipt of an application duly made under the foregoing provisions of this Article, the Council may issue to the applicant:

70(3)(a) permits for the leaving during the permitted hours in the parking place specified thereon of such vehicles specified in the application as they are satisfied are used by legally qualified medical practitioners or employees of the Samaritans who are liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on such application to the extent the need for special parking arrangements is justified and to whom no suitable alternative parking facility is available within a reasonable distance; and

70(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 72 of this Order, where the Council have issued a permit or permits in relation to any particular parking place, the Council shall not issue any further permit in relation to that parking place which would be valid during any period which any other permit is or would be valid.


71(1) A permit holder may surrender a permit to the Council at any time and shall surrender a permit to the Council on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraph (3) of this Article.

71(2) The Council, may by notice in writing serve on the permit holder by sending the same by recorded delivery service to the permit holder at the address shown by the person on the application for the permit or at any other address believed to be the person's place of abode, withdraw a permit if it appears to the Council that any one of the events set out in paragraph (3)(a) or (3)(c) of this Article has occurred and the permit holder shall surrender the permit to the Council within forty eight hours of the receipt of the aforementioned notice.

71(3) The events referred to in the foregoing provisions of this Article are:

71(3)(a) the vehicle or any vehicle in respect of which the permit was issued ceasing to be used by an employee of the Samaritans or a legally qualified medical practitioner who is liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on the application for permit to the extent the need for special parking arrangements can be justified;

71(3)(b) the withdrawal of such permit by the Council under paragraph (2) of this Article;

71(3)(c) the revocation of the designation of the parking place in respect of which the permit was issued;

71(3)(d) the issue of a revised permit or a duplicate permit by the Council under the provisions of Article 72 of this Order;

71(3)(e) the permit ceasing to be valid pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of this Article.

71(4) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Article, a permit shall cease to be valid at the expiration of the period specified thereon (which period shall not exceed a period of twelve months from the beginning of the month during which it first became valid) or on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraphs (3)(a), (3)(b), (3)(c), or (3)(d) of this Article, whichever is the earlier.

71(5) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Article shall affect the validity of or require the surrender of or enable the Council to withdraw the permit or not renew it on the grounds that the event set out in paragraph (3)(a) of this Article has occurred if the permit holder has duly applied to the Council for the permit to be amended pursuant to Article 72(1) of this Order.


72(1)(a) A permit holder may at any time apply to the Council for a permit issued to him or her to be amended so as to relate to any other vehicle or any additional vehicle or both being in either case a vehicle which is used by an employee of the Samaritans or a legally qualified medical practitioner who is liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on the application for that permit to the extent that the need for special parking arrangements can be justified;

72(1)(b) Upon receipt of an application pursuant to sub-paragraph (1)(a) and of the relevant permit, the Council may amend the permit accordingly or to such lesser extent as they think fit, or at its discretion, issue a revised permit, and if a revised permit is so issued, the permit shall become invalid and shall be surrendered to the Council.

72(2) If a permit is mutilated or accidently defaced or the figures or particulars thereon have become illegible or the colour of the permit has become altered by fading or otherwise, the permit holder shall either surrender it to the Council or apply to the Council for the issue to him or her of a duplicate permit and the Council, upon the receipt of the permit, shall issue a duplicate so marked and upon such issue the permit shall become invalid.

72(3) If a permit is lost or destroyed, the permit holder may apply to the Council for the issue to him or her of a duplicate permit and the Council, upon being satisfied as to such loss or destruction, shall issue a duplicate permit so marked and upon such issue the permit shall become invalid.

72(4) The provisions of this Order shall apply to a revised permit or a duplicate permit and an application therefore as if it were a permit or as the case may be an application therefore.


73 A permit shall be in writing and shall include the following particulars:-

73(a) the registration mark of the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued;

73(b) the period during which, subject to the provisions of Article 71(4) of this Order, the permit shall remain valid;

73(c) the number of the doctor or Samaritan parking place to which the permit relates;

73(d) an indication that the permit has been issued by the Council;

73(e) the hours during which the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued may be left in a parking place.



57(1) Each area on a highway described in Part 1 of Schedule 9 to this Order is designated as a doctor parking place.

57(2) Each area on a highway described in Part 2 of Schedule 9 to this Order is designated as a medical practitioner parking place.

58 Each area on a highway described in Schedule 10 to this Order is designated as a Samaritan parking place.


59 The number of doctor, medical practitioner and Samaritan parking spaces in each parking place shall be the number specified in relation thereto in column 3 of Schedules 9 and 10 to this Order, the situations of such parking spaces in each parking place shall be as may be determined by the Council.


60(1) Each parking place referred to in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and Schedule 10 to this Order may be used, subject to the provisions of this Order, for the leaving at any time of such vehicles as display in the manner specified in Article 61 of this Order a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and relating to that parking place.

60(2) Each parking place referred to in Part 2 of Schedule 9 to this Order may be used, subject to the provisions of this Order, for the leaving at any time of such vehicles as display in the manner specified in Article 61 of this Order a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and relating to that parking place.


61(1) At all times during which a vehicle is left in a parking place referred to in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and Schedule 10 during the permitted hours the driver thereof shall cause to be displayed on the front or near side of the vehicle a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and relating to that parking place so all the particulars referred to in Article 73(1) of this Order are readily visible from the front or near side of the vehicle.

61(2) At all times during which a vehicle is left in a parking place referred to in Part 2(1) of Schedule 9 during the hours specified in Part 2(1) of Schedule 9 to this Order the driver thereof shall cause to be displayed on the front or near side of the vehicle a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and relating to that parking place so all the particulars referred to in Article 73(2) of this Order are readily visible from the front or near side of the vehicle.


62 Where any vehicle is standing in a parking place in contravention of the provisions of Article 66 of this Order, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with those provisions.


63 Where a traffic warden or a police constable in uniform is of the opinion that the provisions contained in Article 68(2) of this Order have been contravened he or she may remove or cause to be removed the vehicle from the parking place and, where it is so removed, shall provide for the safe custody of that vehicle.


64 A police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may move or cause to be moved, in case of emergency, to any place he or she thinks fit any vehicle left in a parking place.


65 Where a permit has been displayed on a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of this Section of this Order, no person, not being the driver of the vehicle, shall remove the permit from the vehicle unless authorised to do so by the driver of the vehicle.


66 Every vehicle left in a parking place in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order shall so stand:

66(a) in the case of a parking place in relation to which special provisions as to the manner of standing of a vehicle in that parking place are specified in column 2 of Schedules 9 and 10 as to be in accordance with those provisions;

66(b) in the case of any other parking place:

66(b)(i) if the parking place is not in a one- way street, the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway;

66(b)(ii) if the parking place is in a one-way street, the left or near side of the vehicle is adjacent to the left-hand edge of the carriageway or the right or off side of the vehicle is adjacent to the right-hand edge of the carriageway; and

66(b)(iii) the distance between the edge of the carriageway and the side wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches; and

66(c) every part of the vehicle is within the limits of a parking space.


67(1) Any person duly authorised by the Council may suspend the use of a doctor or Samaritan parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary:

67(1)(a) for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety;

67(1)(b) for the purpose of any building operation, demolition or excavation adjacent to the parking place, the maintenance, improvement, or reconstruction of the highway, or cleansing of gullies in or adjacent to the parking place, the laying, erection, alteration or repair in or adjacent to the parking place of any sewer or of any main, pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas, water or electricity or of any telegraphic line or the placing, maintenance or removal of any traffic sign;

67(1)(c) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place on any occasion of the removal of furniture to or from one office or dwelling-house adjacent to the parking place from or to a depository, another office or dwelling-house;

67(1)(d) on any occasion on which it is likely by reason of some special attraction any street will be thronged or obstructed; or

67(1)(e) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the parking place at times of weddings or funerals or on other special occasions.

67(2) A police constable in uniform may suspend for not longer than twenty-four hours the use of a parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety.

67(3) Any person or a police constable in uniform suspending the use of a parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) or as the case may be paragraph (2) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to that parking place or as the case may be that part thereof and the use of which is suspended a traffic sign of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984 indicating waiting by vehicles is prohibited.

67(4) No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to wait in any part of a parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to that part of the parking place a traffic sign in pursuance of paragraph (3) of this Article.

Provided that nothing in this paragraph shall apply:

67(4)(i) in respect of any vehicle being used for fire brigade, ambulance or police purposes or any vehicle which is waiting for any reason specified in paragraphs (1)(a) or (1)(c) of Article 68 of this Order; or

67(4)(ii) to anything done with the permission of the person suspending the use of the parking place or part thereof in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article.


68(1) Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of this Section of this Order any vehicle may wait during the permitted hours in any part of a doctor or Samaritan parking place or during the hours specified in Part 2(1) of Schedule 9 to this Order in any part of a medical practitioner parking place if the use of that part has not been suspended and if:

68(1)(a) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as is necessary to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle;

68(1)(b) the vehicle is waiting owing to the driver being prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or to such waiting being necessary in order to avoid an accident;

68(1)(c) the vehicle is a vehicle used for fire brigade purposes or an ambulance, or a vehicle (other than a passenger vehicle) in the service of a local authority or a vehicle in the service of a police force in either case being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties; or

68(1)(d) the vehicle is waiting for only so long as may be necessary to enable it to be used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic.

68(2)(a) Except as provided by this Section of this Order the driver or person in charge of a vehicle shall not cause or permit a vehicle to wait in a parking place specified in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and Schedule 10 to this Order during the permitted hours .

68(2)(b) Except as provided by this Section of this Order the driver or person in charge of a vehicle shall not cause or permit a vehicle to wait in a parking place specified in Part 2 of Schedule 9 to this Order during the hours specified in Part 2 of Schedule 9 to this Order.


69 The Council shall:

69(a) cause the limits of each parking place and of each parking space to be indicated on the carriageway by placing and maintaining thereon appropriate traffic signs of a size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984; and

69(b)(i) place and maintain in or in the vicinity of each parking place traffic signs of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984 indicating the number of such parking places and that such parking place may be used during the permitted hours for the leaving only of the vehicles specified in Article 60(1) of this Order; and

69(b)(ii) place and maintain in or in the vicinity of each parking place traffic signs of any size, colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984 that such parking place may be used during the hours specified in Part 2(1) of Schedule 9 to this Order for the leaving only of the vehicles specified in Article 60(2) of this Order; and

69(c) carry out such other work as is reasonably required for the purposes of the satisfactory operation of a parking place.


70(1)(a) Any legally qualified medical practitioner or employee of the Samaritans may apply to the Council for the issue of a permit in respect of each vehicle which shall be specified in the application and any such application shall be made on a form issued by and obtainable from the Council and shall include the particular information and authentication required by such form to be supplied.

70(1)(b) Any surgery specified in Part 2(2) of Schedule 9 to this Order may apply to the Council for the issue of a permit in respect of each vehicle which shall be specified in the application and any such application shall be made on a form issued by and obtainable from the Council and shall include the particular information and authentication required by such form to be supplied.

70(2) The Council may at any time require an applicant for a permit holder to produce to an officer of the Council such evidence in respect of an application for a permit made to them as they may reasonably call for to verify any particulars or information given to them or in respect of any permit issued by them as they may reasonably call for to verify the permit is valid.

70(3) Upon receipt of an application duly made under the foregoing provisions of this Article, the Council may issue to the applicant:

70(3)(a) permits for the leaving during the permitted hours in the parking place specified thereon of such vehicles specified in the application as they are satisfied are used by legally qualified medical practitioners or employees of the Samaritans who are liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on such application to the extent the need for special parking arrangements is justified and to whom no suitable alternative parking facility is available within a reasonable distance; and

70(3)(b) permits for the leaving during the hours specified in Part 2(1) of Schedule 9 to this Order in the parking place specified thereon of such vehicles specified in the application as they are satisfied are used by medical practitioners who are liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on such application to the extent the need for special parking arrangements is justified and to whom no suitable alternative parking facility is available within a reasonable distance; and

70(4) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 72 of this Order, where the Council have issued a permit or permits in relation to any particular parking place specified in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and Schedule 10 to this Order, the Council shall not issue any further permit in relation to that parking place which would be valid during any period which any other permit is or would be valid.


71(1) A permit holder may surrender a permit to the Council at any time and shall surrender a permit to the Council on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraph (3) of this Article.

71(2) The Council, may by notice in writing serve on the permit holder by sending the same by recorded delivery service to the permit holder at the address shown by the person on the application for the permit or at any other address believed to be the person's place of abode, withdraw a permit if it appears to the Council that any one of the events set out in paragraph (3)(a) or (3)(c) of this Article has occurred and the permit holder shall surrender the permit to the Council within forty eight hours of the receipt of the aforementioned notice.

71(3) The events referred to in the foregoing provisions of this Article are:

71(3)(a) the vehicle or any vehicle in respect of which the permit was issued ceasing to be used by an employee of the Samaritans or a legally qualified medical practitioner or a medical practitioner who is liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on the application for permit to the extent the need for special parking arrangements can be justified;

71(3)(b) the withdrawal of such permit by the Council under paragraph (2) of this Article;

71(3)(c) the revocation of the designation of the parking place in respect of which the permit was issued;

71(3)(d) the issue of a revised permit or a duplicate permit by the Council under the provisions of Article 72 of this Order;

71(3)(e) the permit ceasing to be valid pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of this Article.

71(4) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Article, a permit shall cease to be valid at the expiration of the period specified thereon (which period shall not exceed a period of twelve months from the beginning of the month during which it first became valid) or on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraphs (3)(a), (3)(b), (3)(c), or (3)(d) of this Article, whichever is the earlier.

71(5) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Article shall affect the validity of or require the surrender of or enable the Council to withdraw the permit or not renew it on the grounds that the event set out in paragraph (3)(a) of this Article has occurred if the permit holder has duly applied to the Council for the permit to be amended pursuant to Article 72(1) of this Order.


72(1)(a) A permit holder may at any time apply to the Council for a permit issued to him or her to be amended so as to relate to any other vehicle or any additional vehicle or both being in either case a vehicle which is used by an employee of the Samaritans or a legally qualified medical practitioner who is liable to be called, of necessity, to emergencies away from the surgery or consulting room shown on the application for that permit to the extent that the need for special parking arrangements can be justified;

72(1)(b) Upon receipt of an application pursuant to sub-paragraph (1)(a) and of the relevant permit, the Council may amend the permit accordingly or to such lesser extent as they think fit, or at its discretion, issue a revised permit, and if a revised permit is so issued, the permit shall become invalid and shall be surrendered to the Council.

72(2) If a permit is mutilated or accidently defaced or the figures or particulars thereon have become illegible or the colour of the permit has become altered by fading or otherwise, the permit holder shall either surrender it to the Council or apply to the Council for the issue to him or her of a duplicate permit and the Council, upon the receipt of the permit, shall issue a duplicate so marked and upon such issue the permit shall become invalid.

72(3) If a permit is lost or destroyed, the permit holder may apply to the Council for the issue to him or her of a duplicate permit and the Council, upon being satisfied as to such loss or destruction, shall issue a duplicate permit so marked and upon such issue the permit shall become invalid.

72(4) The provisions of this Order shall apply to a revised permit or a duplicate permit and an application therefore as if it were a permit or as the case may be an application therefore.


73(1) A permit for the leaving of a vehicle in any parking place specified in Part 1 of Schedule 9 and Schedule 10 shall be in writing and shall include the following particulars:-

73(1)(a) the registration mark of the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued;

73(1)(b) the period during which, subject to the provisions of Article 71(4) of this Order, the permit shall remain valid;

73(1)(c) the number of the doctor or Samaritan parking place to which the permit relates;

73(1)(d) an indication that the permit has been issued by the Council;

73(1)(e) the hours during which the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued may be left in a parking place.

73(2) A permit for the leaving of a vehicle in any parking place specified in Part 2 of Schedule 9 shall be in writing and shall include the following particulars:-

73(2)(a) the period during which, subject to the provisions of Article 71(4) of this Order, the permit shall remain valid;

73(2)(b) the location of the medical practitioner parking place to which the permit relates;

73(2)(c) an indication that the permit has been issued by the Council;


73(3) The charge per year in connection with the issue of a permit under the provisions of Article 70(3)(b) for the leaving of a vehicle in a medical practitioner parking place shall be sixty four pounds 50 pence per parking bay

SECTION 11 (Articles 74 to 84) - Not applicable to this area.



85 Each area of a highway which is described as a designated parking place in Column 2 of all Parts of Schedule 12 to this Order is designated as a parking place for residents.


86(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 6, 8, 9 and 10 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle

86(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 6, 8, 9 and 10 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(1) Each residents parking place specified in Parts 6, 7, 9, 10 and 12 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle

86(2)(a) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 5(1) and 5(2) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(a) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 5(1), 5(2) and 13 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(a) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 5(1) and 5(2) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(b) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 1(1) and 2(1) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00am and 8.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(b) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 1(1) 2(1) and 13 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00am and 8.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(b) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 1(1), 2(1) and 13(1) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. on all days of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(c) Each resident's parking place specified in Part 3(1) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 8.30am and 8.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(c) Each resident's parking place specified in Part 3(1) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 8.30 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. on all days of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(2)(d) Each residents parking place specified in Part 8 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00 a.m. and 8.00 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle

86(3) Each resident's parking place specified in Part 4(1) of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 8.00am and 8.00pm Mondays to Saturdays of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident by the Council in respect of that vehicle.

86(4) Nothing in Article 86 (1) of this Order shall prevent any person from causing or permitting any vehicle to wait for up to 30 minutes with return prohibited within two hours between the hours of 8.00am and 8.00pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive in each of the residents parking places specified in Part 4 of Schedule 12 to this Order.

86(5) Nothing in Article 86(1) or any subsequent Article of Section 12 of this Order shall prevent any resident whose usual place of abode is at premises the postal address of which is Beaufort Place from being eligible for the issue of a permit for visitors subject to the provisions of this Order.

87(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident or a business proprietor in respect of that vehicle.

87(1)(i) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 6,8,9 and 10, of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident or a business proprietor in respect of that vehicle.

87(1)(ii) Each resident's parking place specified in Part 5 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the hours of 9.00am and 6.00pm Mondays to Saturdays such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident or a business proprietor in respect of that vehicle.

87(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 5,6,7,8,9,10, and 12 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident or a business proprietor in respect of that vehicle.

87(1) Each resident's parking place specified in Parts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 of Schedule 12 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this Order for the leaving during the permitted hours of such vehicles as are displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued to a resident or a business proprietor in respect of that vehicle.

87(2) Nothing in Article 87(1) of this Order shall allow any person or any permit holder to cause or permit any vehicle displaying in the manner specified in Article 95 of this Order a valid permit issued by the Council in respect of that vehicle to wait between the hours of 9.00am and 5.00pm Mondays to Fridays in any resident bays described in Parts 5(2), 6(2), 7(2), 8(2), 9(2) and 10(2) of Schedule 12 to this Order.

87(3) Nothing in Article 87(1) or any subsequent Article of this Order shall allow any resident of the streets or parts of streets specified in Part 10(3) of Schedule 12 to this Order to apply for, be issued with or display permits for visitors.

87(4) Nothing in Article 87(1) or any subsequent Article of this Order shall allow:

87(4)(i) for a resident of the streets or parts of streets specified in Part 10(3) of Schedule 12 to this Order to be issued with or be in possession of more than one valid permit at any time; and

87(4)(ii) for more than ten valid permits to be issued to residents of the streets or parts of streets specified in Part 10(3) of Schedule 12 to this Order at any time.


88(1) Any resident or business proprietor who is the owner of a vehicle of the following class that is to say a passenger vehicle, a goods vehicle of 1.5 tonnes or less unladen weight or a motor cycle may apply to the Council for the issue of a permit for the leaving of that vehicle and any such application shall be made on a form issued by and obtainable from the Council and shall include the particulars and information required by such form to be supplied and shall be accompanied by a remittance for such charge specified in Article 92 of this Order as is appropriate in respect of the permit for which application is being made.

88(2) Any resident may apply to the Council for the issue of a permit for visitors for the leaving of a passenger vehicle, a goods vehicle of 1.5 tonnes or less unladen weight or a motor cycle and any such application shall be made on a form issued by and obtainable from the Council and shall include the particulars and information required by such form to be supplied and shall be accompanied by a remittance for such charge specified in Article 92 of this Order as is appropriate in respect of the permit for which application is being made.

88(3) The Council may at any time require an applicant for a permit or a permit holder to produce to an officer of the Council such evidence in respect of an application for a permit made to them as they may reasonably require to verify any particulars or information given to them or in respect of any permit issued by them as they may reasonably require to verify that the permit is valid.

88(4) On receipt of any application duly made under the foregoing provisions of this Article and of the appropriate fees specified in Article 92 of this Order the Council upon being satisfied that the applicant is a resident or a business proprietor and is the owner of a vehicle of the class specified in paragraph (1) of this Article shall issue to the applicant therefor:

88(4)(a) One permit for the leaving during the permitted hours in a resident's parking space in any parking place of the vehicle to which such permit relates by the owner of such vehicle or by any person using such vehicle with the consent of the owner other than a person to whom such vehicle has been let for hire or reward, provided that subject to the provisions of Article 90 of this Order the Council shall not issue a permit to any person which would be valid for any period during which any other permit issued to that person is or would be valid; and

88(5) On receipt of any application for a permit for visitors duly made under the foregoing provisions of this Article and of the appropriate fees specified in Article 92 of this Order the Council upon being satisfied that the applicant is a resident or a visitor shall issue to the applicant thereof permits for the leaving during the permitted hours in a resident's parking space in any parking place of a vehicle by the owner of such vehicle or by a person using such vehicle with the consent of the owners other than a person to whom such vehicle has been let or hire or reward, provided that the owner or person using such vehicle is visiting the resident to whom the permit was issued.

88(6) Any resident of premises constructed after the operative date specified in Article 1 of this Order and which has off-street parking associated with the said premises complying with the Council's adopted parking standards in relation to planning applications shall not be eligible for the issue of a permit in accordance with Article 88(1) of this Order.

88(7) Any business proprietor shall be eligible for one permit only in respect of each and every business address.


89(1) A permit holder may surrender a permit to the Council at any time and shall surrender a permit to the Council on the occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraph (3) of this Article.

89(2) The Council may by notice in writing served on the permit holder by sending the same by the recorded delivery service to a permit holder at the address shown by that person on the application for the permit or at any other address believed to be that person's place of abode withdraw a permit if it appears to the Council that any one of the events set out in paragraphs (3)(a) or (3)(d) of this Article has occurred and the permit holder shall surrender the permit to the Council within forty eight hours of the receipt of the aftermentioned notice.

89(3) The events referred to in the foregoing provisions of this Article are:-

89(3)(a) The permit holder ceasing to be a resident or a business proprietor;

89(3)(b) The permit holder ceasing to be the owner of the vehicle in respect of which a permit was issued;

89(3)(c) The withdrawal of such permit by the Council under the provisions of paragraph (2) of this Article;

89(3)(d) The vehicle in respect of which such permit was issued being adapted or used in such manner that it is not a vehicle of the class specified in Article 88 of this Order;

89(3)(e) The issue of a duplicate permit by the council under the provisions of Article 90 of this Order;

89(3)(f) The permit ceasing to be valid pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (4) of this Article;

89(4) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Article a permit shall cease to be valid at the expiration of the period specified thereon (which period shall be that in respect of which payment has been made) or on occurrence of any one of the events set out in paragraphs 3(a),3(b),3(c),3(d),or 3(e) of this Article whichever is the earlier.

89(5) Where a permit is issued to any person upon receipt of a cheque which is subsequently dishonoured the permit shall cease to be of any effect and the Council shall by notice in writing served on the person to whom such permit was issued by sending the same by the recorded delivery service to the permit holder at the address shown by that person on the application for the permit or at any other address believed to be that person's place of abode require that person to surrender the permit to the Council within forty-eight hours of the receipt of the aforementioned notice.

89(6) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Article the Council may also withdraw a permit or permits issued under the provisions of Article 88(5) in accordance with the procedure provided for in Article 89(2) if:

89(6)(a) the permit or permits are not being used by bona fide visitors to the resident to whom the permit or permits were issued; or

89(6)(b) the provisions of Article 92(3) cease to apply.


90(1) If a permit is mutilated or accidentally defaced or the figures or particulars thereon have become illegible or the colour of the permit has been altered by fading or otherwise the permit holder shall either surrender it to the Council or apply to the Council for the issue to him or her of a duplicate permit and the Council upon the receipt of the permit shall issue a duplicate permit so marked and upon such issue the original permit shall become invalid.

90(2) If a permit other than a permit for visitors issued under the provisions of Article 88(5) is lost or destroyed the permit holder may apply to the Council for the issue to him or her of a duplicate permit and the Council upon being satisfied as to such loss or destruction shall issue a duplicate permit so marked and upon such issue the original permit shall become invalid.

90(3) The provisions of this Order shall apply to a duplicate permit and an application therefore as if it were a permit or as the case may be an application therefore.


91(1) A permit issued under the provisions of Article 88(4)(a) shall be in writing and shall include the following particulars:

91(1)(a) The registration mark of the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued;

91(1)(b) The period during which, subject to the provisions of Article 89 of this Order, the permit shall remain valid;

91(1)(c) An indication that the permit has been issued by the Council;

91(1)(d) The hours during which the vehicle in respect of which the permit has been issued may be left in a resident's parking place;

91(1)(e) An indication in a colour unique to that area that the charge appropriate to the period during which the permit shall remain valid has been paid to the Council in connection with the issue of the permit; and

91(1)(f) An indication of the area for which the permit is valid.

91(2) A permit for visitors issued under the provisions of Article 88(5) shall in all respects include the particulars specified in Article 91(1) except that the registration mark of the vehicle displaying the permit and the day, month and year on which the permit is being used shall be inserted by the visitor in writing and in ink.

91(3) A permit for business proprietors issued under the provisions of Article 88 shall in all respects include the particulars specified in Article 91(1) except that up to three registrations marks of vehicles may be inserted by the Council subject to the provisions of Article 88(1).


92(1) The charge per year in connection with the issue of a permit under the provisions of Article 88(4)(a) for the leaving of a vehicle in any resident's parking place specified in:

92(1)(a) Parts 1(1), 2(1) and 3(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 17 pounds 50 pence for a motor cycle, 35 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 52 pounds for business proprietors, and

92(1)(a)(i) Parts 1(1), 2(1) and 3(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 17 pounds 50 pence for a motor cycle, 35 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 52 pounds for business proprietors, and

92(1)(a)(ii) Part 13(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 17 pounds 50 pence for a motor cycle and 35 pounds for any other eligible vehicle, and

92(1)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(2), 8(1), 8(2), 9(1), 9(2), 10(1) and 10(2) of Schedule 12 shall be 15 pounds for a motor cycle, 30 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 45 pounds for business proprietors

92(1)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(2), 8(1), 8(2), 9(1), 9(2), 10(1) and 10(2) of Schedule 12 shall be 15 pounds for a motor cycle, 30 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 45 pounds for business proprietors

92(1)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(2), 8(1), 8(2), 9(1), 9(2), 10(1), 10(2) and 12(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 15 pounds for a motor cycle, 30 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 45 pounds for business proprietors

92(1)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(2), 7(1), 8(1), 8(2), 9(1), 9(2), 10 (1), 10(2) and 12(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 15 pounds for a motor cycle, 30 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 45 pounds for business proprietors.

Amount of Charge at Parking Places AND EXEMPTIONS

92(1) The charge per year in connection with the issue of a permit under the provisions of Article 88(4)(a) for the leaving of a vehicle in any resident's parking place specified in:

92(1)(a)(i) Parts 1(1), 2(1) and 3(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 21 pounds 50 pence for a motor cycle, 43 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 64 pounds 50 pence for business proprietors, and

92(1)(a)(i) Part 1(1) of Schedule 12 shall be twenty-five pounds for a motorcycle, fifty pounds for any other eligible vehicle and seventy-five pounds for business proprietors, and

92(1)(a)(ii)Part 13(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 21 pounds 50 pence for a motor cycle and 43 pounds for any other eligible vehicle, and

92(1)(a)(ii) Parts 2(1), 3(1) and 13(1) of Schedule 12 shall be twenty-five pounds for a motorcycle, fifty pounds for any other eligible vehicle, and

92(1)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(2),7(1), 8(1), 8(2), 9(1), 9(2), 10 (1), 10(2) and 12(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 18 pounds 50 pence for a motor cycle, 37 pounds for any other eligible vehicle and 55 pounds 50 pence for business proprietors

92(1)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 6(1), 7(1), 8(1), 9(1), 10(1) and 12(1) of Schedule 12 shall be twenty pounds and fifty pence for a motorcycle, forty-one pounds for any other eligible vehicle and sixty-one pounds and fifty pence for business proprietors

92(1)(c) All permits issued under the foregoing provisions of this Article will be valid from the first day of the month in which the permit is issued

92(2) The charge in connection with the issue of a permit under the provisions of Article 88(5) for the leaving of a vehicle in any resident's parking place shall be 60 pence a day subject to a minimum purchase of five days at any one time and a maximum purchase of sixty days at any one time.

92(2) The charge in connection with the issue of a permit under the provisions of Article 88(5) for the the leaving of a vehicle in any residents parking place specified in:

92(2)(a) Parts 1(1), 2(1), 3(1) and 13(1) of Schedule 12 shall be £1.00 a day subject to a minimum purchase of five days at any one time and a maximum purchase of sixty days at any one time, and

92(2)(b) Parts 4(1), 5(1), 5(2), 6(1), 6(2), 7(1), 8)1), 8(2), 9(1), 9(2), 10 (1), 10(2) and 12(1) of Schedule 12 shall be 80 pence a day subject to a minimum purchase of five days at any one time and a maximum purchase of sixty days at any one time.

92(2) The charge in connection with the issue of a permit under the provisions of Article 88(5) for the leaving of a vehicle in any residents parking place shall be one pound a day subject to a minimum purchase of five days at any one time and a maximum purchase of sixty days at any one time.

92(3) Nothing in Article 92(2) shall prevent any resident who is elderly or infirm from applying for, and the Council issuing thereto, any number of permits at no cost to the resident, providing that:

92(3)(a) permission is given by the resident to approach his or her doctor to obtain an assessment of the resident's infirmity or lack of mobility;

92(3)(b) the resident's doctor supplies to the Council an assessment of the resident's infirmity or lack of mobility together with an estimation of the frequency and number of official visits to the resident;

92(3)(c) no more than sixty days of permits shall be issued at any one time.


93 The charge in respect of the issue of a permit for the leaving of a vehicle in a resident's parking place shall be payable in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 of this Order.


94(1) A permit holder who surrenders a permit to the Council after the permit has become valid shall be entitled to a refund of part of the charge paid in respect of the issue thereof calculated in accordance with the provision of the next following paragraph.

94(2) The part of the charge which is refundable under the provision of the last foregoing paragraph in respect of permits issued under provisions of Article 88(4)(a) shall be calculated as one quarter of the charge for one whole year in respect of each complete period of three months of the period specified therefore as the period during which it shall be valid which remains unexpired at the time when the permit is surrendered to the Council.

94(3) The part of the charge which is refundable under the provision of Article 94(1) in respect of permits issued under the provisions of Article 88(5) shall be the charge paid for each and every minimum purchase of five days which have not been used.


95 At all times during which a vehicle is left in a resident's parking place during the hours specified in Articles 86 and 87 there shall be displayed in the relevant position on the vehicle a valid permit issued in respect of that vehicle and that area so that all the particulars referred to in Article 91 of this Order are readily visible from the outside of the vehicle.


96 Where a permit has been displayed on a vehicle in accordance with the provisions of Article 95 of this Order no person not being the driver of the vehicle shall remove the permit from the vehicle unless authorised to do so by the driver of the vehicle.


97 Nothing in Articles 86 and 87 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any invalid carriage or any disabled person's vehicle to wait in any resident's parking place designated by this Order.


98 The Council shall:

98(a) cause the limits of each resident's parking place to be indicated on the carriageway by placing and maintaining thereon traffic signs of any size colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984; and

98(b) place and maintain on or in the vicinity of each resident's parking place traffic signs of any size colour and type prescribed or authorised under Section 64 of the Act of 1984 indicating that such parking place may be used during the permitted hours for the leaving of vehicles only as specified in Article 86 of this Order; and

98(c) carry out such other work as is reasonably required for the purposes of the satisfactory operation of the resident's parking places.


99 Every vehicle left in a resident's parking place in accordance with the provisions of this Order shall so stand :

99(1) in the case of a resident's parking place in relation to which special provisions as to the manner of standing of vehicles are specified in column 2 of Schedule 12 to this Order, as to be accordance with those provisions;

99(2) in the case of any other resident's parking place;

99(2)(a) that the distance between the edge of the carriageway and the nearest wheel of the vehicle is not more than twelve inches; and

99(2)(b) that every part of the vehicle is within the limits of the resident's parking place.

99(3) that the vehicle does not obstruct the access to any off-street parking or loading/unloading facilities.


100 Where any vehicle is standing in a resident's parking place in contravention of the provisions of the last preceding Article a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with those provisions.


101 Where a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden is of the opinion that any of the provisions contained in Article 105(3) of this Order have been contravened or not complied with in respect of a vehicle left in a resident's parking place he or she may remove or cause to be removed the vehicle from the resident's parking place and where it is so removed shall provide for the safe custody of the vehicle.


102 A police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may move or cause to be moved in case of emergency to any place he or she thinks fit any vehicle left in a resident's parking place.

103(1) Any person duly authorised by the Council may suspend the use of a resident's parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary:

103(1)(a) for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety;

103(1)(b) for the purpose of any building operation demolition or excavation in or adjacent to the resident's parking place or the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the resident's parking place or the laying erection alteration removal or repair in or adjacent to the resident's parking place of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic lines or traffic sign;

103(1)(c) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the resident's parking place on any occasion of the removal of furniture from one office or dwelling-house to another or the removal of furniture from such premises to a depository or to such premises from a depository;

103(1)(d) on any occasion on which it is likely by reason of some special attraction that any street will be thronged or obstructed; or

103(1)(e) for the convenience of occupiers of premises adjacent to the resident's parking place at times of weddings or funerals or on other special occasions.

103(2) A police constable in uniform may suspend for not longer than twenty four hours the use of a resident's parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting its safety.

103(3) Any person suspending the use of a resident's parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) or paragraph (2) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to that resident's parking place or the part thereof the use of which is suspended a traffic sign indicating that waiting by vehicles is prohibited.

103(4) No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to be left in any resident's parking place or part of a resident's parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to that resident's parking place or part of a resident's parking place a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (3) of this Article, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle being used for fire brigade ambulance or police purposes or any vehicle being used for any purpose specified in Article 105(1) (b) (d) or (e) of this Order to be left in the resident's parking place or part of a resident's parking place during any such period or to any other vehicle so left if that vehicle is left with the permission:

103(4)(a) of the person suspending the use of the resident's parking place or the part thereof in pursuance of paragraph 1 of this Article; or

103(4)(b) of a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden.


104 No person shall use any vehicle while it is in a resident's parking place during the permitted hours in connection with the sale of any article to any person in or near the resident's parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for sale of his skill in handicraft or his services in any other capacity. Provided that nothing in this Article shall prevent the sale of goods from a vehicle:

104(a) if the vehicle is a passenger vehicle, a goods vehicle, a motor cycle, or an invalid carriage and the goods are immediately delivered at or taken into premises adjacent to the vehicle from which the sale is effected; or

104(b) if the vehicle is one to which the provisions of Article 105(h) apply.


105(1) Without prejudice to the foregoing provisions of this Order with respect to vehicles left in a resident's parking place in accordance with those provisions any vehicle may wait during the permitted hours anywhere on the carriageway in a resident's parking place other than a resident's parking place or part of a resident's parking place the use of which has been suspended if:

105(1)(a) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as is necessary to enable a person to board or alight from the vehicle;

105(1)(b) the vehicle is waiting owing to the driver being prevented from proceeding by circumstances beyond his control or to such waiting being necessary in order to avoid accident;

105(1)(c) the vehicle is a vehicle used for fire brigade purposes or an ambulance or a vehicle (other than a passenger vehicle) in the service of a local authority or a vehicle in the service of a police force in either case being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties;

105(1)(d) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as may be necessary to enable it to be used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

105(1)(e) the vehicle is in the service of or employed by the Postal Service and is waiting while postal packets addressed to premises adjacent to the resident's parking place in which the vehicle is waiting are being unloaded from the vehicle or having been unloaded therefrom are being delivered or while postal packets are being collected from premises or posting boxes adjacent to the parking place in which the vehicle is waiting or is in the use in connection with the servicing of telephone kiosks adjacent to the resident's parking place;

105(1)(f) the vehicle not being a passenger vehicle is waiting only for so long as may be necessary to enable it to be used for any purpose specified in Article 103(1)(b) of this Order;

105(1)(g) the vehicle is in actual use in connection with the removal of furniture from one office or dwelling-house to another or the removal of furniture from such premises to a depository or to such premises from a depository;

105(1)(h) the vehicle is waiting otherwise than in a resident's parking space if goods are being sold or offered for sale from the vehicle by a person who is licensed by the Council to sell goods from a stationary pitch situated in the resident's parking place;

105(1)(i) the vehicle is waiting only for so long as is necessary to enable it to be used in connection with posting or removing advertising material in the form of posters on or from or cleaning windows or chimneys in premises adjacent to the resident's parking place in which the vehicle is waiting; or

105(1)(j) in any other case the vehicle is waiting for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods or merchandise or loading or unloading the vehicle at premises adjacent to the resident's parking place in which the vehicle is waiting and the vehicle not being a goods vehicle does not wait for such purpose for more than thirty minutes or for such longer period as a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may authorise or being a goods vehicle does not so wait for more than thirty minutes or such longer period as aforesaid if it is in any part of a resident's parking space.

105(2) No charge specified in the foregoing provisions of this Order shall be payable in respect of any vehicle waiting in a parking place in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Article.

105(3) Except as provided in the foregoing provisions of this Article the driver of a vehicle shall not cause or permit the vehicle to wait in a resident's parking place during the permitted hours.

105(4) Nothing in the foregoing provisions of this Article shall be taken as authorising anything which would be a contravention of any regulations made or having effect as if made under Section 25 of the Act of 1984.



106 The parts of the road specified in Schedule 13 to this Order are designated as parking places for disabled person's vehicles.


107 Each parking place specified in Schedule 13 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of this section of this Order for the waiting of any disabled person's vehicle which displays a disabled person's badge.


108 Every vehicle left in a disabled person's parking place shall so stand to be parallel to the kerb in the parking place and wholly within the limits of a parking bay delineated by white lines on the carriageway.


109 Nothing in Article 107 of this Order shall restrict the power of the Council for preventing obstruction of the streets by Order on the occasion of any public procession rejoicing or illumination or where the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed to close any disabled person's parking place.


110(1) The driver of a vehicle shall not be permitted to wait in any disabled person's parking place unless the vehicle complies with Article 107 of this Order and is left in accordance with Article 108 of this Order.

110(2) A driver of a vehicle shall not use a disabled person's parking place:

110(2)(a) so as to unreasonably prevent access to any premises adjoining the road or the use of the road by other persons or so as to be a nuisance;

110(2)(b) when for preventing obstruction of the streets the Council shall by order made on the occasion of any public procession rejoicing or illumination or when the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed have closed that parking place and exhibited notice of such closing on or near the disabled person's parking place.

110(3) The driver of a motor vehicle using a disabled person's parking place shall stop the engine as soon as the vehicle is in position in the disabled person's parking place and shall not start the engine except when about to change the position of the vehicle in or to depart from the parking place.

110(4) No person shall use a vehicle while it is in a disabled person's parking place in connection with the sale of any article to persons in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his or her skills or services.


111(1) When a vehicle is left in a disabled person's parking place in contravention of any of the provisions contained in Article 110 of this Order a person authorised in that behalf by the Council a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may remove the vehicle or arrange for it to be removed from that parking place provided that when a vehicle is waiting in a disabled person's parking place in contravention of Article 108 of this Order a person authorised in that behalf by the Council may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with the said Article 108.

111(2) Any person removing a vehicle or altering its position by virtue of sub paragraph (1) of this Article may do so by towing or driving the vehicle or in such other manner as that person may think necessary and may take such measures in relation to the vehicle as thought necessary to enable the removal of or alteration of its position as the case may be.

111(3) When a person removes or makes arrangements for the removal of a vehicle from a disabled person's parking place by virtue of sub paragraph (1) of this Article that person shall make such arrangements as may be reasonably necessary for the safe custody of the vehicle.


112 Disabled person's parking places specified in Schedule 13 to this Order shall remain in operation for 24 hours on all days.

SECTION 14 (Articles 113 to 118) - Not applicable to this area.



113. Each area of the highway described in Column 2 of all Parts of Schedule 14 to this Order is designated as a loading bay for motor vehicles.


114. Every motor vehicle left in a loading bay shall so stand to be parallel to the kerb and wholly within the limits delineated by markings on the carriageway.


115. Nothing in Article 113 of this Order shall restrict the power of the Council, for preventing obstruction of the streets, by order on the occasion of any public procession, rejoicing or illumination, or where the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed, to close any loading bay.


116(1). No person shall permit or cause to permit any motor vehicle to wait in any loading bay unless the vehicle is being used for the loading or unloading of goods to premises situated on the road specified in Column 2 of all Parts of Schedule 14 to this Order, or adjacent to, and only accessible for motor vehicles from, the said specified road.

116(2). The driver of a motor vehicle shall not permit it to wait in a loading bay for longer than l5 minutes and when a vehicle has left a loading bay after waiting thereon the driver thereof shall not within 3O minutes after its leaving permit it to wait again upon that loading bay.

116(3).A driver of a motor vehicle shall not use a loading bay:

(a) so as unreasonably to prevent access to any premises adjoining the road, or the use of the road by other persons, or so as to be a nuisance; or

(b) when for preventing obstruction of the streets the Council shall by order made on the occasion of any public procession, rejoicing or illumination or when the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed have closed that loading bay and exhibited notice of such closing on or near the loading bay.

116(4). The driver of a motor vehicle using a loading bay shall stop the engine as soon as the vehicle is in position in the loading bay, and shall not start the engine except when about to change the position of the vehicle in or to depart from the loading bay.

116(5). No person shall use a motor vehicle, while it is in a loading bay, in connection with the sale of any article to persons in or near the loading bay or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his skill or services


117(1). When a motor vehicle is left in a loading bay in contravention of any of the provisions contained in Article 116 of this Order a person authorised in that behalf by the Council, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may remove the vehicle or arrange for it to be removed from that loading bay, provided that when a vehicle is waiting in a loading bay in contravention of the provision of Article 114 of this Order, a person authorised in that behalf by the Council, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with the said Article 114.

117(2). Any person removing a motor vehicle or altering its position by virtue of sub paragraph 1 of this Article may do so by towing or driving the vehicle or in such other manner as he or she may think necessary and may take such measures in relation to the vehicle as he or she may think necessary to enable its removal or to or alter its position, as the case may be.

117(3). When a person removes or makes arrangements for the removal of a motor vehicle from a loading bay by virtue of sub paragraph (1) of this Article, he or she shall make such arrangements as may be reasonably necessary for the safe custody of the vehicle.


118(1). Loading bays as specified in Parts 1 and 3 of Schedule 14 to this Order shall remain in operation for 24 hours on all days.

118(2). Loading bays as specified in Part 2 of Schedule 14 to this Order shall remain in operation from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Mondays to Saturdays inclusive

118(3). Loading bays as specified in Part 3 of Schedule 14 to this Order shall remain in operation from 6.00 am to 7.00 pm on all days

118(4). Loading bays as specified in Part 4 of Schedule 14 to this Order shall remain in operation from 6.00 am to 10.00 am on all days

118(5) Loading bays as specified in Part 6 of Schedule 14 to this Order shall remain in operation from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm on all days

118(6) Loading bays as specified in Part 7 of Schedule 14 to this Order shall remain in operation from 7.00 am to 7.00 pm Mondays to Saturdays



119 Each area on a highway described in Column 2 of Schedule 15 to this Order is designated as a parking place for public service vehicles not operating on a scheduled service.


120(1) Subject to the provisions of Article 125 of this Order the public service vehicle parking places described in Schedule 15 to this Order shall be used or may be entered only by public service vehicles not operating on a scheduled service for the purpose of loading or unloading of persons and the driver of any such vehicle shall whilst the vehicle is within the parking place comply with the provisions of this Order.

120(1) Subject to the provisions of Article 125 of this Order the public service vehicle parking places described in:

120(1)(a) Part 1 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall be used or may be entered only by public service vehicles not operating on a scheduled service for the purpose of loading or unloading of persons and the driver of any such vehicle shall whilst the vehicle is within the parking place comply with the provisions of this Order and in

120(1)(a) Parts 1, 3 and 4 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall be used or may be entered only by public service vehicles not operating on a scheduled service for the purpose of loading or unloading of persons and the driver of any such vehicle shall whilst the vehicle is within the parking place comply with the provisions of this Order and in

120(1)(b) Part 2 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall be used or may be entered only by bus layover permit holders public service vehicles operating on a local scheduled service and the driver of any such vehicle shall whilst the vehicle is within the parking place comply with the provisions of this Order and with the bus layover permit conditions laid down by Cambridgeshire County Council

120(2) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service vehicle parking place:

120(2)(a) shall not leave the vehicle in any position in the parking place except in such position as may be specified in Schedule 15 to this Order or as may be indicated by a duly authorised officer of the Council a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden; and

120(2)(b) shall not so far as practicable leave the vehicle in such position at any time or for any period except at the time and for the period specified in Article 128 of this Order or as may be indicated by a duly authorised officer of the Council a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden.

120(3) The driver of a public service vehicle which is within the public service vehicle parking place:

120(3)(a) shall comply with any traffic signs placed in the parking place in accordance with the provisions of Article 124 of this Order;

120(3)(b) shall not obstruct access to or egress from the parking place;

120(3)(c) except as provided in paragraph (4) of this Article shall not permit the vehicle to wait in the parking place if the vehicle is in a condition of disrepair or dilapidation or is leaking oil, petrol or other fuel;

120(3)(d) shall comply with any instruction issued by a duly authorised representative of the Council, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden notwithstanding that such instructions may contravene any provisions of this Order.

120(4) No person shall whilst a public service vehicle is within the public service vehicle parking place carry out or permit to be carried out to the public service vehicle any work of cleaning, construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair (except where a duly authorised representative of the Council is satisfied upon representations being made to him or her that it would be more expeditious for repairs to be carried out to the vehicle in the public service vehicle parking place to enable it to leave rather than to require it to be removed for such repairs).


121 The Council shall:

121(a) cause the limits of the public service vehicle parking place and of each parking space therein, if any, to be indicated on the carriageway by placing and maintaining therein appropriate markings in the carriageway; and

121(b) carry out such other work as is reasonably required for the purposes of the satisfactory operation of the public service vehicle parking place.


122 Every public service vehicle left in a public service vehicle parking place specified in Schedule 15 to this Order shall stand wholly within the parking spaces marked on the carriageway and shall comply with any special manner of standing specified in Column 2 of the said Schedule 15.


123(1) Where any public service vehicle is standing in the public service vehicle parking place in contravention of any of the provisions of this Order and the driver of the public service vehicle is absent or otherwise unable or unwilling to move the public service vehicle a duly authorised representative of the Council, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may alter or cause to be altered the position of the public service vehicle in order that its position shall comply with those provisions.

123(2) If the position of the public service vehicle shall be altered pursuant to this Article such alteration and the public service vehicle whilst its position is being altered shall be at the risk of the Council and the Council will ensure that its own insurance cover the driver and the public service vehicle whilst its position is being altered.


124(1) Any person authorised by the Council a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may suspend the use of the public service vehicle parking place or any part thereof whenever he or she considers such suspension reasonably necessary after prior consultation with the operators except in an emergency:

124(1)(a) for the purpose of facilitating the movement of traffic or promoting road safety; or

124(1)(b) for the purpose of any building operation demolition or excavation in or adjacent to the parking place or the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the parking place or the laying erection alteration removal or repair in or adjacent to the parking place of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line or traffic sign.

124(2) Any person suspending the use of the public service vehicle parking place or any part thereof in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (1) of this Article shall thereupon place or cause to be placed in or adjacent to the parking place or the part thereof the use of which is suspended a traffic sign indicating that waiting by public service vehicles is prohibited and indicating an alternative parking site where practicable.

124(3) No person shall cause or permit a public service vehicle to be left in the public service vehicle parking place or part of the public service vehicle parking place during such period as there is in or adjacent to that parking place or part thereof a traffic sign placed in pursuance of paragraph (2) of this Article, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle being used for any purpose specified in Article 125(1)(a) or (b) of this Order to be left in the parking place or part thereof during any such period or any other vehicle so left if that vehicle is left with the permission:

124(3)(i) of the person suspending the use of the parking place or the part thereof in pursuance of paragraph (1) of this Article; or

124(3)(ii) of a police constable in uniform or traffic warden.


125(1) Any vehicle may wait anywhere in the public service vehicle parking place for so long as may be necessary if:-

125(1)(a) the vehicle is a vehicle used for police fire brigade or ambulance purposes or a vehicle in the service of a local authority which is being used in pursuance of statutory powers or duties;

125(1)(b) the vehicle is being used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic or with the repair of a permitted public service vehicle in accordance with Article 120(4) of this Order;

125(1)(c) the vehicle is being used for any purpose specified in Article 124(1) of this Order.

125(2) Except as provided in the foregoing provisions of this Article the driver of a vehicle shall not cause or permit any vehicle other than a vehicle specified in Article 120(1) of this Order to wait in the public service vehicle parking place.

126 The driver of a motor vehicle using a public service vehicle parking place shall stop the engine as soon as the vehicle is in position in the parking place and shall not start the engine except when about to change position of the vehicle in or to depart from the parking place.

127 No person shall use a vehicle while it is in a public service vehicle parking place in connection with the sale of any article to persons in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his skill or services.


128(1) The public service vehicle parking places specified in Schedule 15 to this Order shall operate on all days between the first of April and the thirtieth of September inclusive in the same calendar year between the hours of 8.30 am and 6.30 pm.

128(1) The public service vehicle parking places specified in Schedule 15 to this Order shall operate on all days between the hours of 8.30am and 6.30pm.

128(2) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service vehicle parking place shall not permit the vehicle to wait for longer than 15 minutes with return prohibited within one hour of the time of leaving the parking place.

128(1)(a) The public service vehicle parking places specified in Part 1 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall operate on all days between the hours of 8.30 am and 6.30 pm

128(1)(b) The public service vehicle parking places specified in Part 2 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall operate between the hours of 7.00 am and 7.00 pm Mondays to Saturdays

128(1)(c) The public service vehicle parking places and setting down points specified in Part 3 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall operate on all days between the hours of 9.30 am and 6.00 pm

128(1)(d) The public service vehicle parking places and setting down points specified in Part 4 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall operate on all days between 1st April and 30th September inclusive in the same calendar year between the hours of 9.30 am and 6.00 pm

128(2) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service parking place specified in Part 1 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall not permit the vehicle to wait for longer than 15 minutes with return prohibited within one hour of the time of leaving the parking place

128(2)(a) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service parking place specified in Part 1 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall not permit the vehicle to wait for longer than 15 minutes with return prohibited within one hour of the time of leaving the parking place

128(2)(a) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service parking place specified in Part 1 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall not permit the vehicle to wait for longer than 15 minutes with return prohibited within one hour of the time of leaving the parking place

128(2)(b) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service parking place and setting down point specified in Part 3 and 4 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall not permit the vehicle to wait for longer than 10 minutes with return prohibited within one hour of the time of leaving the parking place

128(2)(b) The driver of any public service vehicle which is within the public service parking place and setting down point specified in Part 3 and 4 of Schedule 15 to this Order shall not permit the vehicle to wait for longer than 10 minutes with return prohibited within one hour of the time of leaving the parking place



129 No person shall cause a vehicle to enter the roads and parts of the roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 16 to this Order at the location and from the directions specified in Part 1 of the said Schedule 16.


130 No person shall cause a vehicle other than a pedal cycle to enter the road and part of the road specified in Part 2 of Schedule 16 to this Order at the location and from the directions specified in Part 2 of the said Schedule 16.


131 No person shall cause a motor vehicle other than a public service vehicle operating on a scheduled service to enter the road and part of the road specified in Part 3 of Schedule 16 to this Order at the location and from the directions specified in Part 2 of the said Schedule 16.

131(e)(i) No person shall cause a vehicle other than a pedal cycle or bus operating on a scheduled service to enter the roads and parts of roads specified in Part 7 of Schedule 16 to this Order at the location and from the directions specified in Part 7 of the said Schedule 16 on Easter Saturday and the Saturday following and on all Saturdays in July and on the first three Saturdays in August.


131(f) No person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 7.5 tonnes to proceed between 10. 00 pm and 7.00 am the following day to enter the roads and parts of roads specified in Part 8 of Schedule 16 to this Order at the location and from the directions specified in Part 8 of Schedule 16 to this Order

131(g) No person shall cause a motor vehicle other than a vehicle which is being used for police, fire or ambulance purposes to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 9 of schedule 16 to this Order at the location and from the directions specified in Part 9 of the said Schedule 16



132(1) No person shall except with the permission or upon the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden cause or permit any motor vehicle to make a left turn into the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 1 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the road or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 1 of the said Schedule 17.

132(2) No person shall except with the permission or upon the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden cause any vehicle to make a left turn into the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 5 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 5 of the said Schedule 17.


133(1) No person shall except with the permission or upon the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden cause or permit any vehicle to make a right turn into the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 2 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 2 of the said Schedule 17.

133(2) No person shall except with the permission or upon the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden cause any motor vehicle to make a right turn into the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 3 of the said Schedule 17.

133 No person shall except with the permission or upon the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden cause or permit any vehicle to make a right turn into the roads or parts of roads specified in Column of Parts 2, 3 and 6 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the roads or parts of roads specified in Column2 of Parts 2, 3 and 6 of the said Schedule 17.


134 No person shall except with the permission or upon the direction of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden cause any vehicle to effect a U-turn in the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 4 of Schedule 17 to this Order at the location specified in Column 2 of Part 4 of the said Schedule 17.


135 Nothing in Article 133 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle to make a right turn into the road or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the road or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 3 of the said Schedule 17 if the said vehicle is a pedal cycle.

135(1) Nothing in Article 133 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle to make a right turn into the road or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the road or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 3 of the said Schedule 17 if the said vehicle is a pedal cycle.

135(2) Nothing in Article 133 of this Order shall make it unlawful for a vehicle to make a right turn into the road or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 17 to this Order from the road or parts of roads specified in Column 2 of Part 6 of the said Schedule 17 if the said vehicle is a public service vehicle operating a scheduled service.

136 Nothing in Article 134 of this Order shall make it unlawful to cause a vehicle to effect a U-turn on those roads or parts of roads specified in Part 4 of Schedule 17 to this Order if the vehicle is being used for police fire or ambulance purposes.



137(1) Save as provided in Article 139 of this Order no person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 3 tonnes to proceed on any of the lengths of road specified in Part 1 of Schedule 18 to this Order.

137(2) Save as provided in Article 139(b),139(c) and 139(d) of this Order no person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 7.5 tonnes to proceed between 6.00pm and 7.00am the following day on any of the lengths of road specified in Part 3 of Schedule 18 to this Order.

137(3) Save as provided in Article 139 of this Order no person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 7.5 tonnes to proceed on any of the lengths of road specified in Part 4 of Schedule 18 to this Order.

137(3)(a) Save as provided in Article 139 of this Order no person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 7.5 tonnes to proceed on any part of the lengths of road specified in Part 4 of Schedule 18 to this Order.

137(3)(b) Save as provided in Article 139 of this Order no person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 7.5 tonnes to proceed on any part of the lengths of road specified in Part 5 of Schedule 18 to this Order.

138 Save as provided in Article 139 of this Order no person shall cause any motor vehicle the weight of which whether laden or unladen exceeds the maximum gross metric weight of 17 tonnes to proceed on any of the lengths of road specified in Part 2 of Schedule 18 to this Order.


139 Nothing in Articles 137 and 138 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing any vehicle to proceed in any of the lengths of roads specified in Schedule 18 to this Order upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable or traffic warden in uniform or if the vehicle is being used:

139(a) for the conveyance of persons goods or merchandise to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to the said lengths of road; or

139(b) in connection with any building operation or demolition in or adjacent to any of the said lengths of road the removal of an obstruction to traffic the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the said lengths of road or the laying erection alteration or repair in or adjacent to the said lengths of road of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line; or

139(c) for police fire brigade ambulance or local authority purposes or if the vehicle is being used as a public service vehicle.

139(d) to gain access to or egress from premises operating under the conditions of Department of Transport Operators License and that the said vehicle is licensed to operate from the said premises and is complying in all respects with the conditions of the license.

139(1) Nothing in Articles 137 and 138 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing any vehicle to proceed in any of the lengths of roads specified in Schedule 18 Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 to this Order upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable or traffic warden in uniform or if the vehicle is being used:

139(1)(a) for the conveyance of persons goods or merchandise to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to the said lengths of road; or

139(1)(b) in connection with any building operation or demolition in or adjacent to any of the said lengths of road the removal of an obstruction to traffic the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the said lengths of road or the laying erection alteration or repair in or adjacent to the said lengths of road of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line; or

139(1)(c) for police fire brigade ambulance or local authority purposes or if the vehicle is being used as a public service vehicle; or

139(1)(d) to gain access to or egress from premises operating under the conditions of Department of Transport Operators License and that the said vehicle is licensed to operate from the said premises and is complying in all respects with the conditions of the license.

139(2) Nothing in Articles 137 and 138 of this Order shall apply so as to prevent any person from causing any vehicle to proceed in any of the lengths of roads specified in Schedule 18 Part 5 to this Order upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable or traffic warden in uniform or if the vehicle is being used:

139(2)(a) for the conveyance of persons goods or merchandise to or from any premises situated on or adjacent to Silver Street, Queens' Lane and Laundress Lane; or

139(2)(b) in connection with any building operation or demolition in or adjacent to any of the said lengths of road the removal of an obstruction to traffic the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the said lengths of road or the laying erection alteration or repair in or adjacent to the said lengths of road of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line; or

139(2)(c) for police fire brigade ambulance or local authority purposes or if the vehicle is being used as a public service vehicle.



140 Save as provided in Articles 141 and 142 of this Order no person shall cause or permit any vehicle to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 19 to this Order.

140 Save as provided in Artoicles 141 and 142 of this Order no person shall cause or pemit any vehicle to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Schedule 19 to this Order.


141 Nothing in Article 140 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 19 to this Order upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable or traffic warden in uniform or, if as specified in the Articles referred to in Column 2 of Parts 1 and 2 of the said Schedule 19 the vehicle is being used:

141 Nothing in Article 140 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of Schedule 19 to this Order upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable or traffic warden in uniform or, if as specified in the Articles referred to in Column 2 of Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 of the said Schedule 19 the vehicle is being used:

141(a) for the conveyance of persons or goods to any premises situated in or adjacent to the specified road; or

141(b) in connection with any building operation or demolition taking place in the vicinity of the specified road, the removal of any obstruction to traffic in the specified road, the maintenance improvement or reconstruction of the specified road or the laying erection alteration or repair in or near the specified road of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line;

141(c) for access to any premises situated on the specified road or adjacent to the specified road and only accessible for motor vehicles from the specified road;

141(d) for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes;

141(e) in the service of a local authority or water authority in pursuance of its statutory powers or duties; or

141(f) for the purpose of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Section 87 of the Post Office Act 1953(b);

141(g) for gaining access to or egress from a residents parking place within the said road or part of road and the vehicle is displaying a valid permit as specified under Article 91 of this Order for the area in which includes the said road or part of road;

141(h) for the conveyance of persons or goods to or from any premises situated in, or adjacent to and only accessible from, the specified road except between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on Saturdays only; or

141(i) for the conveyance of persons or goods to or from any off street parking or loading facilities accessible only from the specified road between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on Saturdays only.

141(j) Nothing in article 140 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the road or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 19 to this Order upon the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or, if as specified in the Articles referred to in Column 2 of Parts 1 and 2 of the said Schedule 19 the vehicle is being used for the purposes of a designated permit holder.


142 Nothing in Articles 140 and 141 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in column 1 of Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 19 to this Order if, as specified in Column 3 of the said Schedule 19, the vehicle is a:

142 Nothing in Articles 140 and 141 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit a vehicle to enter the roads or parts of roads specified in column 1 of Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Schedule 19 to this Order if, as specified in Column 3 of the said Schedule 19, the vehicle is a:

142(a) public service vehicle;

142(b) hackney carriage;

142(c) goods vehicle which is in actual use for delivering or collecting goods to or from any premises adjoining;

142(d) disabled person's vehicle;

142(e) private vehicle or motor cycle with a permit requiring access to Eden Street Backway and or 47 Eden Street;

142(f) vehicle used to gain access to or for the conveyance of goods to or from premises situated in or adjacent to Burleigh Place, the service area to the north east of Burleigh Place and so much of Burleigh Street as lies between its junction with Adam & Eve Street and East Road;

142(g) private hire car;

142(h) invalid carriage as defined in Section 136 of the Act of 1984 being used to gain access to premises adjoining;

142(i) motor cycle;

142(j) hackney carriage requiring access to the roads or parts of roads specified in Column 1 of Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 19 to this Order between the hours of 5.30 p.m. to 9.35 a.m. on all days;

142(k) pedal cycle being wheeled by a pedestrian;

142(l) vehicle proceeding under the supervision of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden and is being used for the delivery and collection of goods which are heavy or bulky or which might suffer damage if carried by other means or which are valuable and liable to be stolen if carried by other means to premises fronting the road;

142(m) pedal cycle being ridden or wheeled by a pedestrian;

142(n) vehicle to be used for the purpose of delivering or collecting bullion, monies or securities to or from the Midland Bank PLC or the Trustees Savings Bank PLC in Burleigh Street;

142(o) vehicle proceeding to and from the garage premises at the rear of Nos. 12 – 15 Blossom Street;

142(p) goods vehicle which is in actual use for delivering or collecting goods to or from premises adjoining the specified road except between the hours of 10.00 am and 4.00 pm on Saturdays only; or

142(q) a motor vehicle being used by a resident of Nos.43, 45, 47, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 88, 90, 92, 94, 96, 98, 122 and 124 Victoria Road and Nos. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Beaconsfield Terrace, Victoria Road.

142(r) pedal cycle being ridden or wheeled by a pedestrian between the hours of 4.00pm and 10.00am Mondays to Saturdays and at any time on Sundays

142(s) pedal cycle being wheeled by a pedestrian between the hours of 10.00am and 4.00pm Mondays to Saturdays

142(s) a motor vehicle being used by or on behalf of an authorised user

142(t) a motor vehicle used to gain access to the Magdalene Area which includes all that part of Bridge Street which is northwest of a point 72 metres northwest of the centreline of Round Church Street, Lower Park Street, Magdalene Street, New Park Street, Park Parade, all that part of Portugal Street which is between its junctions with New Park Street and Park Parade, Quayside, St. John's Road, Thompson's Lane


143(1) The limited access, exemptions and permitted classes of vehicles on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 19 to this Order apply at any time for all days.

143(2) The limited access, exemptions and permitted classes of vehicles on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 2 of Schedule 19 to this Order apply between the hours of 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.

143(3) The limited access, exemptions and permitted classes of vehicles on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 4 of Schedule 19 to this Order apply between 6.00 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. on all days

143(4) The limited access, exemptions and permitted classes of vehicles on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 5 of Schedule 19 to this Order apply between 4.00 p.m. and midnight on all days



144 No vehicle shall be driven into a boxed area as specified in Schedule 20 to this Order and thereafter driven in such a direction that it becomes necessary owing to the presence of stationary vehicles for any part of that vehicle to remain at rest within the boxed area, provided that it shall not be an offence for a vehicle to be driven into a boxed area and then into a position where it can conveniently wait to make a right turn and is there prevented from being driven out of the boxed area by reason only of the presence of other stationary vehicles in or near that area waiting to complete a right turn.

145 Nothing in Article 144 of this Order shall apply:

145(a) to anything done on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or of a traffic warden;

145(b) to a vehicle used for police fire brigade or ambulance purposes; or

145(c) to a vehicle the driver of which when entering the boxed area had reasonable cause to believe that he or she would immediately be able to drive the vehicle out of that area.



146 No person shall cause or permit any vehicle other than a pedal cycle, public service vehicle, schools bus or works bus to enter the bus/cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of the roads specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 21 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden.

146(1) No person shall cause or permit any vehicle other than a pedal cycle, public service vehicle, schools bus, works bus or taxi to enter the bus/cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of the roads specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 21 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden

146(2) In this Section the following expression has the meaning as hereby assigned to it:

"taxi" means a hackney carriage

146(2) In this Section the following expression has the meaning as hereby assigned to it:

"taxi" means a hackney carriage or private hire car


147 Nothing in Article 146 of this Order shall make it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter proceed or wait in a bus/cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 21 to this Order if and so long as may be necessary to enable:

147(a) the vehicle to be used for the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

147(b) the vehicle to be used for police fire brigade or ambulance purposes;

147(c) the vehicle to be used in the service of any local authority water authority or public utility/authority or with the permission of any such authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties;

147(d) a person to board or alight from such vehicle provided that no such vehicle may wait in the same place for longer than two minutes;

147(e) goods to be loaded on or unloaded from the vehicle at premises having an entrance from the side of the road on which the bus/cycle lane is situated and no other entrance provided that such loading as can be carried out only from the bus/cycle lane shall take place only whilst no prohibition of loading or unloading on the bus/cycle lane by virtue of any other order in force;

147(f) the vehicle to avoid an accident; or

147(g) the vehicle to gain entrance to off street loading facilities or garaging.


148(1) The bus/cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 21 to this Order shall operate between the hours of 8.00 a.m. to 9.30 a.m. and 4.00 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.

148(1) The bus/cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 21 to this Order shall operate between the hours of 7.00am and 7.00pm on all days.

148(2) The bus/ cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 2 of Schedule 21 to this Order shall operate between the hours of 7.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m. Mondays to Saturdays inclusive.



149 The lengths of footways specified in Schedule 22 to this Order are designated as cycle tracks whereby persons may proceed along the said lengths of footways by riding pedal cycles as well as on foot.


150 No person shall drive or cause to be driven any motor vehicle along the lengths of footways specified in Schedule 22 to this Order unless with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden.



151 No person shall cause or permit any vehicle at any time to enter wait or proceed in the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 1 of Schedule 23 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden unless the vehicle is a pedal cycle proceeding in the direction specified in Part 1 of the said Schedule 23.


152 Nothing in Article 151 of this Order shall render it unlawful for any vehicle to enter or proceed or wait in the cycle lane if and for so long as may be necessary to enable:

152(a) the vehicle to be used for the removal of any obstruction to traffic;

152(b) the vehicle to be used for police fire brigade or ambulance purposes;

152(c) the vehicle to be used in service of any local authority or water authority or with the permission of any such authority in pursuance of statutory powers or duties; providing that whilst being so used it is necessary for the vehicle to wait or proceed in the cycle lane;

152(d) the vehicle to pass vehicles parked on the side of the carriageway opposite to a marked cycle lane;

152(e) the vehicle to avoid an accident; or

152(f) the vehicle to gain entrance to off-street loading facilities or garaging.


153 No person shall cause or permit to be caused any vehicle at any time to enter wait or proceed in the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 2 of Schedule 23 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden unless the vehicle is a pedal cycle proceeding in the direction specified in Part 2 of the said Schedule 23.


154 Nothing in Article 153 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in of Part 2 of Schedule 23 to this Order if the vehicle is:

154(a) a public service vehicle waiting or proceeding to and from waiting in a part of the carriageway which is bounded by a road marking shown in diagram 1025 in Schedule 2 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1981 lawfully in place;

154(b) a vehicle being used for police fire or ambulance purposes;

154(c) in the service of a local authority in pursuance of the authority's statutory powers or duties;

154(d) a vehicle that cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road being used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic the maintenance and improvement or reconstruction of the lengths of roads referred to or the laying erection or alteration or repair in or near the said lengths of roads of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line;

154(e) in the service of or employed by the Post Office being used for the purposes of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Section 87 of the Post Office Act 1953;

154(f) a vehicle crossing the carriageway to gain access to off-street parking or loading facilities; or

154(g) a vehicle crossing the carriageway to gain access to premises situated adjacent to the carriageway and to which access cannot be gained from any other road.


153 No person shall cause or permit to be caused any vehicle at any time to enter wait or proceed in the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 23 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden unless the vehilce is a pedal cycle proceeding in the direction specified in Parts 2 and 3 of the said Schedule 23.


154(1) Nothing in Article 153 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Parts 2 and 3 of Scehdule 23 to this Order if the vehicle is:

154(1)(a) a public service vehicle waiting or proceeding to and from waiting in a part of the carriageway which is bounded by a road marking shown in diagram 1025 in Schedule 6 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and Directions 1994 lawfully in place;

154(1)(b) a vehicle being used for police fire or ambulance purposes;

154(1)(c) in the service of a local authority in pursuance of the authority's statutory powers or duties;

154(1)(d) a vehicle that cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road being used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic the maintenance and improvement or reconstruction of the lengths of roads referred to or the laying erection or alteration or repair in or near the said lengths of roads of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line;

154(1)(e) in the service of or employed by the Post Office being used for the purposes of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Section 87 of the Post Office Act 1953;

154(1)(f) a vehicle crossing the carriageway to gain access to off-street parking or loading facilities; or

154(1)(g) a vehicle crossing the carriageway to gain access to premises situated adjacent to the carriageway and to which access cannot be gained from any other road.

154(2) Nothing in Article 153 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter proceed or wait in the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 3 of Schedule 23 to this Order between the hours 10am to 4pm and 7pm to 7am on all days if and so long as may be necessary to enable goods to be loaded on or unloaded from the vehicle at premises having an entrance from the side of the road on which the cycle lane is situated and no other entrance provided that such loading as can be carried out only from the cycle lane shall take place only whilst no prohibition of loading or unloading on the cycle lane by virtue of any other order in force.


153 (i) No person shall cause or permit to be caused any vehicle at any time to enter wait or proceed in the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Part 2 of Schedule 23 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden unless the vehicle is a pedal cycle proceeding in the direction specified in Part 2 of the said Schedule 23.


153 (ii) No person shall cause or permit to be caused any vehicle at any time to enter wait or proceed in the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 23 to this Order except on the direction or with the permission of a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden unless the vehicle is a pedal cycle proceeding in the direction specified in Parts 2 and 3 of the said Schedule 23.


154 Nothing in Article 153 of this Order shall render it unlawful to cause or permit any vehicle to enter the cycle lane marked on the roads or parts of roads specified in of Parts 2 and 3 of Schedule 23 to this Order if the vehicle is:

154(a) a public service vehicle waiting or proceeding to and from waiting in a part of the carriageway which is bounded by a road marking shown in diagram 1025 in Schedule 2 of the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 1981 lawfully in place;

154(b) a vehicle being used for police fire or ambulance purposes;

154(c) in the service of a local authority in pursuance of the authority's statutory powers or duties;

154(d) a vehicle that cannot conveniently be used for such purpose in any other road being used in connection with the removal of any obstruction to traffic the maintenance and improvement or reconstruction of the lengths of roads referred to or the laying erection or alteration or repair in or near the said lengths of roads of any sewer or of any main pipe or apparatus for the supply of gas water or electricity or of any telegraphic line;

154(e) in the service of or employed by the Post Office being used for the purposes of delivering or collecting postal packets as defined in Section 87 of the Post Office Act 1953;

154(f) a vehicle crossing the carriageway to gain access to off-street parking or loading facilities or an on-street parking place specified in Schedule 1 to this Order, or

154(g) a vehicle crossing the carriageway to gain access to premises situated adjacent to the carriageway and to which access cannot be gained from any other road.



155 Each area of the highway specified in Column 2 of Parts 1 and 2 Schedule 24 to this Order is designated as a parking place without charge.


156 Each parking place without charge specified in Parts 1 and 2 Schedule 24 to this Order may be used subject to the provisions of Section 24 of this Order for the waiting of any vehicle not exceeding an unladen weight of 1.5 tonnes.


157 Every vehicle left in a parking place without charge shall so stand in the parking place to be wholly within the limits of a parking bay delineated by white lines on the carriageway.


158 Nothing in Article 156 of this Order shall restrict the power of the Council or the Chief Officer of Police for preventing obstruction of the streets by Order on the occasion of any public procession rejoicing or illumination or where the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed to close any parking place without charge.


159(1) The driver of a vehicle shall not be permitted to wait in any parking place without charge unless the vehicle complies with Article 156 of this Order and is left in accordance with Article 157 of this Order.

159(2) A driver of a vehicle shall not use a parking place without charge:

159(2)(a) so as to unreasonably prevent access to any premises adjoining the road or the use of the road by other persons or so as to be a nuisance;

159(2)(b) when for preventing obstruction of the streets the Council shall by order made on the occasion of any public procession rejoicing or illumination or when the streets are thronged or liable to be obstructed have closed that parking place and exhibited notice of such closing on or near the parking place.

159(3) The driver of a motor vehicle using a parking place without charge shall stop the engine as soon as the vehicle is in position in the parking place and shall not start the engine except when about to change the position of the vehicle in or to depart from the parking place.

159(4) No person shall use a vehicle while it is in a parking place without charge in connection with the sale of any article to persons in or near the parking place or in connection with the selling or offering for hire of his or her skills or services.

159(5) No person shall cause or permit a vehicle to use parking place number 1 specified in Part 1 of Schedule 24 to this Order for any longer than 23 hours in every 24 hours.

159(6) No vehicle shall wait in any parking place without charge specified in Part 2 of Schedule 24 to this Order between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm Monday to Saturday longer than 30 minutes with return prohibited within one hour.


160(1) When a vehicle is left in a parking place without charge in contravention of any of the provisions contained in Article 159 of this Order a person authorised in that behalf by the Council or a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may remove the vehicle or arrange for it to be removed from that parking place provided that when a vehicle is waiting in a parking place in contravention of Article 157 of this Order a person authorised in that behalf by the Council a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden may alter or cause to be altered the position of the vehicle in order that its position shall comply with the said Article 157.

160(2) Any person removing a vehicle or altering its position by virtue of sub paragraph (1) of this Article may do so by towing or driving the vehicle or in such other manner as that person may think necessary and may take such measures in relation to the vehicle as thought necessary to enable the removal of or alteration of its position as the case may be.

160(3) When a person authorised by the Council, a police constable in uniform or a traffic warden removes or makes arrangements for the removal of a vehicle from a parking place without charge by virtue of sub paragraph (1) of this Article that person shall make such arrangements as may be reasonably necessary for the safe custody of the vehicle.


161(1) Parking places without charge specified in Part 1 of Schedule 24 to this Order shall remain in operation for 24 hours Monday to Saturday.

161(2) Parking places without charge specified in Part 2 of Schedule 24 to this Order shall remain in operation between 8.30 am and 6.30 pm Monday to Saturday.

GIVEN under the COMMON SEAL of CAMBRIDGE CITY COUNCIL this 10th day of January 1994 in the presence of:

Head of Legal Services

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)

PART 1 Not applicable to this area


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the east side of NEWNHAM ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125.3 metres south of its junction with Silver Street southwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the east side of .BROOKSIDE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 6.4 metres south of its junction with Lensfield Road southwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of west side of BROOKSIDE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11.0 metres south of its junction with Lensfield Road southwards for a distance of 86.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the south side of LENSFIELD ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 127.7 metres east of its junction with Panton Street eastwards for a distance of 21.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the south side of LENSFIELD ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 61 metres east of its junction with Panton Street eastwards for a distance of 49.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the north side of MAID'S CAUSEWAY which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 43 metres west of its junction with Brunswick Walk westwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the south side of .NEWMARKET ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres west of the centreline of Napier Street westwards for a distance of 20 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6A All that part of the north side of Newmarket Road which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 68.3 metres east of its junction with Auckland Road for a distance of 16.7 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6A All that part of the east side of NEWNHAM ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125.3 metres south of its junction with Silver Street southwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the northeast side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 34.4 metres northwest of its junction with Warkworth Terrace northwestwards for a distance of 24.4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the northeast side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 70.9 metres northwest of its junction with Warkworth Terrace northwestwards for a distance of 31.6 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the northeast side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 70.9 metres northwest of the centreline of Warkworth Terrace for a distance of 25 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the southwest side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.4 metres northwest of its junction with Warkworth Terrace northwestwards for a distance of 97.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the southwest side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 39 metres northwest of its junction with Warkworth Terrace northwestwards for a distance of 69.4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the west side of REGENT STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 244.4 metres north of its junction with Lensfield Road northwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the east side of .REGENT STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 118.3 metres north of its junction with Gonville Place southwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the north side of SILVER STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 43.9 metres east of its junction with Queen's Road eastwards for a distance of 62.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 5.4 metres for diagonal standing of vehicles
12A All that part of the north side of Silver Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 43.9 metres east of its junction with Queen's Road eastwards for a distance of 34.0 metres and which has a width throughout of 5.4 metres for diagonal standing of vehicles
12B All that part of the north side of Silver Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 83.0 metres east of its junction with Queen's Road eastwards for a distance of 16.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the east side of TENNIS COURT ROAD; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20.9 metres north of a point opposite its junction with Fitzwilliam Street northwards for a distance of 10.1 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the east side of TENNIS COURT ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 41.5 metres north of a point opposite its junction with Fitzwilliam Street northwards for a distance of 9.8 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15 All that part of the east side of TENNIS COURT ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 53.8 metres north of a point opposite its junction with Fitzwilliam Street northwards for a distance of 10.0 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON STREET which is bounded on 7879 the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14.4 metres south of its junction with Fitzwilliam Street southwards for a distance of 48.4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14.4 metres south of the centreline of Fitzwilliam Street southwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 117.8 metres south of its junction with Fitzwilliam Street southwards for a distance of 43 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 62.8 metres south of the centreline of Fitzwilliam Street southwards for a distance of 98 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
18 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 169.7 metres south of its junction with Fitzwilliam Street southwards for a distance of 10.1 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

PART 4 - Not applicable to this area.

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the west side of NEWNHAM ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 40 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue southwards for a distance of 41 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane northwards for a distance of 93 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane for a distance of 84 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 26 metres south of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane southwards for a distance of 227 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 11
3A All that part of the east side of Queens' Road which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 26 metres south of the centreline of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane southwards for a distance of 46 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3B All that part of the east side of Queens' Road which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 102 metres south of the centreline of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane southwards for a distance of 151 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of its junction with West Road southwards for a distance of 178 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
4 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of the centeline of West Road for a distance of 35 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the south side of SILVER STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125.9 metres east of its junction with Newnham Road eastwards for a distance of 31.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 50 metres south of the centeline of West Road for a distance of 52 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres west of the centre line of Jesus Green Footbridge for a distance of 36 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
A1 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 36 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 14.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1 All that part of the south east side of ARTHUR STREET; which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres southwest of its junction with Searle Street southwestwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 3
2 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 3 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 94 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres. 7
2 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17.5 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 16.6 metres in a westerly direction
3 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 77 metres east of its junction with Trumpington Road eastwards for a distance of 46 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 42.5 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 20 metres in a westerly direction
3A All that part of the north side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 52.5 metres west of the centreline of Priory Road for a distance of 21 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3B All that part of the south side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12.5 metres west of the centreline of Priory Road for a distance of 56 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3B All that part of the south side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends froma a point 12.5 metres west of the centreline of Priory Road for a distance of 34 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BROAD STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 66 metres east of the centreline of East Road eastwards for a distance of 19 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BROAD STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 93 metres east of the centreline of East Road eastwards for a distance of 25 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BROAD STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 122 metres east of the centreline of East Road eastwards for a distance of 5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BROAD STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 131 metres east of the centreline of East Road eastwards for a distance of 14 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the southwest side of CARLYLE ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 176.5 metres northwest of its junction with Chesterton Road northwestwards for a distance of 52 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 86 metres east of the centreline of Trumpington Road for a distance of 46 metres in an easterly direction
5 All that part of the northeast side of CASTLE STREET; which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 71 metres southeast of its junction with Mount Pleasant southeastwards for a distance of 37 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 7
6 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 104 metres west of its junction with Victoria Avenue westwards for a distance of 83 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6A All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 104 metres west of the centreline of Victoria Avenue for a distance of 56 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6B All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 169 metres west of the centreline of Victoria Avenue for a distance of 20 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 25 metres west of its junction with Victoria Avenue westwards for a distance of 27 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
8 All that part of the north side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 85 metres west of its junction with Victoria Avenue westwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 3
9 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 73 metres east of the centre line of Jesus Green Footbridge eastwards for a distance of 81 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 58 metres west of the centre line of Jesus Green Footbridge westwards for a distance of 121 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 76 metres west of the centreline of Jesus Green Footbridge westwards for a distance of 98.2 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10A All that part of the north side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29 metres east of its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 77 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of the CORPORATION DEPOT ACCESS ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road northwards for a distance of 12 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the north side of CROSS STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 34 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the south side of CROSS STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 34 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the north side of DEVONSHIRE ROAD; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road eastwards for a distance of 70 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 15
14 All that part of the west side of DEVONSHIRE ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 79 metres south of its junction with Mill Road southwards for a distance of 40 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
15 All that part of the west side of EMERY STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 28 metres north of its junction with Mill Road northwards for a distance of 32 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the west side of FISHER STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.1 metres south of its junction with Victoria Road southwards for a distance of 25 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
17 All that part of the western side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Mill Street southwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
18 All that part of the western side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 55 metres north of its junction with Hills Road northwards for a distance of 93 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 10.5
All that part of the west side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 38.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road northwards for a distance of 21 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 156 metres north of the centreline of Hooper Street northwards for a distance of 20 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
19 All that part of the northwest side of HARVEY ROAD; which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres northeast of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 83 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 13.5
19 All that part of the northwest side of HARVEY ROAD which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres northeast of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 79 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 13.5
20 All that part of the southeast side of HARVEY ROAD; which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres northeast of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 104 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 17.5
21 All that part of the west side of HOLLAND STREET; which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.1 metres south of its junction with Victoria Road southwards for a distance of 22 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
All that part of the west side of KINGSTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 32.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road northwards for a distance of 43 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
22 All that part of the west side of MAWSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 74 metres south of its junction with Mill Road southwards for a distance of 35 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
23 All that part of the south side of MILL STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres east of its junction with Covent Garden eastwards for a distance of 6 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
24 All that part of the south side of MILL STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Glisson Road eastwards for a distance of 21.2 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
25 All that part of the south side of MILL STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 41 metres east of its junction with Glisson Road eastwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
26 All that part of the south side of MILL STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 23 metres east of its junction with Covent Garden eastwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Staffordshire Street westwards for a distance of 45 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 56 metres west of the centreline of Staffordshire Street westwards for a distance of 25 metres and which has a width throughout of 5.4 metres for diagonal standing of vehicles
AA2 All that part of the layby on the north side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 56 metres west of the centreline of Staffordshire Street westwards for a distance of 13 metres and which has a width throughout of 5.4 metres for diagonal standing of vehicles
All that part of the north side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30 metres east of the centreline of Staffordshire Street eastwards for a distance of 46 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of Norfolk Street which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres west of the centreline of Caroline Place westwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of Norfolk Street which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37 metres west of the centreline of Caroline Place westwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7.5 metres east of the centreline of Caroline Place eastwards for a distance of 51.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres west of the centreline of Blossom Street westwards for a distance of 4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17.5 metres west of the centreline of Blossom Street westwards for a distance of 23 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 46.5 metres west of the centreline of Blossom Street westwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of
All that part of the south side of Norfolk Street which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres west of the centreline of Caroline Place westwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of Norfolk Street which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37 metres west of the centreline of Caroline Place westwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7.5 metres east of the centreline of Caroline Place eastwards for a distance of 51.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 46.5 metres west of the centreline of Blossom Street westwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
27 All that part of the north side of NORTHAMPTON STREET; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 38.7 metres east of its junction with Pound Hill eastwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
28 All that part of the south side of NORTHAMPTON STREET; which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 47.9 metres west of its junction with Magdelene Street westwards for a distance of 32 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
29 All that part of the north side of NORWICH STREET; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 40 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
29A All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 59 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
29A All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 25 metres in a westerly direction
30 All that part of the east side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres south of the centreline of Russell Court southwards for a distance of 30 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
30A All that part of the east side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of the centreline of Norwich Street southwards for a distance of 31 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
31 All that part of the north side of PEMBERTON TERRACE; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Brookside eastwards for a distance of 21 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
32 All that part of the north side of PEMBERTON TERRACE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 40 metres west of its junction with Panton Street westwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
33 All that part of the north side of PEMBERTON TERRACE; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Panton Street westwards for a distance of 29 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
33 All that part of the north side of Pemberton Terrace which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 18 metres west of its junction with Panton Street westwards for a distance of 18 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
34 All that part of the north side of PEMBERTON TERRACE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 60 metres west of its junction with Panton Street westwards for a distance of 12 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
35 All that part of the northeast side of POUND HILL which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 18 metres northwest of its junction with Northampton Street northwestwards for a distance of 68 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 3.5
36 All that part of the southwest side of POUND HILL which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres northwest of its junction with Northampton Street northwestwards for a distance of 85 metres for diagonal parking and which has a maximum width throughout of 4.5 metres 3.5
37 All that part of the northwest side of POUND HILL which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres southwest of its junction with Haymarket Road southwestwards for a distance of 10 metres for right angled parking and which has a maximum width throughout of 5.5 metres
38 All that part of the south side of RUSSELL COURT which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres east of its junction with Panton Street eastwards for a distance of 31 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
39 All that part of the north side of RUSSELL STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 99 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
40 All that part of the north side of RUSSELL STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 68 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
40A All that part of the north side of RUSSELL STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 32.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
40B All that part of the north side of RUSSELL STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 41 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 34 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
41 All that part of the east side of ST. BARNABAS ROAD; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Mill Road southwards for a distance of 42 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 21
42 All that part of the south side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD; which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Hills Road eastwards to a point 3 metres west of its junction with Gresham Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 10
43 All that part of the north side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Hills Road eastwards for a distance of 93 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 13
43A All that part of the northeast side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road northeastwards for a distance of 66.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
43B All that part of the northeast side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 78.5 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road northeastwards for a distance of 21 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
44 All that part of the southwest side of ST. PETER'S STREET which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 6 metres northwest of its junction with Pound Hill northwestwards for a distance of 18 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 3
44 All that part of the southwest side of ST. PETER'S STREET which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres northwest of the centreline of its junction with Pound Hill northwestwards for a distance of 17 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
44A All that part of the west side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 12.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
44B All that part of the east side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 14 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
45 All that part of the northeast side of ST. PETER'S STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 25 metres south of the centreline of Castle Row for a distance of 6 metres in a southeasterly direction.
46 All that part of the northeast side of ST. PETER'S STREET; which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 35 metres south of the centreline of Castle Row for a distance of 6 metres in a southeasterly direction.
47 All that part of the northeast side of SHELLY ROW; which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Castle Row northwestwards for a distance of 51 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
48 All that part of the southwest side of SHELLY ROW which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres southeast of its junction with Albion Row southeastwards for a distance of 13 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
49 All that part of the east side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of its junction with Lyndewode Road southwards for a distance of 30 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
50 All that part of the west side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of its junction with Lyndewode Road southwards for a distance of 30 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
51 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21 metres north of its junction with Station Road northwards for a distance of 60 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 12
52 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 72 metres south of its junction with Mill Road southwards for a distance of 44 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
53A All that part of the west side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 19.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
53B All that part of the east side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 14.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the southwest side of GRESHAM ROAD; which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 57 metres southeast of its junction with St.Paul's Road southeastwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the southwest side of GRESHAM ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres southeast of its junction with Harvey Road eastwards for a distance of 59 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 11
3 All that part of the southwest side of GRESHAM ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 94.5 metres southeast of its junction with Gonville Place southeastwards for a distance of 77 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 15
All that part of the northeast side of GRESHAM ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres northwest of its junction with Glisson Road to a point 94.5 metres southeast of its junction with Gonville Place and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 27
5 All that part of the southeast side of LADY MARGARET ROAD; which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highhway as extends from a point 88 metres northeast of its junction with Madingley Road northeastwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the southwest side of MOUNT PLEASANT; which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 89 metres northwest of its junction with Lady Margaret Road northwestwards for a distance of 36 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the west side of MOUNT PLEASANT which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 114 metres south of its junction with Huntingdon Road southwards for a distance of 25 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the southwest side of MOUNT PLEASANT which is bounded on the southwest by so much of edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 63 metres northwest of its junction with Lady Margaret Road northwestwards for a distance of 20 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the southwest side of MOUNT PLEASANT which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north west of its junction with Lady Margaret Road northwestwards for a distance of 50 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the east side of NEWNHAM ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 58 metres north of its junction with the Lammas Land Access Road northwards for a distance of 125 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the north side of NEWNHAM WALK which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres west of its junction with Ridley Hall Road westwards for a distance of 165 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 14
12 All that part of the east side of RIDLEY HALL ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue southwards for a distance of 60 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the north side of SIDGWICK AVENUE; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29 metres west of its junction with Ridley Hall Road westwards for a distance of 77 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
14 All that part of the south side of SIDGWICK AVENUE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 205 metres west of its junction with Ridley Hall Road westwards for a distance 187 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 11
15 All that part of the north side of WEST ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 92 metres east of its junction with Grange Road eastwards for a distance of 120 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the north side of WEST ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 242 metres east of its junction with Grange Road eastwards for a distance of 64 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17 All that part of the north side of WEST ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 330 metres east of its junction with Grange Road eastwards for a distance of 80 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk southwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk southwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 49 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk southwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 69.5 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk southwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the west side of NEWNHAM ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 40 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue southwards for a distance of 41 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane northwards for a distance of 93 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 26 metres south of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane southwards for a distance of 227 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 11
4 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of its junction with West Road southwards for a distance of 178 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)

PART 10 Not applicable to this area.


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the north side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29 metres east of its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 77 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
2 All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 118 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
3 All that part of the west side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres south of the centreline of Coronation Street southwards for a distance of 24 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
4 All that part of the east side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of the centreline of Norwich Street southwards for a distance of 31 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the northwest side of POUND HILL which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres southwest of its junction with St.Peter's Street southwestwards for a distance of 45 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres 8
6 All that part of the east side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Station Road northwards for a distance of 50 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Wilkin Street southwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of SUN STREET which extends from a point 40 metres west of its junction with East Road westwards to its most westerly point and which is divided into parking bays having a width of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the north side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 4 metres east of its junction with Victoria Avenue eastwards for a distance of 46 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21 metres east of its junction with Victoria Avenue eastwards for a distance of 37 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the north side of north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 4 metres west of its junction with Victoria Avenue westwards for a distance of 25 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the layby on the north side of MILTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres west of the centreline of Springfield Road for a distance of 33 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

PART 14 Not applicable to this Area.

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner of standing Minimum length in metres not part of parking place
1 All that part of the west side of CLARENDON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 68 metres in a southerly direction 8
1A All that part of the northeast side of HUNTINGDON ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17.2 metres northwest of the centreline of Westfield Road for a distance of 16.6 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1B All that part of the northeast side of HUNTINGDON ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 42.2 metres northwest of the centreline of Westfield Road for a distance of 23.1 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1C All that part of the northeast side of HUNTINGDON ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 18 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 15 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1D All that part of the northeast side of HUNTINGDON ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 39.5 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 20.3 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1E All that part of the west side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 98.5 metres south of the centreline of Riverside for a distance of 24 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1F All that part of the west side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 51.5 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 7.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1G All that part of the west side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 69 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1H All that part of the east side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 47 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1H All that part of the east side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.5 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 22.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres for tangential parking
1I All that part of the east side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8.6 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 28.4 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres for tangiential parking
1I All that part of the east side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 53 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres for tangential parking
1J All that part of the east side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 52.5 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 50.6 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres for tangiential parking
1J All that part of the east side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 68 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 18.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1K All that part of the north side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16.5 metres west of the centreline of Abbey Road for a distance of 12 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres for tangiential parking
1L All that part of the north side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 28.5 metres west of the centreline of Abbey Road westwards to its most westerly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1M All that part of the north side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5.5 metres east of the centreline of Abbey Road for a distance of 71 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1N All that part of the north side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres west of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 66 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1O All that part of the south side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11.5 metres west of the centreline of Abbey Road for a distance of 11.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of ST. MATTHEW'S STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres north of the centreline of Petworth Street northwards for a distance of 35 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of ST. MATTHEW'S STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 6 metres north of the centreline of Vicarage Terrace northwards for a distance of 72 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of ST. MATTHEW'S STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of the centreline of Edward Street southwards for a distance of 17 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the east side of SHAFTESBURY ROAD; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 78 metres in a southerly direction 17
3 All that part of the east side of SHAFTESBURY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 25 metres north of the centreline of Fitzwilliam Road for a distance of 64 metres in a northerly direction 14
4 All that part of the south side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres east of its junction withTenison Road eastwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the south side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 48 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road eastwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the south side of south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 90 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road eastwards for a distance of 33 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the south side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 98 metres east of its junction with Hills Road eastwards for a distance of 105 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 23
8 All that part of the north side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 80 metres east of its junction with Hills Road eastwards for a distance of 91 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 8
8 All that part of the north side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 98.5 metres east of the centreline of Hills Road eastwards for a distance of 72 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the north side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 50 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road eastwards for a distance of 73 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north of the centreline of Young Street northwards for a distance of 29 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres south of the centreline of Young Street southwards for a distance of 41.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres south of the centreline of Petworth Street southwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14.5 metres south of the centreline of Geldart Street southwards for a distance of 18 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 45 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street for a distance of 240 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 63 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street for a distance of 222 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the west side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 45 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street southwards for a distance of 73 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 8
11 All that part of the west side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 45 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street southwards for a distance of 73 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 15
11 All that part of the west side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 67 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street southwards for a distance of 51 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 11
12 All that part of the west side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 165 metres south of the centreline of BATEMAN STREET for a distance of 140 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the south side of UNION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Bentinck Street westwards for a distance of 67 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the south side of UNION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends froma a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Bentinck Street for a distance of 45 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the south side of UNION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres east of the centreline of Bentinck Street eastwards for a distance of 80 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14A All that part of the west side of WALNUT TREE AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres south of the centreline of Riverside for a distance of 55 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14B All that part of the west side of WALNUT TREE AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 78.5 metres south of the centreline of Riverside for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14C All that part of the east side of WALNUT TREE AVENUE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres south of the centreline of Riverside for a distance of 79 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 1 PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 to 27)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is a designated parking place with ticket machines including any special manner Minimum length in metres not part of parking of standing place
1 All that part of the southwest side of HILLS ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north of the centreline of Norwich Street northwards for a distance of 18 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the southwest side of HILLS ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of the centreline of Russell Street southwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
3 All that part of the southwest side of HILLS ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north of the centreline of Russell Street northwards for a distance of 37 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the southwest side of HILLS ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 27 metres north of the centreline of Coronation Street northwards for a distance of 47 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


BARTON ROAD On its south side from a point 15 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Millington Road westwards for a distance of 22 metres
BATEMAN MEWS (west/east arm) On its north side
BATEMAN STREETOn its north side
BRADMORE STREET On its southwest side from its junction with East Road for a distance of 25.9 metres in a southeasterly direction
BRADMORE STREET On its northeast side
BRADMORE STREET On its southwest side from its junction with East Road to its junction with Bradmore Lane
BROAD STREET On its south side from a point 14 metres east of its junction with East Road for a distance of 45 metres in an easterly direction
BROAD STREETOn its northeast side
BROAD STREET On its southwest side from its junction with East Road for a distance of 13.7 metres in a southeasterly direction
EAST ROAD On its west side from its junction with Gonville Place to its junction with Newmarket Road
EAST ROAD On its east side from its junction with Norfolk Street to its junction with Newmarket Road
GRANGE ROAD On its eastern side from a point 30 metres south of its junction with Madingley Road to a point of 22 metres north of its junction with Adams Road
KINGSTON STREET On its east side from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 198 metres in a northerly direction
NEW STREET On its northern side from a point 62 metres west of its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 47 metres in a westerly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from its junction with Elizabeth Way for a distance of 23 metres in a westerly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from its junction with Elizabeth Way for a distance of 89 metres in a westerly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from the centreline of Wellington Street for a distance of 114 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from a point 90.3 metres east of the centreline of Auckland Road for a distance of 132 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its south side from a point 14 metres east of the junction with East Road eastwards to its junction with Caroline Place
NORFOLK STREET On its south side from its junction with Caroline Place eastwards for 31 metres
NORFOLK STREET In the lay-by on the north side from a point 80 metres west of the junction with Staffordshire Street eastwards for a distance of 24 metres
REGENT TERRACE Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.
TRUMPINGTON STREET Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


ABBEY ROAD On both sides from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Beche Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction
ABBEY ROAD On both sides from a point 48 metres south of the centreline of its junction with Beche Road southwards to its most southerly point
ABBEY ROAD On its east side from its junction with Riverside for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction
ABBEY ROAD On its west side from its junction with Riverside for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
ABBEY STREET On its east side from its junction with New Street northwards to its most northerly point
ABBEY STREET On its west side from the centreline of New Street for a distance of 27 metres in a northerly direction
ABBEY WALK On its south side from its junction with York Street for a distance of 8 metres in a northerly direction
ABBEY WALK On its north and west sides from its junction with York Street to Its junction with Sturton Street
ABBEY WALK On its southern and eastern sides from a point 31 metres from its junction with York Street for a distance of 55 metres in a westerly and southerly direction
ACREFIELD DRIVE On both sides from its junction with Manhattan Drive for a distance of 11 metres in an easterly direction
ADAM & EVE STREET On both sides from its junction with Burleigh Street southwards to its junction with Paradise Street
ADAM & EVE STREET On both sides from its junction with Warkworth Street to its junction with Dover Street
ADAM AND EVE STREET On its west side
ADAM AND EVE STREET On its east side from its junction with Burleigh Street southwards to a point 17 metres north of the centreline of Grafton Street
ADAM AND EVE STREET On its east side from a point 37 metres south of the centreline of Grafton Street southwards to its junction with Warkworth Street
ADAMS ROAD On both sides from its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction
ADAMS ROAD On both sides from a point 19 metres west of the centreline of Sylvester Road for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction
AINSWORTH STREET On both sides from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction
AINSWORTH STREET On its west side from its junction with Sleaford Street for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction
AINSWORTH STREET On its west side from a point 8 metres south of its junction with Stone Street for a distance of 16 metres in a northerly direction
AINSWORTH STREET On its east side from its junction with Sleaford Street to a point 8 metres south of its junction with Stone Street
ALPHA ROAD On its northeast side from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 68.6 metres in a northwesterly direction
ALPHA ROADOn its southwest side
ALPHA ROAD On its northeast side from its junction with St. Luke's Street for a distance of 38 metres in an easterly direction
ALPHA ROAD On its northeast side from a point 9 metres northwest of its junction with Carlyle Road for a distance of 18 metres in a southeasterly direction
ARTHUR STREETOn its west side
ARTHUR STREET On its east side from its junction with Searle Street for a distance of 7 metres in a southerly direction
ARTHUR STREET On its east side from its junction with Clare Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
AUCKLAND ROAD On both sides from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
AUCKLAND ROAD On its west side from a point 82 metres north of its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 26 metres in a southerly direction
Auckland Road Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
AYLESTONE ROAD On both sides from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Kimberly Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
AYLESTONE ROAD On both sides from a point 12 metres west of its junction with De Freville Avenue for a distance of 24 metres in an easterly direction
AYLESTONE ROAD; On both sides from its junction with Belvoir Road for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction
AYLESTONE ROAD On its north side from its junction with Pretoria Road for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction
AYLESTONE ROAD On its south side for a distance of 10 metres from the centreline of Pretoria Road in an easterly direction
BAILEY MEWS On both sides for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction from the centreline of Auckland Road
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 22 metres west of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 44 metres in an easterly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side for a distance of 28 metres from the centreline of Newnham Road in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 15 metres east of the centreline of Clare Road for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 15 metres east of the centreline of St Mark's Court for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 15 metres west of the centreline of Clare Road for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 15 metres west of the centreline of St. Mark's Court for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its southern side from its junction with Millington Road for a distance of 15 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its southern side from its junction with Millington Road for a distance of 38 metres in an easterly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from a point 12 metres east of the centreline of Hardwick Street for a distance of 24 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from a point 10 metres east of the centreline of King's Road for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from its junction with Grantchester Street for a distance of 55 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side from its junction with Newnham Road westwards to a point 20 metres west of the centreline of Clare Road
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 15 metres east of the centreline of St. Mark's Court for a distance of 35 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its north side from a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Grange Road for a distance of 44 metres in an easterly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from its junction with Millington Road for a distance of 15 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from its junction with Millington Road for a distance of 38 metres in an easterly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from a point 10 metres east of the centreline of King's Road for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from its junction with Grantchester Street westwards to a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Hardwick Street
BARTON ROAD On its south side from the centreline of its junction with Grantchester Road for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
BARTON ROAD On its south side from a point 17 metres east of the centreline of Barton Close for a distance of 28 metres in an easterly direction.
BATEMAN MEWS On the west side of the north-south arm from its junction with the west-east arm for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction
BATEMAN MEWS On the west side of the north-south arm from its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 6 metres in a southerly direction
BATEMAN MEWS On the east side of the north-south arm from its junction with Bateman Street to its junction with the west-east arm of Bateman Mews
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Bateman Mews for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from a point 3 metres east of the centreline of Bateman Mews for a distance of 17 metres in an easterly Direction
BATEMAN STREET On both sides from a point 7 metres west of the centreline of Francis Passage for a distance of 24 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Panton Street for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction.
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Panton Street for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction.
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from its junction with Trumpington Road for a distance of 77 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 123 metres east of its junction with Trumpington Road for a distance of 85 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from a point 5 metres west of its junction with St.Eligius Street for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from its junction with Trumpington Road for a distance of 40 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 3 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 17.5 metres in a westerly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from a point 68 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road to a point 10.5 metres west of the centreline of Panton Street
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from the centreline of its junction with Trumpington Road for a distance of 48 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its north side from a point 5 metres west of the centreline of St. Eligius Street for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 17.5 metres in a westerly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 33.5 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 9 metres in a westerly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 62.5 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 14.5 metres in a westerly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 116.5 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 15.5 metres in a westerly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Bateman Mews for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 8 metres west of the centreline of Francis Passage for a distance of 29 metres in an easterly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 18.2 metres west of the centreline of Francis Passage for a distance of 30.3 metres in a westerly direction
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from a point 80.3 metres west of the centreline of Francis Passage to a point 132 metres east of the centreline of Trumpington Road
BATEMAN STREET On its south side from the centreline of its junction with Trumpington Road for a distance of 86 metres in an easterly direction
BECHE ROAD On its north side from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 13 metres in an easterly direction
BECHE ROAD On its north side from a point 11 metres east of the centreline of its junction with Saxon Road for a distance of 29 metres in a westerly direction
BECHE ROAD On its north side from a point 11 metres east of the centreline of its junction with Priory Road for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
BECHE ROAD On both sides from the centreline of its junction with River Lane for a distance of 12 metres in a westerly direction
BECHE ROAD On its south side from its junction with Godesdone Road for a distance of 16.5 metres in a westerly direction
BECHE ROAD On its south side from its junction with Godesdone Road for a distance of 16.5 metres in an easterly direction
BECHE ROAD On its south side from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 18 metres in an easterly direction
BELVOIR ROAD On its west side from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Aylestone Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
BELVOIR ROAD On both sides for a distance of 11 metres from the centreline of Humberstone Road in a southerly direction
BELVOIR ROAD on its east side from a point 93 metres south of the centreline of Aylestone Road southwards to its junction with Manhattan Drive
BENSON PLACE On its southeast side
BENSON PLACE On its northwest side from the centreline of Westfield Lane for a distance of 7 metres in a northeasterly direction
BENSON STREET On both sides from its junction with Huntingdon Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northeasterly direction
BENSON STREET On both sides from a point 9 metres southwest of its junction with Westfield Lane for a distance of 18 metres in a northeasterly direction
BLOSSOM STREET On its eastern side from a point 66 metres south its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction
BLOSSOM STREET On its western side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 71 metres in a southerly direction
BLOSSOM STREET On its eastern side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction
BRADMORE LANE On its northern and eastern sides
BRADMORE LANE On its south side from its junction with Palmers Walk for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction
BRADMORE LANE On its western side from its junction with Bradmore Street for a distance of 6 metres in a southerly direction
BRADMORE STREET On its southwestern side from the northwestern boundary of its junction with Palmers Walk for a distance of 10 metres in a northwesterly direction
BRADMORE STREET On its southwestern side from the southeastern boundary of its junction with Palmers Walk for a distance of 10 metres in a southeasterly direction
BRADMORE STREET On its northeast side
BRADMORE STREET On its southwest side from its junction with Bradmore Lane eastwards to its most easterly point
BRADMORE STREET On all sides of the turning head at its eastern end
BRUNSWICK GARDENS On its eastern side from a point 87 metres north of its junction with Maid's Causeway northwards for a distance of 18.0 metres
BRUNSWICK GARDENS On its eastern side from its junction with Maid's Causeway northwards for a distance of 77.0 metres
BRUNSWICK GARDENS On its western side from its junction with Maid's Causeway northwards for a distance of 105 metres
BRUNSWICK GARDENS On its south side from its junction with Brunswick Terrace to a point 10 metres west of its junction with Brunswick Terrace in a westerly direction
BRUNSWICK GARDENS On its northern side from a point 105 metres north and east of its junction with Newmarket Road to its junction with Brunswick Terrace
Brunswick Gardens Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
BRUNSWICK TERRACE On both sides from its junction with Brunswick Gardens for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction
BRUNSWICK TERRACE On both sides from its junction with Newmarket Road northwards for a distance of 45 metres
Brunswick Terrace Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
BUCKINGHAM ROAD On both sides from a point 52 metres southwest of its junction with Huntingdon Road to the southern end of Buckingham Road
BUCKINGHAM ROAD On its southeast side from the centerline of Huntingdon Road for a distance of 16 metres in a southwesterly direction
BURLEIGH PLACE On both sides from its junction with Crispin Place to its junction with Burleigh Street
BURLEIGH STREETOn its northeast side
BURLEIGH STREET On its southwest side from its junction with Fitzroy Street southeastwards for a distance of 22.0 metres
BURLEIGH STREET On its southwest side from its junction with East Road to a point 11.0 metres northwest of its junction with Adam and Eve Street
CANTERBURY CLOSE On both sides from the centreline of Canterbury Street for a distance of 14.5 metres in a southeasterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On both sides from its junction with Histon Road to a point 11 metres west of its junction with North Street.
CANTERBURY STREET On both sides from a point 12.5 metres southeast of its junction with Benson Street for a distance of 25 metres in a northwesterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On both sides from a point 10 metres southeast of its junction with Priory Street for a distance of 18 metres in a northwesterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On its southeast side from a point 12 metres northeast of the centreline of Canterbury Close for a distance of 23.5 metres in a southwesterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On its north side from its junction with Histon Road to a point 7 metres northwest of the centreline of Benson Street
CANTERBURY STREET On its south side from its junction with Histon Road to a point 13 metres west of its junction with North Street
CANTERBURY STREET On its southwest side from a point 9 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street northwestwards to a point 12 metres northwest of the centreline of Priory Street
CANTERBURY STREET On its northeast side from a point 8 metres southeast of the centreline of Priory Street for a distance of 13 metres in a northwesterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On its northeast side from a point 32 metres northwest of the centreline of Priory Street for a distance of 9 metres in a northwesterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On its southeast side from a point 57 metres southwest of the centreline of Cantrbury Close for a distance of 6 metres in a southwesterly direction
CANTERBURY STREET On its southeast side from a point 12 metres northeast of the centreline of Canterbury Close for a distance of 23.5 metres in a southwesterly direction
CARLYLE ROAD On its northwest side from its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northeasterly direction
CARLYLE ROAD On its southeast side from its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 115 metres in a northeasterly direction
CARLYLE ROAD On its northeast side from its junction with Chesterton Road to a point 54.8 metres northwest of its junction with Fisher Street
CARLYLE ROAD On its southwest side from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 97.5 metres in a northwesterly direction
CASTLE ROW On both sides from its junction with Castle Street southwestwards for a distance of 10.9 metres
CASTLE ROW On both sides from a point 10.9 metres south of its junction with Castle Street to its junction with Shelly Row
CHEDDARS LANE On its northeast side from the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 26 metres in a northwesterly direction
CHEDDARS LANE On its northeast side from a point 49.5 metres northwest of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 34.5 metres in a northwesterly direction
CHEDDARS LANE On its southwest side from the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 44.5 metres in a northwesterly direction
CHEDDARS LANE On its southwest side from a point 84.5 metres northwest of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 19 metres in a northwesterly direction
CHEDDARS LANE On its south side from its junction with Newmarket Road to a point 3 metres east of the centreline of its junction with the access road serving properties nos. 1 to 8 Cheddars Lane
CHEDDARS LANE On its south side from a point 66 metres west of the centreline of its junction with the access road serving properties nos. 1 to 8 Cheddars Lane to a point 110 metres west of the centreline of its junction with the access road serving properties nos. 1 to 8 Cheddars Lane
CHEDDARS LANE On its north side from its junction with Newmarket Road to a point 110 metres west of the centreline of its junction with the access road serving properties nos. 1 to 8 Cheddars Lane
CHEDDARS LANE On all sides of the access road serving properties nos. 1 to 8 Cheddars Lane
CHEDWORTH STREET On both sides from its junction with Grantchester Street for a distance of 6 metres in an easterly direction
CHRISTCHURCH STREET On its east side from a point 78 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road southwards to its most southerly point
CHRISTCHURCH STREET On its west side from a point 83 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road southwards to its most southerly point
CHRISTCHURCH STREET On both sides from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 9 metres in a southerly direction
CHRISTCHURCH STREET On all sides of the turning head at its southern end
CITY ROAD On its west side from its junction with Fitzroy Street to a point opposite the southern side of Paradise Street
CITY ROAD On its east side from its junction with Fitzroy Street to a point 49 metres north of the northern side of Paradise Street
CITY ROAD On its east side from its junction with Fitzroy Street southwards to a point 50 metres north of the centreline of Paradise Street
CLARENDON STREET On its northwest side from the centreline of Parkside for a distance of 21 metres in a northeasterly direction
CLARENDON STREET On its southeast side from the centreline of Parkside for a distance of 57.5 metres in a northeasterly direction
CLARE STREET On its northeast side from a point 8 metres northwest of its junction with Hale Street for a distance of 12 metres in a southeasterly direction
CLARE STREE On its northeast side from its junction with St. Luke's Street for a distance of 4 metres in a northwesterly direction
CLARE STREET On its northeast side from a point 8 metres southeast of its junction with Arthur Street for a distance of 16 metres in a northwesterly direction
CLARE STREETOn its southwest side
COLDHAM'S LANE On its west side from a point 15 metres north of the centreline of New Street for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
COLLIER ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
CORONA ROAD On both sides from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 12.2 metres in a northerly direction
CORPORATION DEPOT access road On its east side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 17 metres in a northerly direction
CORPORATION DEPOT access road On its east side from a point 35 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to its northernmost point
CORPORATION DEPOT access road On its west side
CRANMER ROAD On both sides from its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction
CROSS STREET On both sides from its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
CROSS STREET On both sides from its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
CROSS STREET On its south side from its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
CROSS STREET On its south side from its junction with Covent Garden for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
CROSS STREET On its north side from its junction with Covent Garden for a distance of 14 metres in an easterly direction
CROSS STREET On its north side from its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
CUTTER FERRY CLOSE On its east side from the centreline of Elizabeth Way for a distance of 17 metres in a northerly direction
CUTTER FERRY CLOSE On its west side from the centreline of Elizabeth Way for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction
CUTTER FERRY CLOSE On both sides from the centreline of Elizabeth Way for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On its east side from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On its west side from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On its east side from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Montague Road for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On its west side from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Hamilton Road for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On its east side from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Humberstone Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On both sides from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Aylestone Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
DE FREVILLE AVENUE On its east side from a point 26 metres south of its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
DERBY STREET On both sides for a distance of 4 metres from its junction with Barton Road in a southerly direction
DERBY STREET On both sides from a point 11 metres north of the centreline of Newnham Croft Street for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
DERBY STREET On both sides from the centreline of Merton Street for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On both sides from a point 142 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road to a point 320 metres south of its junction with Mill Road
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On its north side from its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On its south side from its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 142 metres in an easterly direction
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On its west side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 33 metres in a southerly direction
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On its east side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
DROSIER ROAD On its northeastern side from the junction with Harvey Road for a distance of 45 metres in a northwesterly direction
DROSIER ROAD On its northeastern side from a point 63 metres northwest of the junction with Harvey Road for a distance of 4 metres in a northwesterly direction
DROSIER ROAD On its southwestern side from a point 62 metres northwest of the junction with Harvey Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northwesterly direction
EARL STREET On its south side from its junction with Emmanuel Road eastwards for a distance of 28.8 metres
EAST HERTFORD STREET On its northwest side from its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 7 metres in a southwesterly direction
EAST HERTFORD STREET On its northwest side from its junction with Hertford Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northeasterly direction
EAST ROAD On its northwestern side from its junction with Burleigh Street for a distance of 16.8 metres in a southwesterly direction
EAST ROAD On its northwestern side from its junction with Burleigh Street for a distance of 13.7 metres in a northeasterly direction
EAST ROAD On its southeast side from its junction with Norfolk Street to its junction with Mill Road EAST ROAD On its southeast side from its junction with Newmarket Road to a point 135 metres northeast of its junction with St. Matthew's Street
EAST ROAD On its southeast side from its junction with Norfolk Street to a point 110 metres northeast of its junction with St. Matthew's Street
EAST ROAD On its northwest side from its junction with Burleigh Street to its junction with Newmarket Road
EAST ROAD cul-de-sac On its south side from a point 67 metres southwest of its junction with Occupation Road to its junction with Occupation Road
EAST ROAD cul-de-sac On its north side from its junction with Occupation Road for a distance of 5 metres in a southwesterly direction
EAST ROAD cul-de-sac On its north side from a point 52 metres southwest of its junction with Occupation Road for a distance of 7 metres in a southwesterly direction
EAST ROAD cul-de-sac On both sides from a point 67 metres southwest of its junction with Occupation Road for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction
EAST ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other parts of Schedule 2
EDEN STREET On both sides from its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 33 metres in a northerly direction
EDEN STREET On both sides from a point 33 metres southwest of its junction with Fitzroy Street for a distance of 14 metres in a southwesterly direction
EDEN STREET On both sides from its junction with Fitzroy Street southwards for a distance of 24.4 metres
EDEN STREET On both sides from its junction with Elm Street to its junction with Prospect Row
EDEN STREET On its west side from its junction with Elm Street northwards to a point 119.5 metres north of the centreline of Elm Street
EDEN STREET On its west side from a point 139.5 metres north of the centreline of Elm Street northwards to its junction with Fitzroy Street
EDEN STREET On its east side from the centreline of its junction with Elm Street for a distance of 21 metres in a northerly direction
EDEN STREET On its east side from a point 70 metres north of the centreline of Elm Street for a distance of 6 metres in a northerly direction
EDEN STREET On its east side from a point 141 metres north of the centreline of Elm Street northwards to its junction with Fitzroy Street
EDEN STREET BACKWAY On both sides from its junction with Fitzroy Street southwards for a distance of 54.9 metres
EDEN STREET BACKWAY On both sides from its junction with Elm Street to a point 55 metres south of its junction with Fitzroy Street
EDWARD STREET On its south side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
EDWARD STREETOn its north side
ELM STREET On its north side from its junction with Eden Street to its junction with Eden Street Backway
ELM STREET On its south side from the centreline of its junction with Eden Street for a distance of 34 metres in a westerly direction
ELTISLEY AVENUE On its north west side from its junction with Grantchester Street for a distance of 24 metres in a south westerly direction
EMERY STREET On its east side from its junction with Mill Road northwards for a distance of 25 metres in a northerly direction
EMERY STREET On its east side from a point 60 metres north of its junction with Mill Road northwards for a distance of 20 metres
EMERY STREET On its west side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 80 metres in a northerly direction
EVENING COURTOn its west side
EVENING COURT On all sides of the turning head at its northern end
EVENING COURT On its east side from the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction
EVENING COURT On its east side from a point 51 metres north of the centreline of Evening Court northwards to its junction with the turning head at its northern end.
FERRY PATH On both sides from its junction with Hamilton Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction
FERRY PATH On both sides from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 13.7 metres in a southerly direction
FISHER STREETOn its southeast side
FISHER STREET On its northwest side from its junction with Carlyle Road to a point 6 metres north of its junction with Hilda Street
FISHER STREET On its northwest side from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 9.1 metres in a southwesterly direction
FLOWER STREET On both sides from its junction with Blossom Street for a distance of 54 metres in a westerly direction
GELDART STREET On its north side from a point 97 metres west of its junction with Sturton Street to its junction with St.Matthew's Court.
GELDART STREET On north side from its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
GELDART STREETOn its south side
GEORGE IV STREET On both sides from its junction with Union Road for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
GEORGE IV STREET On its west side from its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its southeast side from a point 20 metres southwest of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 40 metres in a northeasterly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its eastern side from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Cross Street for a distance of 35 metres in a southerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Cross Street for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Street for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its north side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 55 metres in a north easterly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its south side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 47 metres in a north easterly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its eastern side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Cross Street for a distance of 65 metres in a southerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its northwest side from a point 15 metres northeast of its junction with Cross Street for a distance of 30 metres in a southwesterly direction
GLISSON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Street for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 55 metres in an easterly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its east side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 48 metres in a southerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its east side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 31 metres in a southerly direction
GLISSON ROAD On its west side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 63 metres in a southerly direction
GODESDONE ROADOn its east side
GODESDONE ROAD On its west side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction
GODESDONE ROAD On its west side from its junction with Beche Road for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction
GODESTONE ROAD On its west side from a point 26 metres south of the centreline of its junction with Beche Road for a distance of 6 metres in a southerly direction
GRAFTON STREET On its north side from a point 117 metres east of City Road eastwards to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
GRAFTON STREET On its south side from a point 120 metres east of City Road eastwards to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 20 metres south of its junction with Selwyn Gardens for a distance of 40 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 20 metres north of its junction northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from its junction with Barton Road for a distance of 44 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 197 metres north of its junction with Barton Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 22 metres south of its junction with Cranmer Road for a distance of 44 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 21 metres south of its junction with West Road for a distance of 42 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its east side from its junction with Barton Road to a point 22 metres north of its junction with Adams Road
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 21 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue for a distance of 42 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 88 metres south of its junction with Herschel Road for a distance of 124 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 37 metres south of its junction for a distance of 44 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its western side from a point 8 metres north of its junction with Adams Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On both sides from its junction with Madingley Road for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Clarkson Road for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 15 metres north of the centreline of Clarkson Road for a distance of 35 metres in a southerly direction
GRANTCHESTER STREET On its east side from its junction with Barton Road to its junction with Chedworth Street
GRANTCHESTER STREET On its east side from its junction with Chedworth Street for a distance of 49 metres in a southerly direction
GRANTCHESTER STREET On its west side from its junction with Merton Street for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction
GRANTCHESTER STREET On its west side from its junction with Merton Street to its junction with Eltisley Avenue
GRANTCHESTER STREET On its west side from the centreline of Barton Road for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction
GRANTCHESTER STREET On its west side from a point 47 metres south of the centreline of Barton Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
GRASMERE GARDENS On both sides from the centreline of Carlyle Road for a distance of 16 metres in a northeasterly direction
GRESHAM ROAD On its southwest side from a point 17 metres northwest of its junction with St. Paul's Road for a distance of 75 metres in a southeasterly direction
GRESHAM ROAD On its northeast side from its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northwesterly direction
GRESHAM ROAD On its southwest side from its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northwesterly direction
GRESHAM ROAD On its southwest side from a point 8 metres northwest of its junction with Harvey Road for a distance of 24 metres in a southeasterly direction
GRESHAM ROAD On both sides from its junction with Gonville Place southeastwards for a distance of 94.5 metres
GUEST ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
GUEST ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
GWYDIR STREET On its west side from a point 170 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 10 metres south of its junction with Milford Street
GWYDIR STREET On its east side from its junction with Mill Road to its junction with Hooper Street
GWYDIR STREET On its east side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On its west side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On its east side from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Milford Street for a distance of 23 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On its west side from a point 28 metres south of its junction with Milford Street to a point 11 metres north of its junction with Hooper Street
GWYDIR STREET On its west side from a point 12 metres south of its junction with Norfolk Street to a point 11 metres north of its junction with Milford Street
GWYDIR STREET On both sides from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Milford Street for a distance of 17 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On both sides from a point 11 metres north its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On both sides from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 12 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On both sides from a point 11 metres north its junction with Milford Street for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
HALE STREETOn its south east side
HALE STREET On its north west side from its junction with Clare Street for a distance of 3 metres in a northeasterly direction
HALE STREET On its north west side from its junction with Searle Street for a distance of 7 metres in a southwesterly direction
HAMILTON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Ferry Path for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction
HAMILTON ROAD On its north side from its junction with Ferry Path eastwards to a point 9 metres east of the centreline of Pretoria Road
Hamilton Road On its south side from its junction with Ferry Path for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction
HAMILTON ROAD On both sides from its junction with De Freville Avenue for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction
HAMILTON ROAD On its south side from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Pretoria Road for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
HAMILTON ROAD On its south side from a point 11 metres east of its junction with Kimberley Road for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its east side from its junction with Merton Street for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its east side from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Newnham Croft Street for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its east side for a distance of 12 metres from its junction with Barton Road in a southerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its west side for a distance of 4 metres from its junction with Barton Road in a southerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its west side from the centreline of Barton Road for a distance of 25 metres in a southerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its east side from its junction with Barton Road to its junction with Newnham Croft Street
HARDWICK STREET On its west side from the centreline of Merton Street for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its east side from the centreline of Newnham Croft Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
HARDWICK STREET On its east side from its junction with Merton Street for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction
HARVEST WAY On its east and north sides from its junction with New Street northwards and westwards to its junction with Abbey Street
HARVEST WAY On its west and south sides from the centreline of New Street northwards and westwards for a distance of 42 metres
HARVEST WAY On its south side from a point 60 metres east of the centreline of Abbey Street for a distance of 15 metres in a westerly direction
HARVEST WAY On its south side from its junction with Abbey Street eastwards to a point 24 metres east of the centreline of Abbey Street
HARVEY ROAD On both sides from its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 5 metres in a southwesterly direction
HARVEY ROAD On its northwestern side from a point 6 metres southwest of the junction with Drosier Road for a distance of 19 metres in a northeasterly direction
HARVEY ROAD On its northwest side from a point 10 metres southwest of the centreline of Drosier Road for a distance of 23 metres in a northeasterly direction
HARVEY ROAD On its northwest side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction
HARVEY ROAD On its southeast side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction
HAYMARKET ROAD On its north side from its junction with Pound Hill for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction
HAYMARKET ROAD On its north side from its junction with Albion Row for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction
HAYMARKET ROADOn its south side
HERSCHEL ROAD On both sides from its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction
HERSCHEL ROAD On its north side from the centreline of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 38 metres in a westerly direction
HERSCHEL ROAD On its south side from the centreline of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 24 metres in a westerly direction
HERSCHEL ROAD On both sides from a point 16 metres east of the centreline of Sylvester Road westwards to its most westerly point
HERTFORD STREET On its northeast side from its junction with Chesterton Road to a point 9.1 metres northwest of its junction with East Hertford Street
HERTFORD STREETOn its southwest side
HERTFORD STREET On its northeast side from its junction with St. Luke's Street for a distance of 9.1 metres in a southeasterly
HILLS ROAD On its east side from its junction with Gonville Place to a point 30.5 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue
HILLS ROAD On its west side from its junction with Lensfield Road to a point 17 metres south of junction with Union Road
HILLS ROAD On its west side from its junction with Brooklands Avenue to a point 25 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 26 metres south of its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 67 metres in a northerly direction
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 6 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street to a point 15 metres south of its junction with Norwich Street.
HILLS ROAD On its west side from its junction with Lensfield Road to its junction with Brooklands Avenue excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
HISTON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 54.9 metres in a northerly direction
HISTON ROAD On its west side from a point 6 metres north of its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction.
HISTON ROAD On its west side from a point 12.5 metres north of the centreline of Canterbury Street for a distance of 26 metres in a southerly direction
HISTON ROAD On its west side from a point 79 metres south of its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction.
HOLLAND STREET On its west side from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 9.1 metres in a southerly direction
HOLLAND STREE On its west side from its junction with Carlyle Road for a distance of 9.1 metres in a northerly direction
HOLLAND STREETOn its east side
HOOPER STREET On its north side from a point 13 metres west of its junction with Kingston Street to its most easterly point.
HOOPER STREET On its north side from its junction with Gwydir Street for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction
HOOPER STREET On its north side from its junction with Ainsworth Street for a distance of 43 metres in an easterly direction
HOOPER STREET On its south side from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Ainsworth Street for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
HOOPER STREET On its south side from its junction with Ainsworth Street to its junction with Sturton Street
HOOPER STREET On its south side from its junction with Gwydir Street to its junction with Kingston Street
HOOPER STREET On its south side from its junction with Kingston Street to a point 8 metres east of its junction with Sturton Street
HUMBERSTONE ROAD On both sides from its junction with De Freville Avenue for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction
HUMBERSTONE ROAD On its south side from a point 11 metres east of the centreline of Belvoir Road for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
Huntingdon Road On its northeast side from a point 33 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 6.5 metres in a southeasterly direction
Huntingdon Road On its northeast side from a point 6.8 metres southeast of the centreline of Westfield Road for a distance of 20.9 metres in a southeasterly direction
HUNTINGDON ROAD On its northeast side from a point 16 metres northwest of Benson Street for a distance of 32 metres in a southeasterly direction
HUNTINGDON ROAD On its northeast side from a point 16 metres northwest of Priory Street for a distance of 32 metres in a southeasterly direction
HUNTINGDON ROAD On its northeast side from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 100 metres in a northwesterly direction
HUNTINGDON ROAD On its northeast side from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 54.9 metres in a westerly direction
HUNTINGDON ROAD On its western side from its junction with Buckingham Road to its junction with Castle Street
HUNTINGDON ROAD On its western side from its junction with Buckingham Road for a distance of 50 metres in a northwesterly direction.
JAMES STREET On its eastern side from its junction with Fitzroy Lane for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction
JAMES STREET On its eastern side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 24 metres in a southerly direction
JAMES STREET On its western side from its junction with Fitzroy Lane northwards to its junction with Newmarket Road
JOHN STREET On its north side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 15 metres in a westerly direction
JOHN STREET On its south side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
JOHN STREET On its south side from a point 113 metres east of the centreline of City Road eastwards to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
KING'S ROAD On both sides for a distance of 8 metres from its junction with Barton Road in a southerly direction
KINGSTON STREET On its east side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
KINGSTON STREET On its west side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 7 metres in a southerly direction
KINGSTON STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
LYNDEWODE ROAD On both sides from its junction with the eastern arm of Tenison Road for a distance of 62 metres in a westerly direction
LYNDEWODE ROAD On both sides from its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
LYNDEWODE ROAD On its southern side from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Tenison Avenue for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
LYNDEWODE ROAD On its northern side from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 20 metres in an easterly direction
MACKENZIE ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
MACKENZIE ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
MADINGLEY ROAD On both sides from its junction with Northampton Street and Queen's Road westwards to a point 15.2 metres east of its junction with Grange Road
MAGRATH AVENUE On its northeast side from a point outside the southwest corner of no. 1 Magrath Avenue to its most northerly point
MAGRATH AVENUE Both sides of the link road between Magrath Avenue and Hertford Street
MAGRATH AVENUE On its northwest and southwest sides from its junction with St.Luke's Street for a distance of 25 metres in a southwesterly and southeasterly direction
MANHATTAN DRIVE On the east side of its north-south arm from a point 14 metres north of its junction with Acrefield Drive for a distance of 27 metres in a southerly direction
MANHATTAN DRIVE On its east side of its north-south arm from a point 29 metres south of its junction with Acrefield Drive to its most southerly point
MANHATTAN DRIVE On its west and south sides from a point opposite the southern boundary of No. 12 Manhattan Drive for a distance of 21 metres in a northerly and westerly direction
MANHATTAN DRIVE on the north side of the west-east arm from a point 16 metres west of the north-south arm westwards to its junction with Belvoir Road
MANHATTAN DRIVE On its east side from a point 14 metres north of the centreline of its junction with Acrefield Drive southwards to its most southerly point
MAWSON ROAD On its east side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 65 metres in a southerly direction
MAWSON ROAD On both sides from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Wilkin Street for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
MAWSON ROAD On its west side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Cross Street for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
MAWSON ROAD On its east side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Felton Street for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
MAWSON ROAD On its west side from its junction with Mill Road to a point 10 metres south of its junction with Mill Street
MAWSON ROAD On its east side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 65 metres in a southerly direction
MAWSON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
MERTON STREET On both sides from its junction with Grantchester Street for a distance of 4 metres in a westerly direction
MERTON STREET On its south side from the boundary of No. 17 Merton Street for a distance of 35 metres in a westerly direction
MERTON STREET On its north side from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Derby Street for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
MERTON STREET On its north side from a point 8 metres east of the centreline of Hardwick Street for a distance of 20 metres in a westerly direction
MERTON STREET On its north side from a point 10 metres west of the centerline of Hardwick Street eastwards to its junction with Grantchester Street
MERTON STREET On its south side from a point 8 metres east of the centerline of Hardwick Street westwards to its junction with The Cenacle
MERTON STREET On its south side from the centerline of Grantchester Street for a distance of 16 metres in a westerly direction
MILFORD STREET On its south side from a point 7 metres east of its junction with Gwydir Street to a point 7 metres west of its junction with Sturton Street
MILFORD STREET On both sides from its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
MILFORD STREET On both sides from its junction with Gwydir Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On both sides from its junction with Gonville Place to its junction with Great Eastern Street
MILL STREET On both sides from its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
MILL STREET On both sides from its junction with Covent Garden for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
MILL STREET On its south side from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
MILL STREET On its south side from a point 36.2 metres east of the centreline of Glisson Road for a distance of 4.8 metres in an easterly direction
MONTAGUE ROAD On both sides from its junction with De Freville Avenue for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction
NAPIER STREET On both sides from a point 70 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road to the southern end of Napier Street
NEW SQUARE On both sides of its northern and eastern arms
NEW SQUARE On both sides of the southern leg from its junction with Emmanuel Road to its junction with Jesus Terrace
NEW STREET On both sides from a point 13 metres west of its junction with York Street for a distance of 26 metres in an easterly direction
NEW STREET On its southern side from its junction with St. Matthew's direction
NEW STREET On both sides from a point 13 metres east of its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 68 metres in a westerly direction
NEW STREET On its north side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 18 metres in an easterly direction
NEW STREET On both sides from a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Harvest Way for a distance of 37 metres in an easterly direction
NEW STREET On both sides from its junction with Coldham's Lane westwards to a point 15 metres east of the centreline of Harvest Way
NEW STREET On its north side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street to a point 13 metres east of the centreline of Abbey Street
NEW STREET On its south side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 45 metres in an easterly direction
NEW STREET On its south side from a point 13 metres east of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 68 metres in a westerly direction
NEW STREET On its south side from a point 13 metres west of the centreline of Abbey Street for a distance of 26 metres in an easterly direction
NEW STREET On both sides from its junction with Coldham's Lane westwards to a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Harvest Way
NEWMARKET ROAD On its southern side from its junction with Christchurch Street for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its southern side from a point 47 metres east of its junction with Christchurch Street to a point 15 metres east of the junction with Napier Street
NEWMARKET ROAD On its southern side from a point 82.5 metres east of the centre line of Napier Street to the junction of Wellington Street in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its southern side from a point 32 metres east of the centre line of Napier Street for a distance of 8 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its southern side from a point 45.5 metres east of the centre line of Napier Street for a distance of 26 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On both sides from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Auckland Road for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from its junction with East Road to its junction with River Lane
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from its junction with Elizabeth Way to
NEWMARKET ROAD On both sides from its junction with Maid's Causeway to its junction with Christchurch Street
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from a point 222.3 metres east of the centreline of Auckland Road eastwards to its junction with Elizabeth Way
NEWNHAM CROFT STREET On both sides from its junction with Hardwick Street for a distance of 4 metres in an easterly direction
NEWNHAM CROFT STREET On its north side from a point 16 metres west of the centreline of Derby Street for a distance of 27 metres in an easterly direction
NEWNHAM CROFT STREET On its south side from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Derby Street for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
NEWNHAM CROFT STREET On both sides from the centreline of Grantchester Street for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction
NEWNHAM CROFT STREET On its south side from a point 16 metres west of the centerline of Derby Street for a distance of 8 metres in a westerly direction
NEWNHAM CROFT STREET On its south side from the centreline of Hardwick Street for a distance of 9 metres in an easterly direction
NEWNHAM ROAD On its east side from its junction with Lammas Land access road for a distance of 58 metres in a northerly direction.
NEWNHAM ROAD On its west side from its junction with Sidgwick Avenue of 40 metres in a southerly direction.
NEWNHAM ROAD On its east side from its junction with Silver Street to a point 25 metres south of its junction with Summerfield.
NEWNHAM ROAD On its west side from its junction with Barton Road to a point 81 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue.
NEWNHAM WALK On its south side from its junction with Malting Lane to a point 13 metres west of its junction with Wordsworth Grove
NEWNHAM WALK On its north side from its junction with Ridley Hall Road for a distance of 13.7 metres in a westerly direction
NEWNHAM WALK On its south side from its junction with Church Rate Walk for a distance of 27.4 metres in a westerly direction
NEWNHAM WALK On its southern side from a point 27.4 metres west of its junction with Church Rate Walk to its junction with Wordsworth Grove
NEWNHAM WALK On its north side from its junction with Ridley Hall Road for a distance of 13.7 metres in a westerly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its northern side from a point 80 metres west of its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 65 metres in a westerly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its northern side from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 20 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its northern side from its junction with St Matthew's Street eastwards to its junction with Upper Gwydir Street
NORFOLK STREET On its southern side from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Blossom Street for a distance of 14 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its southern side from a point 12 metres east of its junction with St Matthew's Street for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its southern side from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Norfolk Terrace for a distance of 14 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its south side from its junction with Gwydir Street for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its south side from a point 14 metres east of its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 33 metres in a westerly direction
NORFOLK TERRACE (north\south arm) On its western side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction
NORFOLK TERRACE (north\south arm) On its eastern side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 72 metres in a southerly direction
NORFOLK TERRACE (north\south arm) On its western side from a point 68 metres south of its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction
NORFOLK TERRACE (west\east arm) On its northern side from a point 6 metres west of its junction with Norfolk Terrace (north- south) for a distance of 15 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK TERRACE (west\east arm) On its northern side from a point 6 metres metres west of its junction with Blossom Street for a distance of 15 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK TERRACE (west\east arm) On its southern side from a point 6 metres west of its junction with Blossom Street for a distance of 64 metres in an easterly direction
NORTH STREET On both sides from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 23 metres in a southerly direction.
NORTH STREET On its east side from a point 33 metres south of the centreline of Canterbury Street for a distance of 44 metres in a southerly direction
NORTH STREET On its west side from a point 61 metres south of the centreline of Canterbury Street northwards to its junction with Benson Place
OCCUPATION ROAD On its west side from its junction with East Road for a distance of 30 metres in a southerly direction
OCCUPATION ROAD On both sides from its junction with New Street for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction
ORCHARD STREET On both sides from its junction with Emmanuel Road for a distance of 17 metres in a southeasterly direction
PARADISE STREET On its south side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 50 metres in a westerly direction
PARADISE STREET On its north side from a point 127 metres east of the centreline of City Road eastwards to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
PARADISE STREET On its south side from a point 36 metres east of the centerline of City Road for a distance of 6.5 metres in an easterly direction
PARADISE STREET On its south side from a point 93 metres east of the centerline of City Road eastwards to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
PARK STREET On both sides from its junction with Round Church Street to its junction with Lower Park Street
PARSONAGE STREET On its eastern side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 19 metres in a northerly direction
PARSONAGE STREET On its west side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 109 metres in a northerly direction
PARSONAGE STREET (east/west arm) On its south side from its junction with the north/south arm of Parsonage Street westwards to its most southerly point
Parsonage Street Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
PEROWNE STREET On its west side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 28 metres in a northerly direction
PEROWNE STREET On its west side from its most northerly point for a distance of 3 metres in a southerly direction
PEROWNE STREET On its west side from a point 70 metres north of its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction
PEROWNE STREET On its east side from its most northerly point for a distance of 9 metres in a southerly direction
PEROWNE STREET On its east side from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 90 metres in a northerly direction
PETWORTH STREET On its southern side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction
PETWORTH STREET On both sides from its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction
PETWORTH STREET On its northern side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 41 metres in an easterly direction
PLEASANT ROW On its south side from its junction with Castle Street to its junction with Shelly Row
PORTUGAL STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
PRETORIA ROAD On both sides from its junction with Hamilton Road southwards for a distance of 4 metres
PRETORIA ROAD On its east side from a point 11 metres south of the centreline of Aylestone Road for a distance of 22 metres in a northerly direction
PRETORIA ROAD On its west side from a point 10 metres south of the centreline of Aylestone Road to its most southerly point
PRIORY STREET On both sides from its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 5 metres in a southwesterly direction
PRIORY STREET On both sides from its junction with Huntingdon Road for a distance of 7 metres in a northeasterly direction
PRIORY STREET On both sides from a point 9 metres southwest of its junction with Westfield Lane for a distance of 18 metres in a northeasterly direction
PRIORY ROAD On its west side from its junction with Riverside for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
PRIORY ROAD On its east side from its junction with Riverside for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
PRIORY ROAD On both sides from the centreline of its junction with Beche Road for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction
PROSPECT ROW Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
QUEEN'S ROAD On both sides from its junction with Silver Street and Sidgwick Avenue northwards for a distance of 91.4 metres
QUEEN'S ROAD On both sides from its junction with Madingley Road southwards to a point 22.8 metres south of its junction with Trinity College entrance
QUEEN'S ROAD On its west side from a point 91.4 metres north of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue for a distance of 610 metres in a northerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its west side
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from its junction with Madingley Road southwards to a point 104 metres north of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane to a point 26 metres south of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 253 metres south of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane to a point 7 metres south of its junction with West Road
QUEENS' ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 42 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 102 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 177 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 42 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 102 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 177 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
REGENT STREET On its east side from its junction with Gonville Place northwards for a distance of 118.3 metres
REGENT STREET On its west side from a point 265.1 metres from its junction with Lensfield Road to its junction with Park Terrace
REGENT STREET On its west side from its junction with Lensfield Road northwards for a distance of 66.8 metres
REGENT STREET On its west side from a point 66.8 metres north of its junction with Lensfield Road for a distance of 37 metres in a northerly direction
REGENT STREET On its west side from the northern boundary of No 36 Regent Street for a distance of 58 metres in a northerly direction
REGENT STREET On its east side from a point 150.0 metres from its junction with Gonville Place to its junction with Park Terrace
Regent Street On its east side from its junction with Gonville Place to its junction with Park Terrace
Regent Street On its west side from its junction with Park Terrace southwards to a point 289.2 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street
Regent Street On its west side from a point 422 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street southwards to its junction with Lensfield Road
REGENT TERRACEOn its southwest side
Regent Terrace On both sides from a point 280 metres north of the centreline of Gonville Place northwards to its most northerly point.
Regent Terrace On all sides of the turning head at its northernmost end
Regent Terrace On all sides of the turning head at its southernmost end
REGENT TERRACE On its northeast side from a point 53 metres northwest of the centreline of Gonville Place southeastwards to its junction with Gonville Place
RIVER LANE On its east side from a point 173 metres south of the centreline of its junction with Riverside for a distance of 17 metres in a southerly direction
RIVER LANE On its east side from the centreline of its junction with Riverside for a distance of 144 metres in a southerly direction
RIVER LANE On its west side from the centreline of its junction with Riverside for a distance of 12 metres in a southerly direction
RIVER LANE On its east side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 19 metres in a northerly direction
RIVER LANE On its west side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 44 metres in a northerly direction
RIVERSIDE On its south side from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Saxon Road for a distance of 24 metres in an easterly direction
RIVERSIDE On its north side from a point 5 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Saxon Road for a distance of 96 metres in an easterly direction
RIVERSIDE; On its south side from a point 13 metres west of the centreline of its junction with River Lane for a distance of 26 metres in an easterly direction
RIVERSIDE On its south side from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 12 metres in an easterly direction
RIVERSIDE On both sides from a point 17 metres west of its junction with Priory Road for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction
RIVERSIDE On its north and west side from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 12 metres in an easterly and northerly direction
Rowlinson Way
ST. BARNABAS ROAD On both sides from its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 20 metres in an easterly direction
ST. BARNABAS ROAD On both sides from a point 265 metres south of its junction with Mill Road to a point 75 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road
ST. BARNABAS ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 15 metres in a southerly direction
ST. CHRISTOPHER'S AVENUE On both sides from the centreline of Westfield Road for a distance of 8 metres in a northwesterly direction
ST. LUKE'S STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its western side from a point 218 metres southeast of its junction with East Road for a distance of 59 metres in a southerly direction
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its southern side from its junction with East Road for a distance of 48 metres in an easterly direction
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its southern side from a point 66 metres east of its junction with East Road for a distance of 46 metres in an easterly direction
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its northern side from its junction with East Road for a distance of 67 metres in an easterly direction
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its eastern side from a point 111 metres southeast of its junction with East Road for a distance of 19 metres in a southerly direction
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its western side from a point 143 metres southeast of its junction with East Road for a distance of 40 metres
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its eastern side from a point 190 metres southeast of in a southerly direction
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On both sides from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
ST. PAUL'S ROAD On its southeast side from its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 3 metres in a southwesterly direction
ST. PAUL'S ROAD On its northwest side from its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 5 metres in a southwesterly direction
ST. PAUL'S ROAD On its northwest side from a point 93 metres northeast of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 27 metres in a northeasterly direction
ST. PAUL'S ROAD On its northeast side from the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 11 metres in a northeasterly direction
ST. PAUL'S ROAD On its northeast side from a point 99.5 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 27 metres in a northeasterly direction
SALMON LANEOn both sides
SAXON ROAD On both sides from the centreline of its junction with Riverside for a distance of 17 metres in a southerly direction
SAXON ROAD On both sides from the centreline of its junction with Beche Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction
SEARLE STREET On its south side from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Hale Street for a distance of 17 metres in an easterly direction
SEARLE STREET On its north side from its junction with Fisher Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
SEARLE STREET On its north side from its junction with Victoria Road to a point 9.1 metres east of its junction with St. Luke's Street
SEARLE STREET On its south side from its junction with Victoria Road to a point 7 metres east of its junction with Arthur Street
SEARLE STREET On its south side from its junction with Fisher Street to a point 11 metres west of its junction with St.Luke's Street
SELWYN GARDENS On both sides from its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction
SELWYN GARDENS On its north side from the centreline of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 10.9 metres in a westerly direction
SELWYN GARDENS On its north side from a point 202 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 18 metres in a westerly and southerly direction
SELWYN GARDENS On its south side from the centreline of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 9.2 metres in a westerly direction
SELWYN GARDENS On its south side from a point 203.3 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly and southerly direction
SEVERN PLACE On both sides from its junction with Fitzroy Street northwards for a distance of 10 metres
SEVERN PLACE On both sides from a point 69 metres south of the centreline of Wellington Passage southwards to its junction with Nelson Close
SIDGWICK AVENUE On its north side from its junction with Queen's Road and Newnham Road to a point 29 metres west of its junction with Ridley Hall Road
SIDGWICK AVENUE On its south side from its junction with Queen's Road for a distance of 205 metres in a westerly direction
SIDGWICK AVENUE On its north side from its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 335 metres in an easterly direction
SIDGWICK AVENUE On its south side from its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 46 metres in an easterly direction
SILVER STREET On its south side from a point 137.6 metres east of its junction with Newnham Road to a point 160 metres east of its junction with Trumpington Street
SILVER STREET On its south side from its junction with Newnham Road for a distance of 125.9 metres in an easterly direction
SILVER STREET On its north side from its junction with Newnham Road to a point 160 metres east of its junction with Trumpington Street easterly direction
SLEAFORD STREET On both sides from a point 11 metres west of its junction with York Terrace for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
SLEAFORD STREET On both sides from its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
SLEAFORD STREET On its south side from a point 12 metres east of its junction with York Street to its most easterly point
STAFFORDSHIRE GARDENS (east\west part) On both sides from its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction
STAFFORDSHIRE GARDENS (east\west part) On both sides from a point 37 metres from its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
STAFFORDSHIRE GARDENS (north\south part) On its eastern side from a point 3 metres north of the southernmost point of No. 41/42 Ashley Court for a distance of 29 metres in a northerly direction
STAFFORDSHIRE GARDENS (north\south part) On its western side from a point level with the northernmost point of No.12 Ashley Court for a distance of 27 metres in a northerly direction
STAFFORDSHIRE STREET On both sides from a point 160 metres north of its junction with Norfolk Street to the northern end of Staffordshire Street
STAFFORDSHIRE STREET On its eastern side from a point 87 metres north of the junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 32 metres in a northerly direction
STAFFORDSHIRE STREET On its eastern side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
STAFFORDSHIRE STREET On its western side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 136 metres in a northerly direction
Stevenson Court
STONE STREET On its north side from its junction with York Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
STURTON STREET On its west side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its east side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 117 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its east side from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Sleaford Street for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
STURTON STREET On both sides from a point 8 metres south of its junction 29 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On both sides from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Petworth Street for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On both sides from a point 9 metres north of its junction with Young Street for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction
STURTON STREET On its western side from its junction with New Street to its junction with Young Street
STURTON STREET On its eastern side from its junction with New Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
STURTON STREET On both sides from a point 21 metres north of its junction with Vicarage Terrace for a distance of 32 metres in a southerly direction
STURTON STREET On its east side from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Milford Street for a distance of 150 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Milford Street for a distance of 246 metres in a southerly direction
(on both sides from its junction with New Street to its junction with Milford Street)
Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
STURTON STREET On its west side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its east side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 117 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its east side from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Sleaford Street for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
STURTON STREET On its east side from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Milford Street northwards to its junction with Milford Street
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Milford Street for a distance of 246 metres in a southerly direction
SUMMERFIELD On both sides from its junction with Newnham Road westwards to its junction with Church Rate Walk
SYLVESTER ROAD On both sides from the centreline of Adams Road for a distance of 16 metres in a southerly direction
SYLVESTER ROAD On both sides from the centreline of Herschel Road for a distance of 17 metres in a northerly direction
TENISON AVENUE On both sides of its north-south arm from its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 7 metres in a southerly direction
TENISON AVENUE On both sides of its north-south arm from a point 65 metres south of its junction with Lyndewode Road to its junction with its east-west arm
TENISON AVENUE On both sides of its east-west arm from a point 137 metres west of its junction with Tenison Rd for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
TENISON AVENUE On both sides of its east-west arm from its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 15 metres in a westerly direction
TENNIS COURT ROAD On both sides from its junction with Lensfield Road to a point 20 metres south of its junction with Downing Street.
THE CENACLE On both sides from its junction with Merton Street westwards to a point 30 metres west of the centreline of Hardwick Street
THOMPSON'S LANE On both sides from a point opposite the southwest corner of Richmond Terrace to its junction with Park Parade
THOMPSON'S LANE On both sides from its junction with Bridge Street to a point outside the southwest corner of Richmond Terrace
TRAFALGAR ROAD On its west side from its junction with Chesterton Road to its junction with Trafalgar Street
Trafalgar Road On its west side from a point 40.9 metres south of the centreline of Trafalgar Street southwards to its most southerly point
TRAFALGAR ROADOn its east side
TRAFALGAR STREETOn its south side
TRAFALGAR STREET On its north side from its junction with Victoria Avenue for a distance of 7.6 metres in an easterly direction
TRAFALGAR STREET On its north side from its junction with Trafalgar Road for a distance of 9.1 metres in a westerly direction
Trafalgar Street On its north side from a point 18 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 5.1 metres in a westerly direction
Trafalgar Street On its north side from a point 49.9 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 6.6 metres in a westerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Trumpington Street to a point 70 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its western side from its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 40 metres in a southerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its eastern side from its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 36 metres in a southerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its eastern side from a point 70 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 198 metres in a northerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its western side from a point 70 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 150 metres in a northerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On both sides from its junction with Trumpington Street to its junction with Brooklands Avenue
TRUMPINGTON STREET On its west side from the centreline of Fen Causeway northwards for a distance of 140 metres
TRUMPINGTON STREET On its west side from a point 5 metres north of the centreline of Fitzwilliam Street for a distance of 25 metres in a southerly direction
TRUMPINGTON STREET On its west side from a point 70 metre south of the centreline of Little St Mary's Lane southwards for a distance of 58 metres
TRUMPINGTON STREET On its east side from a point 70 metres south of the centreline of Little St. Mary's Lane to its junction with Lensfield Road.
UPPER GWYDIR STREET On its west side from its junction with Norfolk Street for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction
UPPER GWYDIR STREET On its east side from its junction with Norfolk Street to its junction with Edward Street
VICARAGE TERRACE On south side from its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
VICARAGE TERRACE On its south side from its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 54 metres in an easterly direction
VICARAGE TERRACEOn its north side
VICTORIA AVENUE On its east side from a point 68.6 metres north of its junction with Jesus Lane and Maids Causeway for a distance of 410.4 metres in a northerly direction
VICTORIA AVENUE On both sides from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 249.9 metres in a southerly direction
VICTORIA AVENUE On both sides from its junction with Jesus Lane and Maids Causeway for a distance of 68.6 metres in a northerly direction
VICTORIA STREET On its north side from its junction with Emmanuel Road for a distance of 21 metres in an easterly direction
VICTORIA STREET On its south side from its junction with Emmanuel Road for a distance of 10 metres in an easterly direction
WALNUT TREE AVENUE On the western side of its east-west arm
WALNUT TREE AVENUE On its north side of the east-west arm from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 10 metres in a westerly direction
WALNUT TREE AVENUE On its south side of the east-west arm from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction
WALNUT TREE AVENUE On the south side of the east-west arm from a point 23 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Abbey Road westwards to its most westerly point
WALNUT TREE AVENUE On the west side of the north-south arm from the centreline of its junction with the east-west arm for a distance of 19 metres in a southerly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its northwest and southwest side from its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 49 metres in a southwesterly and southeasterly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its southwest side from its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 8 metres in a southwesterly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its southwest side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 45 metres in a northwesterly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its southeast/northeast side from a point 19 metres southwest of its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 22 metres in a southwesterly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its northeast side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 8 metres in a northwesterly direction
WARKWORTH TERRACE On both sides from its junction with Parkside northwards for a distance of 40.0 metres
WELLINGTON STREET On its west side from its junction with Sun Street for a distance of 69.5 metres in a westerly direction
WELLINGTON STREET On its east side from its junction with Sun Street for a distance of 68 metres in a westerly direction
WELLINGTON STREET On both sides from its junction with Fitzroy Street northwards for a distance of 10 metres
WEST ROAD On its north side from a point 212 metres east of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 30 metres in a easterly direction
WEST ROAD On its north side from a point 306 metres east of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 24 metres in an easterly direction
WEST ROAD On its north side from its junction with Queen's Road for a distance of 28 metres in an easterly direction
WEST ROAD On its north side from its junction with Grange Road for in an easterly direction
WEST ROADOn its south side
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 63 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street southeastwards to its junction with Benson Place
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 10 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 18 metres in a northwesterly direction
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 9 metres southeast of the centreline of Priory Street northwestwards to its junction with Westfield Road
WESTFIELD LANE On its northeast side from its junction with Benson Place northwestwards to a point 7 metres northwest of the centreline of Priory Street
WESTFIELD LANE On its northeast side from a point 87 metres northwest of the centreline of Priory Street northwestwards to its junction with Westfield Road
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 63 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street southeastwards to its junction with Benson Place
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 10 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 18 metres in a northwesterly direction
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 9 metres southeast of the centreline of Priory Street for a distance of 16 metres in a northwesterly direction
WESTFIELD LANE On its northeast side from its junction with Benson Place to its junction with Westfield Road
WESTFIELD LANE On its southwest side from a point 83 metres northwest of the centreline of Priory Street northwestwards to its junction with Westfield Road
WESTFIELD ROAD On its northwest side
WESTFIELD ROAD On its southeast side from the centreline of its junction with Huntingdon Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northeasterly direction
WESTFIELD ROAD On its southeast side from a point 46 metres northeast of the centreline of its junction with Huntingdon Road northeastwards to its junction with Westfield Lane
WILLIS ROAD; On both sides from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 13 metres in a northerly direction
WILLIS ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its east side
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its south side
WORDSWORTH GROVE On all sides of the turning head at its western end
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its west side from the centreline of Newnham Walk for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its west side from a point 21 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk for a distance of 8 metres in a southerly direction
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its west side from a point 34.5 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk for a distance of 14.5 metres in a southerly direction
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its west side from a point 59 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk for a distance of 10.5 metres in a southerly direction
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its west side from a point 75 metres south of the centreline of Newnham Walk for a distance of 43 metres in a southerly direction
WORDSWORTH GROVE On its north side from a point 128 metres south and west of the centreline of Newnham Walk for a distance of 13 metres in a westerly
YORK STREET On its east side from its junction with Sleaford Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
YORK STREET On its west side from its junction with Sleaford Street for a distance of 208 metres in a northerly direction
YORK STREET On its east side from a point 13 metres north its junction with Abbey Walk for a distance of 111 metres in a southerly direction
YORK STREET On its west side from a point 11 metres south its junction with Abbey Walk for a distance of 114 metres in a northerly direction
YORK STREET On its west side from its junction with New Street for a distance of 7 metres in a southerly direction
YORK STREET On its east side from its junction with New Street for a distance of 50 metres in a southerly direction
YORK TERRACEOn its west side
YORK TERRACE On both sides from its junction with Sleaford Street for a distance of 7 metres in a northerly direction
YOUNG STREET On its southern side from a point 91 metres west of its junction with Sturton Street to the western end of Young Street
YOUNG STREET On its northern side from its junction with Sturton Street to the western end of Young Street

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PART 3 - Not applicable to this area.


COLLIER ROAD On its north side from its junction with Willis Road to its junction with Mackenzie Road
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from its junction with Mackenzie Road for a distance of 7 metres in a westerly direction
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Guest Road for a distance of 14 metres in an easterly direction
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from its junction with Willis Road for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
GUEST ROAD On its west side from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to its junction with Collier Road
GUEST ROAD On its east side from its junction with Collier Road for a distance of 7 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On its west side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 122 metres south of its junction with Hooper Street
GWYDIR STREET On its west side from its junction with Hooper Street for a distance of 23 metres in a southerly direction
GWYDIR STREET On its east side from its junction with Mill Road to its junction with Hooper Street
GWYDIR STREET On its east side from a point 22.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Hooper Street
HOOPER STREET On its north side from its junction with Kingston Street for a distance of 13 metres in a westerly direction
HOOPER STREET On its south side from its junction with Kingston Street to its junction with Gwydir Street
HOOPER STREET On its north side from its junction with Gwydir Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
KIMBERLEY ROAD On both sides from its junction with Hamilton Road for a distance of 4 metres in a southerly direction
KIMBERLEY ROAD On both sides from a point 11 metres north of its junction with Aylestone Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction
KINGSTON STREET On both sides from its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 33.5 metres in a northerly direction
KINGSTON STREET On its west side from a point 14.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction
KINGSTON STREET On its east side from a point 18.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 14.5 metres in a northerly direction
MACKENZIE ROAD On its west side from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to its junction with Collier Road
MACKENZIE ROAD On its east side from its junction with Collier Road for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction
WILLIS ROAD On its east side from its junction with Collier Road for a distance of 7 metres in a southerly direction
WILLIS ROAD On its west side from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Mill Road northwards to its junction with Collier Road

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


HISTON ROAD On its east side from a point 98 metres south of its junction with Canterbury Street to a point 68 metres north of its junction with Linden Close
HISTON ROAD On its east side from a point 90 metres north of its junction with Linden Close to a point 19 metres south of its junction with Rackham Close
HISTON ROAD On its east side from a point 55 metres north its junction with Victoria Road to point 110 metres south of its junction with Canterbury Street
HISTON ROAD On its west side from a point 28 metres south of its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 18 metres in a southerly direction.
ST. LUKE'S STREET On its southeast side from a point 11 metres northeast of the centreline of Searle Street for a distance of 10 metres in a northeasterly direction
ST. LUKE'S STREET On its southeast side from a point 10 metres southwest of the centreline of Searle Street for a distance of 19 metres in a southwesterly direction
ST. LUKE'S STREET On its southeast side from a point 11 metres northeast of the centreline of Searle Street for a distance of 10 metres in a northeasterly direction/

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


KINGSTON STREET On its eastern side from a point 33.5 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 7 metres south of its junction with Hooper Street
KINGSTON STREET On its east side from a point 33 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to a point 18.5 metres south of the centreline of Hooper Street

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


HILLS ROAD On its west side from its junction with Union Road to its junction with Station Road
RUSSELL STREET On both side from its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 34.1 metres in a southwesterly direction

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PART 8 - Not applicable to this area.


GRANGE ROAD On its western side from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Clarkson Road for a distance of 162 metres in a southerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On its west side from the centreline of Clarkson Road for a distance of 147 metres in a southerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


NORFOLK STREET On its north side from a point 9 metres east of its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 71 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its north side from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 46 metres in an westerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


EARL STREET On its north side from a point 4 metres west of its junction with Clarendon Street for a distance of 11.5 metres in a westerly direction
EAST ROAD On its southeast side from a point 110 metres northeast of its junction with St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 45 metres in a northeasterly direction

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


MADINGLEY ROAD On its south side from a point 37 metres west of its junction with Lady Margaret Road westwards for a distance of 53 metres

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PART 13 - Not applicable to this area.


HISTON ROAD On its eastern side from a point 110 metres south of its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PART 15 - Not applicable to this area.


VICTORIA AVENUE On its east side from a point 102 metres north of the centre point of the roundabout at its junction with Jesus Lane and Maid's Causeway for a distance of 65 metres in a northerly direction
VICTORIA AVENUE On its west side for a distance of 29 metres in a northerly direction from a point 120 metres north of the centre point of the roundabout at its junction with Jesus Lane and Maid's Causeway

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its west side from a point 112 metres southeast of its junction with East Road southeastwards for a distance of 31 metres.
ST. MATTHEW'S STREET On its west side from a point 183 metres southeast of its junction with East Road southeastwards for a distance of 20 metres.
STAFFORDSHIRE STREET On its east side from a point 44 metres north of its junction with Norfolk Street northwards for a distance of 43 metres.

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PART 18 - Not applicable to this area


ADAM AND EVE STREET On both side from its junction with Paradise Street southwards to its junction with Warkworth Street
ADAM AND EVE STREET On its east side from a point 17 metres north of the centreline of Grafton Street for a distance of 54 metres in a southerly direction
ALBERT STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
ALPHA ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
ANGUS CLOSE Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
ARTHUR STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
Bailey Mews Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
BATEMAN STREET; Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
BRANDON PLACE Excluding those parts as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2 Part 2.
BURLEIGH STREET On its northeastern side from its junction with East Road to a point opposite the northwestern boundary of Adam and Eve Street
BURLEIGH STREET On its southwestern side from its junction with East Road to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
CARLYLE ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
CHRISTCHURCH STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
CITY ROAD Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2
CLARE STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from a point 32 metres east of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 13.5 metres in an easterly direction
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from a point 12 metres east of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 12 metres in an easterly direction
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from a point 14.5 metres west of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 14.2 metres in a westerly direction
COLLIER ROAD On its south side from a point 41.5 metres west of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 15.5 metres in a westerly direction
CROSS STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
.DEVONSHIRE ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
EARL STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
EAST HERTFORD STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
EDEN STREET On its east side from its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 33 metres in a northerly direction
EDEN STREET On its west side from a point 24.4 metres south of its junction with Fitzroy Street southwards to its junction with Prospect Row
EDEN STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
ELM STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
EVENING COURT On its east side from a point 20 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road to a point 51 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road
FISHER STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
GEORGE IV STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
GLISSON ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
GRAFTON STREETOn its north side
GRAFTON STREET On its south side from the centreline of City Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
GRAFTON STREET On its south side from the centreline of Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
GRAFTON STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
GUEST ROAD On its west side from a point 36.3 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 69.2 metres in a northerly direction
HALE STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
HAYMARKET ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
HERTFORD STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
HOLLAND STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
JAMES STREET On its west side from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road to a point 9 metres north of its junction with Fitzroy Street
JOHN STREETOn its north side
JOHN STREET On its south side from its junction with City Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
JOHN STREET On its south side from its junction with Adam and Eve metres in a westerly direction
JOHN STREET On its north side from its junction with City Road eastwards to a point 15 metres west of Adam and Eve Street
JOHN STREET On its south side from its junction with City Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
LYNDEWODE ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
MACKENZIE ROAD On its west side from a point 40.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 74.5 metres in a northerly direction
MAGRATH AVENUE Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
MANHATTAN DRIVE On the west side of its north-south arm from a point 10 metres north of its junction with Pentlands Close to its most southerly point
MAWSON ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
MILL STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
NAPIER STREET On its east side from its junction with Newmarket Road to a point 70 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road
NEWNHAM WALK Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
NEW SQUARE Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.
NEW STREET On its northern side from a point 55 metres west of its junction with Sturton Street for a distance of 55 metres in a westerly direction
NEW STREET On its northern side from a point 54 metres east of its junction with Abbey Street for a distance of 23 metres in an easterly direction
ORCHARD STREET On both sides from its junction with Emmanuel Street eastwards to its junction with Clarendon Street.
PARADISE STREET On its south side from its junction with City Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
PARADISE STREETOn its north side
PARADISE STREET On its south side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction
PARADISE STREET On its north side from its junction with City Road eastwards to a point 127 metres east of the centreline of City Road
PARADISE STREET On its south side from its junction with City Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction
PARADISE STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
PEMBERTON TERRACE Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.
PENTLANDS CLOSEOn its north side
PORTUGAL STREET On its northwest side from a point 8.5 metres northeast of the centreline of New Park Street for a distance of 31 metres in a northeasterly direction
PORTUGAL STREET On its northwest side from a point 51 metres northeast of the centreline of New Park Street for a distance of 20.5 metres in a northeasterly direction
POUND HILL Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
PROSPECT ROW On its southwest side from a point 12 metres northwest of the centreline of Warkworth Street for a distance of 27 metres in a northwesterly direction
REGENT STREET Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.
ST. BARNABAS ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
ST. PAUL'S ROAD Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
SEARLE STREET Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
SELWYN GARDENS Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
SIDGWICK AVENUE Excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
SILVER STREET Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Young Street to a point 9 metres north of its junction with Petworth Street
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 9 metres south of its junction with Petworth Street for a distance of 28 metres in a southerly direction
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 8 metres south of its junction with Geldart Street to a point 21 metres north of its junction with Vicarage Terrace
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 32.5 metres south of the centreline of Geldart Street for a distance of 24 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 38.5 metres south of the centreline of Petworth Street for a distance of 29 metres in a northerly direction
STURTON STREET On its west side from a point 9 metres north of the centreline of Petworth Street for a distance of 41.5 metres in a northerly direction
VICTORIA STREET Excluding those parts as described in Schedule 2 Part 2.
WARKWORTH STREET On its northeast side from its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 8 metres in a southwesterly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its northwest and southwest side from its junction with Prospect Row southwestwards and southeastwards to its junction with Adam and Eve Street
WARKWORTH STREET On its southwestern side from its junction with Adam junction with Prospect Row
WARKWORTH STREET On its northeast side from its junction with Adam and Eve Street for a distance of 14 metres in a northwesterly direction
WARKWORTH STREET On its northeast and southeast side from a point 19 metres south of its junction with Prospect Row for a distance of 30 metres in a southeasterly direction
WARKWORTH TERRACE On its southeast side from a point 40 metres northeast of its junction with Parkside northeastwards to its junction with Warkworth Street
WARKWORTH TERRACE On its northwest side from its junction with Warkworth Street southwestwards for a distance of 11 metres
WEST ROAD Excluding those parts as described in all other Parts of Schedule 2
WILLIS ROAD On its west side from a point 18.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction
WILLIS ROAD On its west side from a point 38 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 60 metres in a northerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


CHRISTCHURCH STREET On its western side from a point 66 metres north of the north face of the southern boundary wall of Stanton House northwards to its junction with Newmarket Road.
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from a point 40 metres east of its junction with Napier Street eastwards for a distance of 5.5 metres.
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from a point 71.5 metres east of its junction with Napier Street eastwards for a distance of 11 metres.

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


NORFOLK STREET On its south side from a point 14 metres east of its junction with East Road to its junction with Caroline Place
NORFOLK STREET On its south side from its junction with Caroline Place for a distance of 31 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its north side from a point 80 metres west of its junction with Staffordshire Street for a distance of 24 metres in an easterly direction

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PART 22 Not applicable to this area.


GRANGE ROAD On its west side from a point 44 metres north of its junction with Barton Road for a distance of 153 metres in a northerly direction north of its junction with Barton Road for a distance of 63 metres in a northerly direction
SELWYN GARDENS On its south side from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 116 metres in a westerly direction
SELWYN GARDENS On its north and west side from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 296 metres in a westerly and southerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)

PARTS 24 to 26 Not applicable to this area.


NEWNHAM ROAD On its west side from a point 40 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue for a distance of 41 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane for a distance of 93 metres in a northerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 26 metres south of its junction with Garret Hostel Lane for a distance of 227 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 7 metres south of its junction with West Road for a distance of 178 metres in a southerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


Regent Street On its west side from a point 289.2 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street for a distance of 133 metres in a southerly direction



HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 9 metres north of the centreline of Norwich Street for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 7 metres south of the centreline of Russell Street for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 7 metres north of the centreline of Russell Street for a distance of 37 metres in a northerly direction
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 27 metres north of the centreline of Coronation Street for a distance of 47 metres in a northerly direction



EAST ROAD On its northwest side from a point 49 metres southwest of the centreline of Bradmore Street for a distance of 70 metres in a northeasterly direction
EAST ROAD On its northwest side from a point 12 metres northeast of the centreline of Dover Street for a distance of 83 metres in a northeasterly direction

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


EAST ROAD On its southeast side from a point 110 metres northeast of the centreline of St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 45 metres in a northeasterly direction

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


EARL STREET On its north side from a point 4 metres west of its junction with Clarendon Street for a distance of 11.5 metres in a westerly direction

SCHEDULE 2 - WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


MADINGLEY ROAD On its south side from a point 37 metres west of its junction with Lady Margaret Road westwards for a distance of 53 metres

SCHEDULE 2 WAITING RESTRICTIONS (see Articles 2, 28 and 29)


NEWNHAM ROAD On its west side from a point 40 metres south of its junction with Sidgwick Avenue for a distance of 41 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 20 metres north of its junction with Garrett Hostel Lane for a distance of 84 metres in a northerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 26 metres south of the centreline of Garrett Hostel Lane for a distance of 46 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 102 metres south of the centreline of Garrett Hostel Lane for a distance of 151 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 7 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 35 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 50 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 52 metres in a southerly direction
QUEEN'S ROAD On its east side from a point 112 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 65 metres in a southerly direction



CORPORATION DEPOT access road On both sides from a point 25 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
COVENT GARDEN On both sides from a point 21 metres south of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Mill Road
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On both sides from a point 21 metres south of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Mill Road
EMERY STREET On both sides from a point 19 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
GUEST ROAD On both sides from a point 12 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
GUEST ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Road northwards to a point 12.1 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road
GWYDIR STREET On both sides from a point 20 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 6 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street northwards to a point 15 metres south of its junction with Union Road
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 26 metres south of its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 67 metres in a northerly direction
HILLS ROAD On its west side from its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 130 metres in a northerly direction
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 160 metres north of its junction with Brooklands Avenue to a point 25 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 17 metres south of its junction with Union Road to its junction with Union Road
KINGSTON STREET On its east side from from a point 30 metres north of its Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
KINGSTON STREET On its west side from a point 12 metres north of its junction with Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
MACKENZIE ROAD On both sides from a point 12 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
MACKENZIE ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Road northwards to a point 14 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road
MAGDALENE STREET On its southwest side
MAGDALENE STREET On its northeast side from its junction with Chesterton Lane southeastwards to a point 34 metres southeast of the centreline of Chesterton Lane
MAGDALENE STREET On its northeast side from a point 44 metres southeast of the centreline of Chesterton Lane southeastwards to its junction with Bridge Street
MAWSON ROAD On both sides from a point 13 metres south of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Mill Road
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 21 metres west of the centreline of Willis Road for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 23 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Mackenzie Road for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 10 metres west of the centreline of Emery Street for a distance of 20 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 19.5 metres west of the centreline of Perowne Street for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 20 metres west of the centreline of Gwydir Street for a distance of 34 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 20 metres west of the centreline of Kingston Street to its junction with Great Eastern Street
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Mortimer Road for a distance of 33 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 9.5 metres west of the centreline of Covent Garden for a distance of 17.5 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Mawson Road for a distance of 30 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 13 metres west of the centreline of Tenison Road for a distance of 23 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 13.5 metres west of the centreline of St Barnabas Road for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Devonshire Road eastwards to its junction with Argyle Street
MORTIMER ROAD On both sides from a point 22 metres south of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Mill Road
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from a point 45 metres east of its junction with Godesdone Road eastwards to its junction with River Lane
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from the centreline of its junction with Auckland Road for a distance of 21 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from the centreline of its junction with Napier Street for a distance of 35 metres in an easterly direction
NORFOLK STREET On its north side from a point 69 metres west of the centreline of Staffordshire Street for a distance of 12 metres in a westerly direction
PEROWNE STREET On both sides from from a point 11 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
REGENT STREET On its east side from its junction with Park Terrace for a distance of 200 metres in a southerly direction
REGENT STREET On its west side between a point opposite the northern boundary of 36 Regent Street for a distance of 58 metres in a northerly direction
REGENT STREET On its west side from a point 77.8 metres north of the centreline of Lensfield Road for a distance of 26 metres in a northerly direction
REGENT STREET On its east side from a point 65 metres north of its junction with Gonville Place for a distance of 38 metres in a southerly direction
Regent Terrace On both sides from a point 280 metres north of the centreline of Gonville Place northwards to its most northerly point.
Regent Terrace On all sides of the turning head at its northern end
ST. BARNABAS ROAD On both sides from a point 21 metres south of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Mill Road
TENISON ROAD On both sides from a point 21 metres south of the centreline of Mill Road northwards to its junction with Mill Road
WILLIS ROAD On both sides from a point 23 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road southwards to its junction with Mill Road
WILLIS ROAD On both sides from its junction with Mill Road northwards to a point 18.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road



MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 13 metres east of the centreline of Willis Road to a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Guest Road
MILL ROAD On its north side from its junction with East Road to a point 21 metres west of the centreline of Willis Road
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 11 metres east of the centreline of Guest Road to a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Mackenzie Road
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 13 metres east of the centreline of Mackenzie Road to a point 10 metres west of the centreline Emery Street
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 10 metres east of the centreline of Emery Street to a point 19.5 metres west of its junction with Perowne Street
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 10.5 metres east of its junction with Perowne Street to a point 20 metres west of the centreline of Gywdir Street
MILL ROAD On its north side from a point 14 metres east of the centreline of Gwydir Street to a point 20 metres west of its junction with Kingston Street



HISTON ROAD On its eastern side from a point 110 metres south of its junction with Canterbury Street for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction



HILLS ROAD On its east side from its junction with Station Road to a point 30.5 metres north of its junction with Brooklands Avenue


PART 5 - Not applicable to this area.


NEWNHAM ROAD On its southeast side from the northern corner of the Jolly Miller Public House to a point outside the southwestern boundary of No. 51 Newnham Road
NEWNHAM ROAD On its northwest side from its junction with Malting Lane to a point outside the southwestern boundary of No.52 Newnham Road



MILL ROAD On its south side from its junction with Gonville Place to a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Mortimer Road
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 21 metres east of the centreline of St. Barnabas Road to a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Devonshire Road
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 21 metres east of the centreline of Mortimer Road to a point 9.5 metres west of the centreline of Covent Garden
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 8 metres east of the centreline of Covent Garden to a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Mawson Road
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 19 metres east of the centreline of Mawson Road to a point 13 metres west of the centreline of Tenison Road
MILL ROAD On its south side from a point 10 metres east of the centreline of Tenison Road to a point 13.5 metres west of the centreline of St. Barnabas Road



ALBERT STREET On both sides from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 28 metres in a westerly direction
ALBERT STREET On east side from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction
ALBERT STREET On west side from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 8 metres in a northerly direction
CORONA ROAD On both sides from its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 12.2 metres in a northerly direction
FERRY PATH On both sides from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 13.7 metres in a southerly direction
HERBERT STREET On both sides from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 13.7 metres in a northerly direction
SPRINGFIELD ROAD On both sides from its junction with Milton Road for a distance of 18.3 metres in a northerly direction
TRAFALGAR ROAD On both sides from its junction with Chesterton Road to its junction with Trafalgar Street
TRAFALGAR STREET On both sides from its junction with Trafalgar Road for a distance of 9.1 metres in a westerly direction
TRAFALGAR STREET On both sides from its junction with Victoria Avenue for a distance of 7.6 metres in an easterly direction
VICTORIA AVENUE On both sides from its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 249.9 metres in a southerly direction
VICTORIA ROAD On both sides from its junction with Croft Holme Lane for a distance of 152.4 metres in a westerly direction



HILLS ROAD On its west side from its junction with Union Road to its junction with Bateman Street excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 3
HILLS ROAD On its east side from its junction with Harvey Road to a point 35 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street excluding those lengths as described in all other Parts of Schedule 3

SCHEDULE 3 LOADING PROHIBITIONS (see articles 2 and 30)


Regent Street On its east side from its junction with Park Terrace southwards to a point 376.5 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street
Regent Street On its east side from a point 382 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street for a distance of 26 metres in a southerly direction
Regent Street On its east side from a point 418 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street southwards to its junction with Gonville Place
Regent Street On its west side from a point 460.2 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street southwards to its junction with Lensfield Road

SCHEDULE 3 LOADING PROHIBITIONS (see articles 2 and 30)


Regent Street On its west side from a point 202 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street for a distance of 67 metres in a southerly direction
Regent Street On its west side from a point 289.2 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street for a distance of 172 metres in a southerly direction



CHESTERTON ROAD On its north side from a point 39 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 83 metres in a westerly direction
CHESTERTON ROAD On its south side from a point 34.5 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 68 metres in an easterly direction



SILVER STREET On both sides from its junction with Newnham Road to a point 160 metres west of its junction with Trumpington Street

SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)

PARTS 1 and 2 - Not applicable to this area.


NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from its junction with Elizabeth Way to its junction with River Lane.

SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)


NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from its junction with East Road to its junction with River Lane.


EAST ROAD On both sides from its junction with Parkside Gonville Place and Mill Road to its junction with Norfolk Street

SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)


EAST ROAD On both sides from its junction with Parkside, Gonville Place and Mill Road to its junction with Norfolk Street

SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)



SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)



SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)



SCHEDULE 4 URBAN CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 31 to 35)



SCHEDULE 5 - BUS STOP CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 36 to 38)

(from its junction with Albert Street to its junction with Victoria Avenue)
(from its junction with New Square to its junction with Burleigh Street)
(from its junction with Lensfield Road to its junction with Brooklands Avenue)
(from its junction with Willis Road to the Mill Road railway bridge)
(from its junction with Christchurch Street to its junction with Elizabeth Way)
(from its junction with Park Terrace for a distance of 80 metres in a southeasterly direction)
(from its junction with Newnham Road to the River Bridge)

SCHEDULE 5 - BUS STOP CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 36 to 38)


(from its junction with Albert Street to its junction with Victoria Avenue)
(from its junction with New Square to its junction with Burleigh Street)
(from its junction with Lensfield Road to its junction with Brooklands Avenue)
(from its junction with Willis Road to the Mill Road railway bridge)
(from its junction with Christchurch Street to its junction with Elizabeth Way)
(from its junction with Park Terrace for a distance of 80 metres in a southeasterly direction)
(from its junction with Newnham Road to the River Bridge)
TRUMPINGTON ROAD From its junction with Lensfield Road to its junction with Brooklands Avenue

SCHEDULE 5 - BUS STOP CLEARWAY (see Articles 2 and 36 to 38)



SCHEDULE 6 - ONE WAY STREETS (see Articles 2 and 39 to 41)

Column 1Column 2
(from its junction with Paradise Street to its junction with Burleigh Street)
From southwest to northeast
ALBERT STREETFrom southeast to northwest
ALBION ROWFrom northeast to southwest
(from its junction with Flower Street its junction with Norfolk Terrace)
From north to south
(from its junction with Bateman Street to its junction with Pemberton Terrace)
From south to north
(from its junction with Guest Road to its junction with Willis Road)
From east to west
(from its junction with Guest Road to its junction with Mackenzie Road)
From west to east
(from its junction with St. Eligius Street to its junction with Panton Street)
From west to east
(from its junction with Hills Road to its junction with Panton Street)
From east to west
(between its junction with Mill Road and its junction with Mill Street)
From north to south
EMERY ROADFrom west to east
(between its junctions with Mill Road and Emery Road)
From south to north
FELTON STREETFrom west to east
GUEST ROADFrom south to north
(from its junction with New Street to a point 12 metres east of the centreline of Abbey Street)
From south to north and from east to west
KINGSTON STREET From north to south
MALTING LANEFrom east to west
(between its junction with Lady Margaret Road and its junction with Shelly Row)
From south to north
(southern arm)
From west to east
(south/north arm)
From south to north
(between its junction with Blossom Street and its junction with NorfolkTerrace south/north arm)
From west to east
NORWICH STREETFrom east to west
(from its junction with Russell Court to its junction with Lensfield Road)
From south to north
(between its junctions with Emery Street and Mill Road)
From north to south
SHELLY ROWFrom northwest to south
(from its junction with Lensfield Road to its junction with Fitzwilliam Street)
From south to north
UNION ROADFrom west to east
WILLIS ROADFrom north to south

SCHEDULE 7 - NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


Column 1Column 2
CASTLE ROW At its junction with Castle Street
CITY ROAD At a point 21 metres south of its junction with Paradise Street
EDEN STREET BACKWAY At a point 47 metres south of its junction with Fitzroy Street
FLOWER STREET At a point 34 metres north of its junction with Broad Street eastwards for a distance of 44 metres
GRESHAM ROAD At its junction with Gonville Place
GONVILLE PLACE At its junction with Gresham Road

SCHEDULE 7 - NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


Column 1Column 2



Abbey Road Between points 188 metres and 197 metres north of the centreline of its junction with Beche Road

SCHEDULE 7 - NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


Column 1Column 2
EMMANUEL ROAD That part which lies between points 22 metres and 34 metres north of the the centreline of the southern arm of New Square

SCHEDULE 7 - NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


Column 1Column 2
EMMANUEL ROAD All that part which lies between points 22 metres and 34 metres north of the centreline of the southern arm of New Square
BRIDGE STREET All that part which lies between points 72 metres and 82 metres northwest of the centreline of Round Church Street

SCHEDULE 7 NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


SILVER STREET All that part which lies between points 93 metres and 106 northeast of the centreline of Queen's Road

SCHEDULE 7 NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


Column 1Column 2
All that part which lies between its junction with Hills Road and a point 48 metres east of the centreline of its junction with Hills Road

SCHEDULE 7 NO THROUGH ROADS (see Articles 2 and 42 to 44)


SILVER STREET All that part which lies between points93 metres and 106 northeast of the centreline of Queen's Road

SCHEDULE 8 - MOTOR CYCLE PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 45 to 55)

No.of parking place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a motor cycle parking place
1 All that part of the west side of FAIR STREET which is bounded on the west side by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 61.2 metres south of its junction with Maid's Causeway southwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
2 All that part of the south side of LENSFIELD ROAD which is bounded on the south side by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 149.4 metres east of its junction with Panton Street eastwards for a distance of 6.1 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3 All that part of the east side of REGENT STREET which is bounded on the east side by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 150.6 metres north of its junction with Gonville Place northwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
4 All that part of the north side of SILVER STREET which is bounded on the north side by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37.8 metres east of its junction with Queen's Road eastwards for a distance of 6.1 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
4 All that part of the northwest side of Silver Street which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway as extends from a point 30 metres northeast of the centreline of Queen's Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the east side of TRUMPINGTON STREET which is bounded on the east side by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7.6 metres south of its junction with Fitzwilliam Street southwards for a distance of 6.1 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6 All that part of the south side of FITZROY LANE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 1.5 metres west of the centreline of the footpath between no.37 Fitzroy Street (NatWest Bank) and nos.1-4 Burleigh Street (C&A) for a distance of 6.2 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3.0 metres
7 All that part of the south side of FITZROY LANE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11.8 metres west of the centreline of the footpath between no.37 Fitzroy Street (NatWest Bank) and nos.1-4 Burleigh Street (C&A) for a distance of 5.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3.0 metres

SCHEDULE 9 - DOCTOR PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 57 to 73)

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No.of parking place Each area described below in this column,being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a doctor parking place No. of parking bays
1 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Beche Road southwards for a distance of 22 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
1A All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
2 All that part of the west side of AUCKLAND ROAD; which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5.0 metres north of its junction with Newmarket Road northwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
3 All that part of the east side of BUCKINGHAM ROAD; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from the junction with Huntingdon Road southwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
3 All that part of the southeast side of BUCKINGHAM ROAD which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres southwest of the centreline of Huntingdon road for a distance of 11 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
4 All that part of the eastern side of GUEST ROAD; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Mill Road northwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
4 All that part of the eastern side of GUEST ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12.1 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road northwards for a distance of 9.9 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
5 All that part of the south side of the layby in .MAID'S CAUSEWAY which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 115 metres west of its the junction with Fair Street westwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 1
6 All that part of the north side of PEMBERTON TERRACE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Panton Street westwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 9 - (see Articles 2 and 57 to 73)


Column 1Column 2 No. of parking bays
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a medical practitioners parking place
1 All that part of the east side of BUCKINGHAM ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Huntingdon Road southwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
2 All that part of the east side of GUEST ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12.1 metres north of the centreline of Mill road northwards for a distance of 9.9 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2

SCHEDULE 9 - (see Articles 2 and 57 to 73)

PART 2(1)

Column 1Column 2 No. of parking bays
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a medical practitioners parking place
1 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres south of its junction with Beche Road for a distance of 22 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 5
2 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
3 All that part of the west side of AUCKLAND ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres north of its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 2
4 All that part of the south side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends froma a point 46.5 metres west of the centreline of Priory Road for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
5 All that part of the north side of NEWMARKET ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 68.3 metres east of the centreline of Auckland Road for a distance of 22 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
6 All that part of the south side of UNION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends froma a point 57 metres west of the centreline of Bentinck Street for a distance of 22 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 4
7 All that part of the northeast side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 97 metres northwest of the centreline of Warkworth Terrace for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 9 - (see Articles 2 and 57 to 73)

PART 2(2)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place for which a permit may be issued Surgery for the issue of a permit
648 Lensfield Road Surgery
3 and 5 The Laurels Surgery, 20 Newmarket Road
1, 2 and 4125 Newmarket Road Surgery
71 Emmanuel Road

SCHEDULE 10 - SAMARITAN PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 57 to 73)

Column 1Column 2Column 3
No.of parking place Each area described below in this column,being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a Samaritan parking place No. of parking bays
1 All that part of the west side of CLARENDON STREET; which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.9 metres north of its junction with Victoria Street northwards for a distance of 5.0 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres 1

SCHEDULE 11 - Not applicable to this area.

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 1(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the north side of .LOWER PARK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriagway of that highway as extends from a point 11.5 metres west of its junction with Park Parade westwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the north side of LOWER PARK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 6 metres northeast of its junction with Park Parade northeastwards for a distance of 21 metres and which has a widththroughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the north side of LOWER PARK STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Park Parade westwards for a distance of 17.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the northeast side of NEW PARK STREET which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.4 metres northwest of its junction with Portugal Street for a distance of 24.4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the northeast side of NEW PARK STREET which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 48.9 metres northwest of its junction with Portugal Street for a distance of 10.1 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the northwest side of .PORTUGAL STREET which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 32.6 metres northeast of its junction with New Park Street southwestwards for a distance of 31.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the southeast side of PORTUGAL STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8.5 metres northeast of the centreline of New Park Street for a distance of 38.5 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the northwest side of PORTUGAL STREET which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 42 metres northeast of its junction with New Park Street northeastwards for a distance of 20.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the southeast side of PORTUGAL STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 53.5 metres northeast of the centreline of New Park Street for a distance of 14.5 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the southeast side of ST. JOHN'S ROAD which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southwest of its junction with Park Parade southwestwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the southeast side of ST. JOHN'S ROAD which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29.3 metres southwest of its junction with Park Parade southwestwards for a distance of 51 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the west side of THOMPSON'S LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres south of its junction with Park Parade southwards for a distance of 33 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the west side of THOMPSON'S LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 62 metres south of its junction with Park Parade southwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the west side of THOMPSON'S LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 93 metres south of its junction with Park Parade southwards for a distance of 9 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 1(2)


a.Park Street
b.Lower Park Street
c.Park Parade
d.Portugal Street
e.Portugal Place
f.St. John's Road
g. Thompson's Lane: south eastern side for its whole length (includes residences in Richmond Terrace and St. Clement's Gardens with frontages onto Thompson's Lane)
h. Thompson's Lane: north western side from its junction with Bridge Street to its junction with New Park Street
i. Thompson's Lane: north western side from its most northerly point for a distance of 16 metres in a south westerly direction
j.Beaufort Place: eligible for visitors permits only.
k.Round Church Street

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 2(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the west side of ADAM AND EVE STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres north of the centreline of Warkworth Street for a distance of 11 metres northwards and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
2 All that part of the west side of CHRISTCHURCH STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road southwards to a point 83 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the west side of CHRISTCHURCH STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres south of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 75 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the west side of CITY ROAD; which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres north of a point opposite the northern side of Brandon Place northwards to a point opposite the northern kerbline of Paradise Street and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
4 All that part of the west side of CITY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30.5 metres north of its junction with Paradise Street northwards for a distance of 22 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the west side of CITY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.5 metres north of its junction with Paradise Street northwards for a distance of 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
5 All that part of the west side of CITY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres north of the centerline of Paradise Street northwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the west side of CITY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point opposite the southern side of Paradise Street southwards for a distance of 28 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
7 All that part of the west side of CLARENDON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7.5 metres south of its junction with Victoria Street southwards for a distance of 33 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the west side of CLARENDON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15.9 metres north of its junction with Victoria Street northwards for a distance of 15.4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the west side of CLARENDON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 33.5 metres north of its junction with Victoria Street northwards for a distance of 9.9 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9A All that part of the southeast side of CLARENDON STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 3 metres southwest of the centreline of Elm Street southwestwards for 11 metres and which has a width through out of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the south side of EARL STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 28.8 metres east of its junction with Emmanuel Road eastwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the south side of EARL STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7.1 metres east of its junction with Emmanuel Road eastwards for a distance of 9.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the north side of EARL STREET; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 25.6 metres west of its junction with Clarendon Street westwards for a distance of 42.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the east side of .EDEN STREET; which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 33 metres north of its junction with Prospect Row northwards for a distance of 111 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the east side of EDEN STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21 metres north of the centreline of Elm Street for a distance of 49 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the east side of EDEN STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 28 metres north of the centreline of Prospect Row northwards for 55 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the east side of EDEN STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 144 metres north of its junction with Prospect Row northwards for a distance of 4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the east side of EDEN STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 76 metres north of the centreline of Elm Street for a distance of 65 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the east side of EDEN STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 88 metres north of the centreline of Prospect Row northwards for 65.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15 All that part of the west side of EDEN STREET BACKWAY which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres north of its junction with Elm Street for a distance of 6 metres in an northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the west side of EDEN STREET BACKWAY which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 63 metres north of its junction with Elm Street for a distance of 15 metres in an northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the west side of EDEN STREET BACKWAY which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 73 metres north of its junction with Elm Street for a distance of 5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17 All that part of the south side of .GRAFTON STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres east of its junction with City Road for a distance of 100 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
18 All that part of the east side of JAMES STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 60 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road southwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
19 All that part of the east side of JAMES STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 24 metres south of its junction with Newmarket Road southwards for a distance of 36 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
20 All that part of the southern side of JESUS LANE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 40.8 metres east of its junction with Belmont Place eastwards for a distance of 20.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
21 All that part of the southern side of JESUS LANE adjacent to Four Lamps roundabout which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29.8 metres east of its junction with Belmont Place eastwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
22 All that part of the west side of JESUS TERRACE; which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16.8 metres north of its junction with Elm Street northwards for a distance of 31.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
23 All that part of the south side of JOHN STREET; which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 89 metres east of its junction with City Road to a point 22 metres west of its junction with Adam & Eve Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
23 All that part of the south side of JOHN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 24 metres east of the centreline of City Road eastwards for 89 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
24 All that part of the south side of JOHN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres east of its junction with City Road eastwards for a distance of 67 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
25 All that part of the north side of the layby in MAIDS CAUSEWAY which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 101 metres west of its junction with Fair Street for a distance of 16.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
26 All that part of the southern side of MAIDS CAUSEWAY which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 73 metres west of its junction with Fair Street westwards for a distance of 45 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
26 All that part of the southern side of Maid's Causeway which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 76 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Fair Street westwards for a distance of 50 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
All that part of the north side of MAID'S CAUSEWAY which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 43 metres west of its junction with Brunswick Walk for a distance of 20.7 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
27 All that part of the west side of NAPIER STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 70 metres in a southerly direction
28 All that part of the south side of NEWMARKET ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Christchurch Street eastwards for a distance of 26 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NEWMARKET ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres west of the centreline of Napier Street for a distance of 20 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
29 All that part of the south side of .PARADISE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres east of its junction with City Road for a distance of 66 metres eastwards and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
29A All that part of the south side of PARADISE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 25 metres east of the centerline of City Road eastwards for 5.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
29B All that part of the south side of PARADISE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 42.5 metres east of the centerline of City Road eastwards for 50.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
30 All that part of the north side of VICTORIA STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 70 metres west of its junction with Clarendon Street westwards for a distance of 37 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
30 All that part of the north side of VICTORIA STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 71.5 metres west of the centreline of Clarendon Street westwards for 39.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
31 All that part of the north side of VICTORIA STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carraigeway of that highway as extends from a point 14.3 metres west of its junction with Clarendon Street westwards for a distance of 48.7 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
31 All that part of the north side of VICTORIA STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17.5 metres west of the centreline of Clarendon Street westwards for 50 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
32 All that part of the north side of .WARKWORTH STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres west of its junction with Adam & Eve Street for a distance of 120 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
32 All that part of the northeast side of WARKWORTH STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres northwest of the centreline of Adam and Eve Street for a distance 120 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
33 All that part of the northeast side of WARKWORTH STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 49 metres east of its junction with Prospect Row southeastwards for a distance of 77 metres and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
34 All that part of the east side of WARKWORTH STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southwest of its junction with Prospect Row southwestwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
35 All that part of the northwest side of WARKWORTH TERRACE which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres southwest of its junction with Warkworth Street southwestwards for a distance of 73 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 2(2)


a.Adam and Eve Street
b.Brandon Place
c.Burleigh Street
d.Burleigh Place
e.Christchurch Street
f.Christ's Pieces
g.City Road
h.Clarendon Street
i.Dover Street
j.Earl Street
k.East Road (Nos. 168 to 195)
l.Eden Street
m.Eden Street Backway
n.Elm Street (Nos. 1 to 8)
o.Emmanuel Road
p.Fair Street
q.Fitzroy Lane
r.Fitzroy Street
s.Grafton Street
t.James Street
u.Jesus Lane (Nos. 62 to 72)
v.Jesus Terrace
w.John Street
x.King Street (Nos. 46 to 98 and 105 to 129)
y.Maid's Causeway (south side only)
z.Melbourne Place
aa.Napier Street
bb. Newmarket Road west of Elizabeth Way (south side only)
cc.New Square
dd.Orchard Street
ee.Paradise Street
ff.Parker Street
hh.Pikes Walk
ii.Portland Place
jj.Prospect Row
kk.Short Street
ll.Victoria Street
mm.Warkworth Street
nn.Warkworth Terrace

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 3(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of Parking Place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the northeast side of REGENT TERRACE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 80 metres to the northwest of its junction with Gonville Place for a distance of 22 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
2 All that part of the northeast side of REGENT TERRACE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 45 metres to the northwest of its junction with Gonville Place for a distance of 25 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 3(2)


a.Regent Terrace
b. Regent Street properties which have access to Regent Terrace

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 4(1)

Column 1Column2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the south side of .COLLIER ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres east of its junction with Guest Road and a point 7 metres west of its junction with Mackenzie Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
1 All that part of the north side of COLLIER ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5.3 metres east of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 40.2 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the south side of COLLIER ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres east of its junction with Willis Road and a point 7 metres west of its junction with Guest Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the north side of COLLIER ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5.3 metres west of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 5.6 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the east side of GUEST ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 7 metres south of its junction with Collier Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the north side of COLLIER ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres west of the centreline of Guest Road for a distance of 41 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of MACKENZIE ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 10 metres south of its junction with Collier Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of GUEST ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 6.3 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the east side of WILLIS ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 7 metres south of its junction with Collier Road and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the east side of GUEST ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 36.3 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 69.2 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the east side of MACKENZIE ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 7.6 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the east side of MACKENZIE ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29.8 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 85.2 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the east side of WILLIS ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 18.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 9 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the east side of WILLIS ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 34.5 metres east of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 63.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 4(2)


a.Willis Road
b.Guest Road
c.Mackenzie Road
d.Collier Road
e.Mill Road (Nos. 1 to 39 odd numbers only)

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 5(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of Parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the west side of ALBERT STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 43 metres north of its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 74 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
1 All that part of the west side of ALBERT STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 52 metres north of the centreline of Chesterton Road for a distance of 79 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the north east side of ALPHA ROAD which is bounded on the north east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north west of the centreline of Carlyle Road for a distance of 83 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3 All that part of the north east side of ALPHA ROAD which is bounded on the north east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres south east of the centreline of Carlyle Road for a distance of 145 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3A All that part of the southwest side of ALPHA ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.5 metres southeast of the centreline of East Hertford Street for a distance of 11 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the southeast side of ARTHUR STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres southwest of its junction with Searle Street for a distance of 24 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
5 All that part of the north-west side of CARLYLE ROAD which is bounded on the north west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north-east of its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 56 metres in a north easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6 All that part of the south-west side of CARLYLE ROAD which is bounded on the south west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 97.5 metres north-west of its junction with Chesterton Road for a distance of 79 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughoutof 2.0 metres.
6A All that part of the southwest side of CARLYLE ROAD which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 176.5 metres northwest of its junction with Chesterton Road northwestwards for a distance of 52 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the north-east side of CLARE STREET which is bounded on the north east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres north-west of the centreline of Arthur Street for a distance of 12 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
8 All that part of the north-east side of CLARE STREET which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres south-west of the centreline of Arthur Street for a distance of 31 metres in a south-easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
9 All that part of the north-east side of CLARE STREET which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 4 metres north-west of its junction with St Luke's Street for a distance of 40 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
10 All that part of the north side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres west of its junction with Albert Street for a distance of 47 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
11 All that part of the north-west side of EAST HERTFORD STREET which is bounded on the north-west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north-east of its junction with Hertford Street for a distance of 40 metres in a north-easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
12 All that part of the north-west side of HALE STREET which is bounded on the north-west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 3 metres south-west of its junction with Searle Street for a distance of 55 metres in a south-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
13 All that part of the north-east side of HERTFORD STREET which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north-west of its junction with East Hertford Street for a distance of 246 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
13a All that part of the north-east side of Hertford Street which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north-west of the centreline of East Hertford Street for a distance of 88.5 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
13b All that part of the north-east side of Hertford Street which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 103 metres north-west of the centreline of East Hertford Street for a distance of 152 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
13A All that part of the northeastern side of HERTFORD STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres southeast of the centreline of East Hertford Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the west side of HOLLAND STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 31 metres south of its junction with Victoria Road for a distance of 56 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
15 All that part of the north-eastern side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point opposite the north-western boundary of No.1 Magrath Avenue for a distance of 35 metres in a south-easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
15A All that part of the northeastern side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 55.5 metres southeast of the centreline of Magrath Avenue link road with Hertford Street for a distance of 17.5 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15B All that part of the northeastern side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 80 metres southeast of the centreline of Magrath Avenue link road with Hertford Street southeastwards to its most southeasterly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15C All that part of the southwest side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 4.5 metres southeast of the centreline of St. Luke's Street for a distance of 178.5 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15D All that part of the southwest side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 182.5 metres southeast of the centreline of St. Luke's Street southeastwards to its most southeasterly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15E All that part of the southeast side of MAGRATH AVENUE link road with Hertford Street which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres southwest of the centreline of Hertford Street for a distance of 15.5 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the south-western side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the south-west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from the southernmost point of Magrath Avenue for a distance of 212 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
17 All that part of the south-western side of SEARLE STREET which is bounded on the south-west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres southeast of its junction with Arthur Street for a distance of 36 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
17A All that part of the east side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres southeast of the centreline of Magrath Avenue link road with Hertford Street for a distance of 23 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17B All that part of the south side of MAGRATH AVENUE link road with Hertford Street which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southwest of the centreline of Hertford Street for a distance of 15 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17B All that part of the east side of ST. LUKE'S STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres south of the centreline of Searle Street for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17B All that part of the southeast side of ST LUKE'S STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres southwest of the centreline of Searle Street for a distance of 13 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
17C All that part of the southeast side of St. Luke's Street which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southwest of the centreline of Alpha Road for a distance of 9 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17C All that part of the southeast side of ST.LUKE'S STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southwest of the centreline of Alpha Road for a distance of 5.0 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17C All that part of the southeast side of ST. LUKE'S STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southwest of the centreline of Alpha Road for a distance of 10 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
18 All that part of the north side of SEARLE STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.1 metres east of its junction with St. Luke's Street for a distance of 165 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
19 All that part of the south-western side of SEARLE STREET which is bounded on the south-west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres southeast of its junction with Hale Street for a distance of 34 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
21 All that part of the west side of Trafalgar Road which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5.7 metres south of the centreline of Trafalgar Street for a distance of 35.2 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
22 All that part of the north side of Trafalgar Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.0 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 9.0 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
23 All that part of the north side of Trafalgar Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 23.1 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 26.8 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
24 All that part of the north side of Trafalgar Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 56.5 metres west of the centreline of Trafalgar Road for a distance of 10.6 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 5(2)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the north side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 29 metres east of its junction with Alpha Road for a distance of 77 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 5(3)


a.Albert Street
b.Albion Row
c.Alpha Road
d.Arthur Street
e.Carlyle Road
f.Castle Row
g.Castle Street
h.Chesterton Lane
i.Chesterton Road
j.Clare Street
k.East Hertford Street
l.Fisher Street
m.Grasmere Gardens
n.Hale Street
o.Haymarket Road
p.Hertford Street
q.Hilda Street
r.Holland Street
s.Lady Margaret Road (eastern arm)
t.Magrath Avenue
u.Mount Pleasant
v.Northampton Street
x.Pound Hill
y.Searle Street
z.Shelly Row
aa.St. Luke's Street
bb.St. Peter's Street
cc.Victoria Road (odd Nos. only)
dd.Whyman's Lane
ee.Victoria Road (Nos. 188 to 220 inclusive)
ff.Huntingdon Road - north side only (nos. 2 to 8 even, 9, 10 to 28 even, 32 to 94 even, 100)
gg.Trafalgar Road
hh.Trafalgar Street
ii.Victoria Avenue

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 6(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the northwest side of ALBION ROW which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres southwest of the centreline of Shelly Row for a distance of 46 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
2 All that part of the southeast side of .ALBION ROW which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres northeast of its junction with Haymarket Road for a distance of 33 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3 All that part of the northeast side of HAYMARKET ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres southeast of its junction with Albion Row for a distance of 52 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3A All that part of the north east side of Huntingdon Road which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37.3 metres southeast of the centreline of Westfield Road for a distance of 43.6 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3B All that part of the north east side of Huntingdon Road which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres northwest of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 53.6 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3C All that part of the north east side of Huntingdon Road which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 68.7 metres southeast of the centreline of Benson Street for a distance of 33.7 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the southeast side of POUND HILL which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres southwest of its junction with St.Peter's Street for a distance of 45 metres in a southwesterly direction for diagonal parking and which has a width throughout of 4.5 metres.
5 All that part of the southwest side of SHELLY ROW which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres southeast of its junction with Mount Pleasant for a distance of 31 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6 All that part of the southwest side of SHELLY ROW which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres northwest of the centreline of Albion Row for a distance of 35 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
7 All that part of the northwest side of POUND HILL which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres southwest of its junction with St.Peter's Street for a distance of 45 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
8 All that part of the northwest side of ST PETER'S STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of the centreline of Castle Row for a distance of 15 metres in a southeasterly direction.

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 6(3)


a.Albert Street
b.Albion Row
c.Alpha Road
d.Arthur Street
e.Carlyle Road
f.Castle Row
g.Castle Street
h.hesterton Lane
i.Chesterton Road
j.Clare Street
k.East Hertford Street
l.Fisher Street
m.Grasmere Gardens
n.Hale Street
o.Haymarket Road
p.Hertford Street
q.Hilda Street
r.Holland Street
s.Lady Margaret Road (eastern arm)
t.Magrath Avenue
u.Mount Pleasant
v.Northampton Street
x.Pound Hill
y.Searle Street
z.Shelly Row
aa.St. Luke's Street
bb.St. Peter's Street
cc.Victoria Road (odd Nos. only)
dd.Whyman's Lane
ee.Victoria Road (Nos. 188 to 220 inclusive)
ff.Huntingdon Road - north side only (nos. 2 to 8 even, 9, 10 to 28 even, 32 to 94 even, 100)
gg.Trafalgar Road
hh.Trafalgar Street
ii.Victoria Avenue

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 7(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
All that part of the east side of BRADMORE LANE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 6.5 metres south of the centreline of Bradmore Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of BRADMORE LANE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14.5 metres west of the centreline of Palmers Walk for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of BRADMORE LANE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30.5 metres west of the centreline of Palmers Walk for a distance of 14.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BRADMORE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 32 metres east of the centreline of East Road for a distance of 36 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BRADMORE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres east of the centreline of Palmers Walk for a distance of 6.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of BRADMORE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 26 metres east of the centreline of Palmers Walk for a distance of 7.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the south side of BRADMORE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 33 metres east of the centreline of East Road for a distance of 23 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the south side of BRADMORE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 83 metres east of the centreline of East Road for a distance of 21 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 74.5 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 34 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 113 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 29.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 56 metres south of the centreline of Hooper Street for a distance of 31 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 56 metres south of the centreline of Hooper Street for a distance of 46 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres north of the centreline of Hooper Street for a distance of 142 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 185.5 metres north of the centreline of Hooper Street for a distance of 62.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 253 metres north of the centreline of Hooper Street for a distance of 8 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of HOOPER STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres east of the centreline of Gwydir Street for a distance of 14 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of HOOPER STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 36.5 metres east of the centreline of Gwydir Street for a distance of 19 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of KINGSTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 78 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 37 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of KINGSTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 120 metres north of the centreline of Mill Road for a distance of 95.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 7(2)


a.Bradmore Lane
b.Bradmore Street
c.Broad Street
d.Celtic House
e.Corporation Depot Access Road
f.Gwydir Cottages
g. Gwydir Street (nos. 17 to 177 odd and nos. 22 to 192 even)
h.Hooper Street (nos.3 to 8)
i.Kingston Street
j.Mill Road (nos. 99 to 119 odd)

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 7(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
All that part of the south side of EDWARD STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres east of the centreline of St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 67.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of GELDART STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 35.5 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 67 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres north of the centreline of Milford Street for a distance of 5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the east side of GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres north of the centreline of Milford Street for a distance of 28.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of MILFORD STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12.5 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 53 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres east of the centreline of Blossom Street for a distance of 22.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres east of the centreline of Norfolk Terrace for a distance of 9 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres east of the centreline of St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 55 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres west of the centreline of Blossom Street westwards for a distance of 4 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of NORFOLK STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17.5 metres west of the centreline of Blossom Street westwards for a distance of 23 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the north side of PETWORTH STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 65 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of PETWORTH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 72 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of ST. MATTHEW'S STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of the centreline of New Street for a distance of 20 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of ST. MATTHEW'S STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 65 metres north of the centreline of Petworth Street for a distance of 33.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of ST. MATTHEW'S STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 23 metres north of the centreline of Vicarage Terrace for a distance of 37 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres north of the centreline of Milford Street for a distance of 61.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 78 metres north of the centreline of Milford Street for a distance of 61.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the west side of UPPER GWYDIR STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres north of the centreline of Norfolk Street for a distance of 33.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of VICARAGE TERRACE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of VICARAGE TERRACE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 39 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 47 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
All that part of the south side of YOUNG STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres west of the centreline of Sturton Street for a distance of 80 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 7(2)


a.Beaconsfield House (Milford Street)
b.Bradmore Lane
c.Bradmore Street
d.Broad Street
e.Caroline Place
f.Celtic House (Hooper Street)
g.Corporation Depot Access Road
h.Edward Street
i.Flower Street
j.Geldart Street
k.Gwydir Cottages
l.Gwydir Street
m.Hooper Street (nos.3 to 8)
n.Kingston Street
o.Milford Street
p.Mill Road (nos. 99 to 119 odd)
q.Norfolk Street
s.Petworth Street
t.Rexbury Court (Sturton Street)
u.St. Matthew's Court
v.St. Matthew's Street
w. Sturton Street (nos.125 to 187 odd and nos.126 to 198 even)
x.Upper Gwydir Street
y.Vicarage Terrace
z.Young Street

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 8(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the north side of CROSS STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres east of its junction with Covent Garden for a distance of 21 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
2 All that part of the south side of CROSS STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres east of its junction with Covent Garden for a distance of 32 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3 All that part of the north side of CROSS STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 34 metres in an westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
4 All that part of the south side of CROSS STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 34 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
5 All that part of the north side of DEVONSHIRE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 100 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 42 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6 All that part of the west side of DEVONSHIRE ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 119 metres south of its junction with Mill Road for a distance of 192 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6A All that part of the layby on the south side of DEVONSHIRE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 71 metres east of the centreline of Tenison Road eastwards for a distance of 32 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the east side of DROSIER ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 53 metres north of its junction with Harvey Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
8 All that part of the west side of DROSIER ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Harvey Road for a distance of 62 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
9 All that part of the west side of EMERY STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 80 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to its most northerly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
10 All that part of the east side of EMERY STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 80 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to its most northerly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
11 All that part of the eastern side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 47 metres north east of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 90 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
12 All that part of the eastern side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres north east of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 44 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
12 All that part of the southeastern side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres northeast of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 61 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the eastern side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 112 metres north of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 158 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
14 All that part of the eastern side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Mill Street for a distance of 31 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
15 All that part of the western side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres north of its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 198 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
16 All that part of the western side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37 metres south of its junction with Mill Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
17 All that part of the western side of GLISSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30 metres south of its junction with Mill Street for a distance of 5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
18 All that part of the northwest side of .HARVEY ROAD which is bounded on the northwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres northeast of its junction with Drosier Road for a distance of 60 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
19 All that part of the southeast side of HARVEY ROAD which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres southwest of its junction with Gresham Road for a distance of 48 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
20 All that part of the north side of LYNDEWODE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30 metres east of its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 98 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
21 All that part of the north side of LYNDEWODE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres east of its junction with Mawson Road for a distance of 37 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
22 All that part of the south side of LYNDEWODE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30 metres east of its junction with Glisson Road for a distance of 52 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout
23 All that part of the south side of LYNDEWODE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres east of its junction with Tenison Avenue for a distance of 81 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
24 All that part of the west side of MAWSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Lyndewode Road to a point 15 metres south of its junction with Wilkin Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
25 All that part of the east side of MAWSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres north of its junction with Lyndewode Road to a point 15 metres south of its junction with Wilkin Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
26 All that part of the west side of MAWSON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Cross Street to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Wilkin Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
27 All that part of the east side of MAWSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Felton Street to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Wilkin Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
28 All that part of the east side of MAWSON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 65 metres south of its junction with Mill Road to a point 15 metres north of its junction with Felton Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
29 All that part of the east side of PEROWNE STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 90 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 9 metres south of its most northerly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
30 All that part of the west side of PEROWNE STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 90 metres north of its junction with Mill Road to a point 3 metres south of its most northerly point and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
31 All that part of the west side of PEROWNE STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 28 metres north of its junction with Mill Road northwards for a distance of 42 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
32 All that part of the south side of .ST. BARNABAS ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres east of its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 55 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
33 All that part of the east side of ST. BARNABAS ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 57 metres south of its junction with Mill Road southwards for a distance of 208 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
34 All that part of the north side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 120 metres east of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 75 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
34A All that part of the northeast side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 126.5 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 9 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
34B All that part of the northeast side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 140 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 16 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
34C All that part of the northeast side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 163.5 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 21 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
34D All that part of the northeast side of ST. PAUL'S ROAD which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 191.5 metres northeast of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 9 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
34E All that part of the north side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 76 metres east of the centreline of Hills Road eastwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
35 All that part of the south side of STATION ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 85 metres east of its junction with Hills Road eastwards for a distance of 13 metres and which has a width throughout of two metres
36 All that part of the north side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 125 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
36 All that part of the north side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway as extends from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Tenison Road for a distance of 136 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
37 All that part of the south side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres west of its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 125 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
37 All that part of the south side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway as extends from a point 11 metres west of the centreline of Tenison Road for a distance of 136 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
38 All that part of the east side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37 metres south of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 28 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
39 All that part of the west side of TENISON AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37 metres south of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 28 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
40 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres south of its junction with Felton Street southwards for a distance of 66 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
41 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 124 metres north of its junction with Station Road for a distance of 45 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
41 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 132 metres north of the centreline of Station Road for a distance of 47 metres in a northerly direction and which a width throughout of 2.0 metres
42 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD (western arm) which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 4 metres north of its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 53 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
43 All that part of the east side of TENISON ROAD (western arm) which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its junction with Lyndewode Road for a distance of 51 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
43A All that part of the east side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Station Road northwards for a distance of 50 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
43A All that part of the east side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Station road northwards for a distance 16 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
43B All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Wilkin Street southwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
44 All that part of the south side of WILKIN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres west of its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 45 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 8(2)

No. of Parking place Each area of the highway described below is designated as a residents parking place
Column 1Column2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the east side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 123 metres north of its junction with Station Road northwards for a distance of 50 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the west side of TENISON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres south of its junction with Wilkin Street southwards for a distance of 15 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 8(3)


a.Angus Close
b.Cambridge Place
c.Covent Garden
d.Cross Street
e.Devonshire Road
e. Devonshire Road (Nos. 1 to 66 and Nos. 70 to 108)
f.Drosier Road
g.Emery Road
h.Emery Street
i.Felton Street
j.Glisson Road
k.Gonville Place (Nos.1 to 4)
l.Gresham Road
m.Harvey Road
n.Hills Road (Nos.1 to 129 odd)
o.Lyndewode Road
p.Mawson Road
q. Mill Road (Nos.41 to 97 odd and Nos. 2 to 134 even)
r.Mill Street
s.Mortimer Road
t.Perowne Street
u.St.Barnabas Road
v.St.Paul's Road
w.Station Road
x.Tenison Avenue
y.Tenison Road
y. Tenison Road (Nos. 1 to 97 odd and Nos. 2 to 158 even)
z.Wilkin Street

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 9(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 97 metres west of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 75 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
1 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 77 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 39.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Bateman Mews for a distance of 44 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
2 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 132.5 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road for a distance of 43.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 75 metres west of the centreline of Bateman Mews for a distance of 81 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3A All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 17 metres west of the centreline of Bateman Mews for a distance of 17 metres in a westerly direction
3A All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.5 metres west of the centreline of Bateman Mews for a distance of 37.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3B All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 116 metres west of the centreline of Bateman Mews for a distance of 34 metres in a westerly direction
3B All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8 metres west of the centreline of Francis Passage for a distance of 10.2 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3C All that part of the south side of BATEMAN STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 48.5 metres west of the centreline of Francis Passage for a distance of 31.8 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of BENTINCK STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north of its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 54 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
5 All that part of the east side of BROOKSIDE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 65 metres north of its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 20 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6 All that part of the east side of BROOKSIDE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 100 metres north of its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 45 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
7 All that part of the east side of BROOKSIDE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres south of the centreline of Pemberton Terrace for a distance of 32 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
8 All that part of the west side of CLARENDON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 104 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 78 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the south side of CORONATION STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 85 metres east of its junction with Panton Street for a distance of 9 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
10 All that part of the south side of CORONATION STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 38 metres east of its junction with Panton Street for a distance of 15 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
11 All that part of the north side of FITZWILLIAM ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16 metres west of the centreline of Clarendon Road for a distance of 98 metres ina westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the west side of FRANCIS PASSAGE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of its junction with Norwich Street to its junction with Bateman Street and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
13 All that part of the west side of GEORGE IV STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 27 metres north of its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
14 All that part of the west side of GEORGE IV STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 2 metres north of its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
16 All that part of the west side of GEORGE IV STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres north of its junction with Coronation Street for a distance of 5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15 All that part of the north side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 15 metres east of its junction with Panton Street for a distance of 77 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
16 All that part of the north side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 78 metres east of its junction with Francis Passage for a distance of 114 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
17 All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 128 metres west of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 106 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
17A All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 71 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 57 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17 All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 48 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 195 metres in a westerly direction
18 All that part of the east side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of the centreline of Union Road for a distance of 62 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
18A All that part of the east side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of the centreline of Norwich Street southwards for a distance of 31 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
19 All that part of the west side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7 metres south of its junction with St.Anthony's Walk for a distance of 80 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
19A All that part of the west side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres south of the centreline of Coronation Street southwards for a distance of 24 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
20 All that part of the north side of RUSSELL COURT which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres east of its junction with Panton Street for a distance of 20 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
21 All that part of the south side of RUSSELL COURT which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres west of its junction with Francis Passage for a distance of 32 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
22 All that part of the western side of RUSSELL COURT which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point opposite the northern boundary of No.34 Russell Court for a distance of 14 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
23 All that part of the west side of ST. ELIGIUS STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres south of its junction with Pemberton Terrace for a distance of 29 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of of 2.0 metres.
24 All that part of the west side of ST. ELIGIUS STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres south of the centreline of Coronation Street for a distance of 13 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
25 All that part of the west side of ST. ELIGIUS STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 62 metres south of the centreline of Coronation Street for a distance of 70 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
26 All that part of the east side of SHAFTESBURY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 123 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 23 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
26 All that part of the east side of SHAFTESBURY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 126 metres south of its junction with Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 20 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
27 All that part of the north side of UNION ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 106 metres west of its junction with Hills Road for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 9(2)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place.
1 All that part of the south side of NORWICH STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Hills Road westwards for a distance of 118 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the west side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres south of the centreline of Coronation Street southwards for a distance of 24 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the east side of PANTON STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 5 metres south of the centreline of Norwich Street southwards for a distance of 31 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 9(3)


a.Bateman Street
b.entinck Street
c.Brooklands Avenue
e.Clarendon Road
f.Coronation Street
g.Fitzwilliam Road
h.Francis Passage
i.George IV Street
j.Hills Road (Nos.2 to 124 even)
k.Lensfield Road (Nos. 41 to 71 odd)
l.Norwich Street
m.Panton Street
n.Pemberton Terrace
o.Royal Albert Almhouses
p.Russell Court
q.Russell Street
s.St.Anthony's Walk
t.St.Eligius Street
u.Saxon Street
v.Shaftesbury Road
w.Union Road

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 10(1)

Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a residents parking place
1 All that part of the west side of GRANGE ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 207 metres north of its junction with Barton Road for a distance of 50 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
2 All that part of the south side of NEWNHAM WALK which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres west of its junction with Wordsworth Grove for a distance of 120 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3 All that part of the south and east side of SELWYN GARDENS which is bounded on the south and east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 108 metres west of its junction with Grange Road for a distance of 198 metres in a westerly and southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
3A All that part of the north side of the east-west arm of SELWYN GARDENS which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.9 metres west of the centreline of Grange Road for a distance of 191.1 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3B All that part of the south side of the east-west arm of SELWYN GARDENS which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.2 metres west of the centreline of Grange Road for a distance of 194.1 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3C All that part of the east side of the north-south arm of SELWYN GARDENS which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 7.5 metres south of the centreline of the east-west arm of Selwyn Gardens for a distance of 86.9 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3D All that part of the west side of the north-south arm of SELWYN GARDENS which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 3.6 metres south of the centreline of the east-west arm of Selwyn Gardens for a distance of 59 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the north side of SUMMERFIELD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres west of its junction with Newnham Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
5 All that part of the north side of SUMMERFIELD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres west of its junction with Newnham Road for a distance of 11 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
6 All that part of the north side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 118 metres south and then west of the centreline of Newnham Walk westwards for a distance of 10 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the north side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 141 metres south and then west of the centreline of Newnham Walk westwards for a distance of 27 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the north side of WORDSWORTH GROVE which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 178 metres south and then west of the centreline of Newnham Walk westwards for a distance of 11 metres and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 10(2) - not applicable to this area

PART 10(3)


All Saint's Passage
Botolph Lane
Bradwell's Court
Bridge Street
Camden Court
Christ's Lane
Corn Exchange Street
Downing Place
Downing Street
Drummer Street
Emmanuel Street
Fen Causeway
Fitzwilliam Street
Free School Lane
Garret Hostel Lane
Gifford Place
Granta Place
Green Street
Guildhall Place
Guildhall Street
Hobson Street
Hobson's Passage
Jesus Lane
King Street (except nos.46 to 98 and 105 to 129
Kings Lane
Kings Parade
Laundress Lane
Lensfield Road
Little St. Mary's Lane
Magdalene Street
Malcolm Street
Manor Street
Market Hill (eastern arm)
Market Hill (western arm)
Market Hill (southern arm)
Market Passage
Market Street
Mill Lane
Park Terrace
Parsons Court
Peas Hill
Pembroke Street
Petty Cury
Portugal Street
Post Office Terrace
Queen's Lane
Regent Street
Rose Crescent
Round Church Street
Senate House Hill
Senate House Passage
Sidney Street
Silver Street
St Andrew's Passage
St Edward's Passage
St John's Street
St Mary's Street
St Tibb's Row
Sussex Street
Tennis Court Road
Tennis Court Terrace
Trinity Lane
Trinity Street
Trumpington Street
Wheeler Street

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 10(4)


a.Church Rate Walk
b. Grange Road (from its junction with Barton Road to its junction with Sidgwick Avenue)
c.Malting Lane
d.Newwnham Road
e.Newnham Walk
f.Queen's Road
g.Ridley Hall Road
h.Selwyn Gardens
i.Sidgwick Avenue
k.West Road
l.Wordsworth Grove

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)



a.Mill Road
b.Hills Road
c.East Road
d.Victoria Road (Nos.1 to 29 odd)
e. Chesterton Road (Nos.75 to 157 odd and Nos. 14 to 72 even)
ff.Victoria Avenue

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 12(1)

No. of parking place Each area described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway
1 All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 59 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 73.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 62 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2A All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 73.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 33.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2B All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 112.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 23 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 142 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 27 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 21 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 21.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 51.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 106.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6A All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 51.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 96 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
6B All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 153 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
7 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 175 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the north side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres east of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 16.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the north side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 34 metres east of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 59 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the north side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 34 metres east of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 59 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the north side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres west of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 83 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the north side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Priory Road for a distance of 32 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the south side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 25 metres west of the centreline of Godestone Road for a distance of 94 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14 All that part of the south side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16.5 metres east of the centreline of Godestone Road for a distance of 44 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14A All that part of the northeast side of CHEDDARS LANE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 26 metres northwest of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 23.5 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
14A All that part of the layby on the south side of the Cheddars Lane access road serving properties nos. 1 to 8 which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21.5 metres east of the centreline of its junction with Cheddars Lane for a distance of 17.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.0 metres for transverse parking
14B All that part of the layby on the southwest side of CHEDDARS LANE which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 44.5 metres northwest of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 40 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
15 All that part of the west side of GODESTONE ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 32.5 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 55 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
16 All that part of the west side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 33 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 86 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
17 All that part of the west side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 124 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 10 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
18 All that part of the west side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 138 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 21.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
19 All that part of the east side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 35.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 6.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
20 All that part of the east side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 51 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 46 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
21 All that part of the east side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 101.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 37.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
22 All that part of the east side of PRIORY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 144 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 15.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
23 All that part of the west side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres south of the centreline of Riverside for a distance of 10.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
24 All that part of the west side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 37.5 metres south of the centreline of Riverside for a distance of 61 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
25 All that part of the west side of RIVER LANE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12.5 metres south of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 25 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
26 All that part of the south side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres east of the centreline of Abbey Road for a distance of 63 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
27 All that part of the south side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 12 metres west of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 59 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
28 All that part of the south side of RIVERSIDE which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10 metres east of the centreline of Saxon Road for a distance of 55 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
29 All that part of the west side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 39 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 42 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
30 All that part of the west side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 86 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 16 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
31 All that part of the west side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 107.5 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 13 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
32 All that part of the east side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 39 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 62 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
33 All that part of the east side of SAXON ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 107 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 18 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Atricles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 12(2)


Abbey Road
Beche Road
Cheddars Lane (nos.1 to 7 inclusive)
Godestone Road
Newmarket Road (nos. 119 to 251 odd nos. only)
Newmarket Road (nos.261 to 355 odd nos. only)
Priory Road
River Lane
Riverside (nos. 11 to 53 inclusive)
Saxon Road
Walnut Tree Avenue

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 13(1)

No. of parking place Each area described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway
1 All that part of the east side of Auckland Road which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14.7 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 56.6 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
2 All that part of the east side of Auckland Road which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 115 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 25.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
3 All that part of the west side of Auckland Road which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 113.2 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 27.3 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of Brunswick Gardens which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 85.8 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 11.1 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
5 All that part of the south side of Brunswick Gardens which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8.1 metres west of the centreline of Brunswick Terrace for a distance of 41.4 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6 All that part of the west side of Brunswick Terrace which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 54 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 44.6 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
7 All that part of the west side of Brunswick Terrace which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 103.1 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 5.2 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
8 All that part of the north side of Newmarket Road which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14.8 metres west of the centreline of Auckland Road for a distance of 31.2 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9 All that part of the north side of Newmarket Road which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20.8 metres east of the centreline of Auckland Road for a distance of 28.1 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the east side of the eastern north- south arm of Parsonage Street which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 27.3 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 58.9 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the east side of the eastern north- south arm of Parsonage Street which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 92.2 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 41.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
11 All that part of the east side of the eastern north- south arm of PARSONAGE STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 92.2 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 36 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
12 All that part of the north side of the east-west arm of Parsonage Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 8.8 metres west of the centreline of the north - south arm of Parsonage Street for a distance of 21.8 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
13 All that part of the west side of the western north- south arm of Parsonage Street which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11 metres south of the centreline of the east-west arm of Parsonage Street for a distance of 13 metres in a northerly direction for tangiential parking and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres
14 All that part of the north side of the turning head of the western north-south arm of PARSONAGE STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 36 metres west of the centreline of the eastern north- south arm of Parsonage Street for a distance of 5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres for tangential parking

SCHEDULE 12 - RESIDENTS PARKING PLACES (see Atricles 2 and 85 to 105)

PART 13(2)


Auckland Road
Bailey Mews
Brunswick Gardens
Brunswick Terrace
Brunswick Walk
Maid's Causeway (Nos. 27 to 71 odd)
Newmarket Road (Nos. 1 to 101 odd)
North Terrace
Parsonage Street

SCHEDULE 13 DISABLED PERSONS PARKING PLACES (see Articles 2 and 106 to 112)

Column 1Column 2
No. of Parking Place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of the specified highway is designated as a disabled persons parking place
A1 All that part of the east side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point metres 147.5 north of the centreline of Other Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
1 All that part of the western side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 69 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 5.2 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
1A All that part of the east side of AINSWORTH STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 18.5 metres south of the centreline of Stone Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
2 All that part of the northern side of BECHE ROAD which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 40 metres east of the centreline of Godesdone Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
3 All that part of the eastern side of BRUNSWICK TERRACE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point opposite the southern boundary of No 21 Brunswick Terrace for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
3A All that part of the north side of Chedworth Street which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 43 metres east of the centreline of its junction with Grantchester Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
4 All that part of the east side of CITY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres south of its junction with Fitzroy Street for a distance of 11 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
4A All that part of the east side of DROSIER ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 65.5 metres north of the centreline of Harvey Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres.
5 All that part of the southeast side of ELTISLEY AVENUE which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point opposite the boundary between Nos 31 and 32a Eltisley Avenue for a distance of 5 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
6 All that part of the east side of FAIR STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 14 metres north of its junction with Fitzroy Street for a distance of 16 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
6A All that part of the south side of GRAFTON STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 21 metres metres east of the centreline of its junction with City Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
6B All that part of the west side of GRANTCHESTER STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 23 metres south of the centreline of Owlstone Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
6C All that part of the south side of MONTAGUE ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 192 metres east of the centreline of De Freville Avenue for a distance of 5.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
6D1 All that part of the west side of KIMBERLEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 16.5 metres south of the centreline of Hamilton Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
6E All that part of the northeast side of MAGRATH AVENUE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 50 metres southeast of the centreline of Magrath Avenue link road with Hertford Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
7 All that part of the west side of NAPIER STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its southernmost point for a distance of 11 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
8 All that part of the northeast side of NELSON CLOSE which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from its westernmost point for a distance of 5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
8A All that part of the south side of NEW STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 26.5 metres west of the centreline of Harvest Way for a distance of 5.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
9 All that part of the west side of the north/south arm of NORFOLK TERRACE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 3 metres north of its junction with the east/west arm of Norfolk Terrace for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
9A All that part of the northern side of the east- west arm of STAFFORDSHIRE STREET which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.5 metres west of the centreline of the north-south arm of Staffordshire Street for a distance of 2.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.4 metres for diagonal standing of vehicles
9A All that part of the northern side of STAFFORDSHIRE GARDENS which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 10.5 metres west of the centreline of Staffordshire Street for a distance of 2.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 5.4 metres for diagonal standing of vehicles
9B All that part of the southeast side of ST.LUKE'S STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 13 metres southwest of the centreline of Alpha Road for a distance of 5.0 metres in a southwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
9C All that part of the east side of the eastern north- south arm of PARSONAGE STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 128.2 metres north of the centreline of Newmarket Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres
10 All that part of the western side of STURTON STREET which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 20 metres south of the centreline of Vicarage Terrace for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
11 All that part of the south side of PARADISE STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 30.5 metres east of the centerline of City Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
12 All that part of the west side of ABBEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 107 metres north of the centreline of Beche Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
13 All that part of the east side of KIMBERLEY ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 57.5 metres north of the centreline of Aylestone Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
14 All that part of the west side of DE FREVILLE AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 61 metres south of the centreline of Chesterton Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
15 All that part of the north side of Aylestone Road which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 11.5 metres west of the centreline of Belvoir Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
16 All that part of the north-east side of Hertford Street which is bounded on the north-east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 97.5 metres north-west of the centreline of East Hertford Street for a distance of 5.5 metres in a north-westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres.
18 All that part of the layby on the east side of STAFFORDSHIRE STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 78 metres north of the centreline of Staffordshire Gardens for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
19 All that part of the southeast side of SILVER STREET which is bounded on the southeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 138 metres northeast of the centreline of Queen's Road for a distance of 11 metres in a northeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
20 All that part of the northeast side of WARKWORTH STREET which is bounded on the northeast by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 65.5 metres northwest of the centreline of Warkworth Terrace for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northwesterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
21 All that part of the layby on the east side of Staffordshire Street which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 47.5 metres north of the centreline of Staffordshire Gardens for a distance of 5.5 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres
22 All that part of the west side of KIMBERLEY ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 49.5 metres south of the centreline of Aylestone Road for a distance of 5.5 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres

SCHEDULE 14 - Not applicable to this area.

SCHEDULE 14 - LOADING BAYS (see Articles 2 and 113 to 118)


No. of loading bay Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the footway of the specified highway is designated as a loading bay
Column 1Column 2
1 All that part of the footway on the northeast side of MAGDALENE STREET which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway as extends from a point 34 metres southeast of the centreline of Chesterton Lane for a distance of 10 metres in southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 2 metres

SCHEDULE 14 - LOADING BAYS (see articles 2 and 113 to 118)


Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of the specified highway is designated as a loading bay
1 All that part of the layby on the east side of REGENT STREET which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 408 metres south of the centreline of Downing Street for a distance of 10 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres

SCHEDULE 14 - LOADING BAYS (see Articles 2 and 113 to 118)


Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriagewayof the specified highway is designated as a loading bay
1 All that part of the east side of NEWNHAM ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125.3 metres south of its junction with Silver Street for a distance of 20.7 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 2.0 metres


Column 1Column 2
No. of Parking Place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a public service vehicle parking place
1 All that part of the southern side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Jesus Green Footbridge for a distance of 36 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
1 All that part of the southern side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 22 metres west of the centreline of Jesus Green Footbridge for a distance of 37 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
1 All that part of the southern side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres west of the centreline of Jesus Green Footbridge for a distance of 57 metres in a westerly direction
2 All that part of the south side of SILVER STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125.9 metres east of its junction with Newnham Road for a distance of 31.7 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
3 All that part of the western side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 41 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
4 All that part of the western side of VICTORIA AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 91 metres north of the centre point of the roundabout at its junction with Jesus Lane and Maid's Causeway for a distance of 29 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres



Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a public service vehicle parking place
1 All that part of the south side of CHESTERTON ROAD which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 19 metres west of the centreline of Jesus Green Footbridge for a distance of 57 metres in a westerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
2 All that part of the south side of SILVER STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125.9 metres east of its junction with Newnham Road for a distance of 31.7 metres in an easterly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
3 All that part of the west side of TRUMPINGTON ROAD which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 125 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street for a distance of 41 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
4 All that part of the west side of VICTORIA AVENUE which is bounded on the west by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 91 metres north of the centre point of the roundabout at its junction with Jesus Lane and Maid's Causeway for a distance of 29 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres



Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a public service vehicle parking place
1 All that part of the southwest side of PARKSIDE which is bounded on the southwest by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 39 metres northwest of the centreline of Warkworth Terrace for a distance of 94 metres in a southeasterly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres
2 All that part of the layby on the east side of VICTORIA AVENUE which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 105 metres north of the centre point of the roundabout at its junction with Jesus Lane and Maid's Causeway for a distance of 63 metres in a northerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres



Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a public service vehicle parking place
1 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 112 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 65 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres



Column 1Column 2
No. of parking place Each area of the highway described below in this column, being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a public service vehicle parking place
1 All that part of the east side of QUEEN'S ROAD which is bounded on the east by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway as extends from a point 50 metres south of the centreline of West Road for a distance of 52 metres in a southerly direction and which has a width throughout of 3 metres

SCHEDULE 16 - NO ENTRY (see Articles 2 and 129 to 131)


BURLEIGH STREET At its junction with East Road from all directions
CAROLINE PLACE At its junction with East Road from all directions
CASTLE ROW At its junction with Castle Street from all directions
FITZWILLIAM STREET At its junction with Trumpington Street from all directions
JOHN STREET At its junction with Adam and Eve Street from all directions
MAWSON ROAD At its junction with Mill Road from all directions
TRAFALGAR STREET At its junction with Victoria Avenue from all directions

SCHEDULE 16 - NO ENTRY (see Articles 2 and 129 to 131)


ABBEY STREET At its junction with New Street from all directions
Adam and Eve Street At its junction with Burleigh Street from all directions
(east of Bateman Mews)
At its junction with Bateman Mews from all directions.
(east of Francis Passage)
At its junction with Francis Passage from all directions
(east of Panton Street)
At its junction with Panton Street from all directions from all directions
BURLEIGH STEET At its junction with East Road from all directions
COVENT GARDEN At its junction with Mill Street from all directions
COVENT GARDEN At its junction with the rear entrance to no. 44 Mill Road from all directions
ELIZABETH WAY At its junction with St. Andrew's Road from all directions
FAIR STREET At its junction with Maids Causeway from all directions
GLISSON ROAD At its junction with Hills Road from all directions.
HERBERT STREET At its junction with Chesterton Road from all directions
KINGSTON STREET At its junction with Mill Road from that part of Mill Road which lies to the west of its junction with Kingston Street
LYNDEWODE ROAD At its junction with Tenison Road from all directions
MACKENZIE ROAD At its junction with Mackenzie Road from all directions
MAWSON ROAD At its junction with Mill Road from all directions
(from its junction with Harvest Way to its junction with Abbey Street)
At its junction with Harvest Way from all directions
NORFOLK STREET At its junction with East Road from all directions
ST. BARNABAS ROAD At its junction with Mill Road from all directions
TENISON ROAD At its junction with Lyndewode Road from Lyndewode Road
(part to the west of the Green)
(part to the east of the Green)
At its junction with Tenison Road from all directions

SCHEDULE 16 - NO ENTRY (see Articles 2 and 129 to 131)


SILVER STREET At its junction with Newnham Road Queens Road and Sidgwick Avenue from all directions

SCHEDULE 16 - NO ENTRY (see Articles 2 and 129 to 131)


VICTORIA ROAD At its junction with Histon Road from all directions
VICTORIA ROAD At its junction with Croft Holme Lane from all directions

SCHEDULE 16 - NO ENTRY (see Articles 2 and 129 to 131)


ST. ANDREW'S ROAD At its junction with Elizabeth Way from all directions

SCHEDULE 17 - PROHIBITED TURNS (see Articles 2 and 132 to 136)

PART 1 - Not applicable to this area.


Column 1Column 2
NEW STREETFrom St. Matthew's Gardens


Column 1Column 2
CASTLE STREETFrom Mount Pleasant
CHESTERTON ROADFrom Victoria Avenue
COLDHAM'S LANEfrom Henley Road
EAST ROADFrom Norfolk Street
EAST ROADFrom Burleigh Street
(except pedal cycles from the dual use cycleway/footway)
GODESTONE ROADfrom Newmarket Road
(vehicular access road)
From Barton Road
(except pedal cycles from the dual use cycleway/footway)
MAID'S CAUSEWAYFrom Fitzroy Lane
NEWMARKET ROADfrom Godestone Road
PARKER STREETFrom Clarendon Street
PRIVATE ACCESS to 217/219 NEWMARKET ROAD from Newmarket Road
(south of No.22)
(north of No.22)
From Regent Street
THE FEN CAUSEWAY From Sheep's Green dual use footpath

SCHEDULE 17 - PROHIBITED TURNS (see Articles 2 and 132 to 136)

PART 3 - Not applicable to this area.


COVENT GARDEN From the rear entrance of No. 44 Mill Road


Column 1Column 2
EAST ROAD At its junction with St. Matthew's Street
ELIZABETH WAY Between its junction with St. Andrew's Road and its junction with Humberstone Road

SCHEDULE 17 - PROHIBITED TURNS (see Articles 2 and 132 to 136)


Column 1Column 2
GONVILLE PLACE From Gonville Place dual use footway
GONVILLE PLACE From Gonville Place dual use footway
MOUNT PLEASANTFrom Castle Street
REGENT STREET From Parker's Piece dual use footway
THE FEN CAUSEWAY From Lammas Land dual use footpath

SCHEDULE 17 - PROHIBITED TURNS (see Articles 2 and 132 to 136)


Column 1Column 2
CASTLE STREETfrom Chesterton Lane
CHESTERTON LANE from Magdalene Street

SCHEDULE 18 - WEIGHT LIMIT (see Articles 2 and 137 to 139)


(east of its junction with Adam and Eve Street)
(Round Church Street to Lower Park Street)
(from its junction with Park Terrace to its junction with Lensfield Road)
(from its junction with Newnham Road to the River Bridge)
(from a point 20 metres south of Downing Street to its junction with Lensfield Road)
(from a point 145 metres south of Silver Street to its junction with Lensfield Road)

SCHEDULE 18 - WEIGHT LIMITS (see Articles 2 and 137 to 139)


From its junction with Victoria Avenue and Short Street to its junction with Newmarket Road
From its junction with Maids Causeway to its junction with East Road and Elizabeth Way



(from its junction with Newnham Road to the river bridge)

SCHEDULE 19 - LIMITED ACCESS (see Articles 2 and 140 to 143)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
(from its junction with Paradise Street to its junction with Burleigh Street)
141 a,b,c,d,e142 m,n
Adam and Eve Street;
(from its junction with Paradise Street to its junction with Burleigh Street
141 a, b, c, d, e, f, j142 m,
ALBERT STREET141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
AUCKLAND ROAD141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
BLOSSOM STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 c,m,o
BRUNSWICK GARDENS 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
BRUNSWICK TERRACE 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
east/west arm (from its junction with Crispin Place to its junction with the northwest/southeast arm of Burleigh Place)
141 b,d,e142 f,m
northwest/southeast arm and southwest/northeast arm
141 a,b,c,d,e142 m,n
southwest/northeast arm(from its junction with Burleigh Street for a distance of 10.1 metres in an easterly direction)
141 a,b,c,d,e142 m,n
(from its junction with Fitzroy Street to its junction with the line of the northwestern boundary of Adam and Eve Street)
141 b,d,e 142 m,n 142 n,r,s
(from its junction with the line of the northwestern boundary of Adam and Eve Street to its junction with East Road)
141 a,b,c,d,e142 m,n
(from a point 12 metres southeast of the junction with East Road for a distance of 41 metres in a southeasterly direction)
141 a,b,c,d,e,f142 m
(from a point 17.4 metres south of the general building line on the southern side of Fitzroy Street to its junction with Burleigh Street)
141 b,d,e142 m,n
(as lies north of the line of the northernmost edge of its junction with Burleigh Street)
141 a,b,c,d,e,f142 a,d,m
CLARENDON STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
EARL STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
(from a point 27.4 metres south of a point from the southern general building line of Fitzroy Street from the section of Eden Street north of this point)
141 d142 m
(from a point 27.4 metres south of m, s a point from the southern general building line of Fitzroy Street from the section of Eden Street north of this point)
-m, s
(from a point 27.4 metres south of a point from the southern general building line of Fitzroy Street from the section of Eden Street south of this point)
141 d142 c,m
(from a point 27.4 metres south of m, s a point from the southern general building line of Fitzroy Street from the section of Eden Street south of this point)
- m, s
EMERY STREET141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
EMERY ROAD141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
(from its junction with the southern arm of New Square from the section of Emmanuel Road south of this point and from Elm Street and from the southern arm of New Square)
-m, s
(from its junction with the northern arm of New Square from the section of Emmanuel Road north of this point and from the northern arm of New Square)
-m, s
FAIR COURT141 a,b,c,d,e,f142 m
(from its junction with Fair Street to the western boundary of No 36 Fitzroy Street)
141 a,b 142 c,e,m 142 c,e,r,s
(from the western boundary of No. 36 Fitzroy Street to its junction with Burleigh Street)
141 b,d,e 142 m,n 142 n,r,s
(from a point 30 metres west of its junction with Blossom Street for a distance of 30 metres in a westerly direction
141 b,c,d,e142 m,o
(from its junction with Gonville Place for a distance of 23 metres in a southerly direction)
141 b,d,e142 m
(from the southern kerbline of Milford Street in a southerly direction for a distance of 9.0 metres)
141 d142 i,m
(between its junction with Sturton Street and its junction with Kingston Street)
141 d142 i,m
JAMES STREET141 a,b,c,d,e,f142 m
MAGDALENE STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f142 a,b,c,d,g,l,m,s,t
(the eastern arm of New Square between a point 7 metres southwest of the southern general building line of the eastern arm of New Square and its junction with Fitzroy Street and the eastern end of the northern arm of New Square)
142 m
NORFOLK TERRACE 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 c,m,o
ORCHARD STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f142 m
PARSONAGE STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
PEROWNE STREET141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
ST. ANTHONY'S WALK141 b,d,e142 m
STAFFORDSHIRE STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 c
SEVERN PLACE141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
TENISON AVENUE141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
TRAFALGAR ROAD141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m
VICTORIA STREET 141 a,b,c,d,e,f,g142 m

SCHEDULE 19 LIMITED ACCESS (see Articles 2 and 140 to 143)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
(at a point 208 metres northeast of the centreline of its junction with Queen's Road from that part of Silver Street which is to the east of this point)

SCHEDULE 19 LIMITED ACCESS (see Articles 2 and 140 to 143)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
(at a point 48 metres northeast of the centreline of its junction with Queen's Road from that part of Silver Street which is to the west of this point)

SCHEDULE 20 - BOX JUNCTIONS (see Articles 2 and 144 to 145)

CASTLE STREET The boxed area at its junction with Mount Pleasant
VICTORIA ROAD The boxed area at its junction with Histon Road

SCHEDULE 21 - BUS/CYCLE LANE (see Articles 2 and 146 to 148)


HILLS ROAD On the western side of the carriageway from its junction with the northern boundary of Bateman Street to a point 28 metres southeast of its junction with Union Road

SCHEDULE 21 - BUS/CYCLE LANE (see Articles 2 and 146 to 148)


HILLS ROAD On the western side of the carriageway from its junction with the northern boundary of Bateman Street to a point 28 metres southeast of its junction with Union Road

SCHEDULE 21 - BUS/CYCLE LANE (see Articles 2 and 146 to 148)


HILLS ROAD On the western side of the carriageway from its junction with the northern boundary of Bateman Street to a point 28 metres southeast of its junction with Union Road
Hills Road On the western side of the carriageway from its junction with the northern boundary of Bateman Street to a point 37 metres north of the centreline of Union Road

SCHEDULE 21 - BUS/CYCLE LANES (see Articles 2 and 146 to 148)


VICTORIA AVENUE On the western side of the carriageway from its junction with Jesus Lane for a distance of 478.5 metres in a northerly direction

SCHEDULE 21 - BUS/CYCLE LANE (see Articles 2 and 146 to 148)


VICTORIA AVENUE On the western side of the carriageway from its junction with Jesus Lane for a distance of 478.5 metres in a northerly direction
VICTORIA AVENUE On its western side from the centreline of its junction with Jesus Lane northwards to a point 163 metres south of the centreline of Trafalgar Street



ELIZABETH WAY On the western side of the carriageway from a point 50 metres north of its junction with Newmarket Road northwards to its junction with Cutter Ferry Close

SCHEDULE 22 DUAL USE CYCLE TRACK (see Articles 2 and 149 to 150)

ABBEY ROAD; The footway on its east side from its junction with Newmarket Road for a distance of 15 metres in a northerly direction
ABBEY STREET The footway on both sides from a point 15 metres south of the centreline of its junction with Newmarket Road northwards to its junction with Newmarket Road
BARTON ROAD; The footway on its north side from its junction with Newnham Road to its junction with Grantchester Road
BROOKLANDS AVENUE The footway on its north side from its junction with Trumpington Road eastwards for a distance of 565 metres.
BROOKLANDS AVENUE The footway on its north side from its junction with Trumpington Road to its junction with Hills Road
BROOKLANDS AVENUE The footway on its south side from its junction with Trumpington Road to a point 50 metres west of its junction with Hills Road.
CHESTERTON ROAD The footway on its north side from a point 18 metres west of the centreline of Victoria Avenue westwards to its junction with Croft Holme Lane
CROFT HOLME LANE The footway on its east side from a point 15 metres north of the centreline of Chesterton Road southwards to its junction with Chesterton Road
ELIZABETH WAY The footway on its west side from its junction with St. Andrew's Road to a point 59 metres north of its junction with Newmarket Road.
ELIZABETH WAY The footway on its east side from its junction with Cutter Ferry Close to a point 59 metres north of its junction with Newmarket Road.
ELIZABETH WAY/ EAST ROAD/ NEWMARKET ROAD ROUNDABOUT The concourse, ramps, subways and associated areas.
FEN CAUSEWAY The footway on its southern side from its junction with Trumpington Road for a distance of 530 metres in a westerly direction
GONVILLE PLACE The footway on its northeast side from a point opposite its junction with Gresham Road to the bus layby in front of the Gonville Place conveniences.
GRANGE ROAD The footway on its east side from the rear of the footway in southwards for a distance of 15 metres
GRANGE ROAD The footway on its east side from its junction with Barton Road to its junction with Madingley Road
MADINGLEY ROAD On both sides from its junction with Lady Margaret Road to its junction with Queens Road/Northampton street
MAID'S CAUSEWAY The footway on its south side from a point 103 metres west of the centreline of Fair Street westwards to its junction with Short Street
(Mitchams Corner)
The footway on its south and east sides from a point 81 metres west of the centreline of its southernmost junction with Springfield Road eastwards and southwards to its junction with Chesterton Road
NEWMARKET ROAD The footway on its north side from its junction with Abbey Road for a distance of 90 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD The footway on its south side from a point 3.5 metres west of the centreline of its junction with Abbey Street for a distance of 7 metres in an easterly direction
NEWNHAM ROAD The footway on its west side from its junction with Barton Road northwards for a distance of 40 metres.
NEWNHAM ROAD The footway on its west side from its junction with Summerfield for a distance of 164 metres in a southerly direction
NEWNHAM ROAD The footway on its east side from a point 40 metres north of its junction with Barton Road northwards for a distance of 3 metres.
PARKSIDE The footway on its southwestern side from its junction with Park Terrace for a distance of 84 metres in a southeasterly direction
PARK TERRACE The footway on its west side from its junction with Parkside southwards for a distance of 160 metres.
QUEEN'S ROAD The footway on its west side from its junction with West Road to its junction with Madingley Road
SHORT STREET The footway on its east side from a point 46 metres north of the centreline of Willow Walk northwards to its junction with Maid's Causeway
TRUMPINGTON ROAD The footway on its west side from its junction with Brooklands Avenue to a point 37.5 metres south of its junction with Fen Causeway.
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its west side from its junction with Brooklands Avenue to its junction with The Fen Causeway
VICTORIA AVENUE The footway on its west side from a point 35 metres north of the centreline of Trafalgar Street northwards for 8 metres
VICTORIA AVENUE The footway on both sides from a point 190 metres south of the centreline of Trafalgar Street southwards for 36 metres
VICTORIA AVENUE The footway on its west side from a point 361 metres south of the centeline of Trafalgar Street southwards for 67 metres
VICTORIA AVENUE The footway on its east side from a point 344 metres south of the centreline of Trafalgar Street southwards for 78 metres

SCHEDULE 23 - CYCLE LANES (see Articles 2 and 151 to 154)


BATEMAN STREET On its north side from a point 15 metres east of the centreline of Panton Street to a point 62 metres west of the centreline of Hills Road in an easterly direction

SCHEDULE 23 CYCLE LANES (see Articles 2 and 151 to 154)

PART 1 - Not applicable to this area.


ABBEY STREET On its west side from its junction with New Street northwards to a point 21 metres north of the centreline of New Street
CHESTERTON ROAD On its north side from its junction with George Street to its junction with Chesterton Hall Crescent
CHESTERTON ROAD On its north side from its junction with Albert Street to its junction with Croft Holme Lane
CHESTERTON ROAD On its north side from a point 9 metres west of the centreline of George Street for a distance of 9 metres in a westerly direction
CHESTERTON ROAD On its north side from a point 28 metres west of the centreline of George Street for a distance of 33 metres in a westerly direction
CHESTERTON ROAD On its south side from a point 32 metres east of the centreline of George Street for a distance of 50 metres in a westerly direction
CHESTERTON ROAD On its south side from a point 28 metres west of the centreline of George Street for a distance of 17 metres in a westerly direction
DEVONSHIRE ROAD On its southern side from its junction with Tenison Road for a distance of 115 metres in an easterly direction
EAST ROAD On its eastern side from a point 43 metres north east of the centreline of St Matthew's Street for distance of 130 metres in a northeasterly direction
EAST ROAD On its eastern side from a point 13 metres south west of the centreline of St Matthew's Street for distance of 232 metres in a southwesterly direction.
EAST ROAD On its western side from a point 64 metres south west of the centreline of Bradmore Street for distance of 80 metres in a southwesterly direction.
EAST ROAD On its western side from a point 23 metres north east of the centreline of St Matthew's Street for distance of 127 metres in a northeasterly direction.
EAST ROAD On its western side from its junction with Burleigh Street to its junction with Nelson Close
EAST ROAD On its northwest side from its junction with Parkside to a point 49 metres southwest of the centreline of Bradmore Street
EAST ROAD On its northwest side from a point 20 metres northeast of the centreline of Burleigh Street to a point 39 metres northeast of the centreline of St. Matthew's Street
EAST ROAD On its southeast side from a point 17 metres southwest of the centreline of Norfolk Street to its junction with St. Matthew's Street
EAST ROAD On its southeast side from a point 24 metres northeast of the centreline of St. Matthew's Street for a distance of 150 metres in a northeasterly direction
EMMANUEL ROAD On both sides from a point 22 metres north of the centreline of the southern arm of New Square for a distance of 12 metres in a northerly direction
ELIZABETH WAY On its west side from a point 11 metres north of the centreline of its junction with Cutter Ferry Close for a distance of 164 metres in a northerly direction
GRANGE ROAD On both sides from its junction with Herschel Road to its junction with Madingley Road
HILLS ROAD On its west side from a point 13 metres north of its junction with Brooklands Avenue to a point 70 metres south of its junction with Bateman Street
HUNTINGTON ROAD On its southwest side from a point 40 metres northwest of its junction with Buckingham Road to its junction with Halifax Road.
HUNTINGTON ROAD On its northeast side from a point 50 metres north of its junction with Histon Road to its junction with Halifax Road.
MILTON ROAD On its southeast side from a point 225 metres southwest of the centreline of Gilbert Road southwestwards to its junction with Victoria Road
NEW STREET On its south side from the centreline of Harvest Way westwards for a distance of 20 metres
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from the junction with Elizabeth Way for a distance of 65 metres in an easterly direction
NEWMARKET ROAD On its north side from its junction with Parsonage Street to a point 46 metres west of the centreline of Auckland Road
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from its junction with Wellington Street to a point 15 metres east of the centreline of Napier Street
NEWMARKET ROAD On its south side from its junction with Christchurch Street to its junction with James Street
REGENT STREET On its east side from its junction with Park Terrace for a distance of 35 metres in a southerly direction
REGENT STREET On its west side from a point 7 metres north of the northern boundary of No. 36 Regent Street for a distance of 55 metres in a northerly direction
SILVER STREET On both sides between points 93 metres and 106 northeast of the centreline of Queen's Road
TENISON ROAD On its western side from a point 20 metres south of its junction with Tenison Avenue northwards to its junction with Lyndewode Road
TENISON ROAD On its eastern side from its junction with Devonshire Road for a distance of 27 metres in a northerly direction
TENNIS COURT ROAD On its eastern side from its junction with Fitzwilliam Street to its junction with Lensfield Road
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its west side from a point 163 metres south of the centreline of The Fen Causeway for a distance of 242 metres in a southerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its west side from a point 66 metres north of the centreline of Brooklands Avenue for a distance of 46 metres in a southerly direction
TRUMPINGTON ROAD On its east side from a point 95 metres south of the centreline of The Fen Causeway to its junction with Bateman Street
VICTORIA ROAD On its northeast side from a point 68 metres southeast of the centreline of Corona Road southeastwards to its junction with Milton Road

SCHEDULE 23 CYCLE LANES (See Articles 2 and 151 to 154)


HILLS ROAD On its east side from its junction with Harvey Road to a point 35 metres south of the centreline of Bateman Street

SCHEDULE 23 CYCLE LANES (see Articles 2 and 151 to 154)


CHESTERTON ROAD On its south side from its junction with Victoria Avenue to a point 58 metres west of the centreline of Croft Holme Lane

SCHEDULE 24 PARKING PLACES WITHOUT CHARGE (see Articles 2 and 155 to 161)


Column 1Column 2Column 3
No.of parking bays Each area described below in this column being an area forming part of the carriageway of a specified highway is designated as a parking place without charge No. of parking place
1 All that part of the south side of CORONATION STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carraigeway of that highway as extends from a point 9 metres east of its junction with Coronation Mews for a distance of 15 metres in an easterly direction 3
2 All that part of the south side of CORONATION STREET which is bounded on the south by so much of the edge of the carraigeway of that highway as extends from a point 56 metres east of its junction with Coronation Mews for a distance of 9 metres in an easterly direction 2
3 All that part of the northern side of EAST ROAD; which is bounded on the north by so much of the edge of the carriageway of that highway and which lies to the south of Elizabeth Way roundabout and forms a cul-de-sac off Occupation Road and which has a width throughout of 5.5 metres 26

SCHEDULE 25 - REVOCATION (see Articles 56)


Title of Order: